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  1. AaronMk

    Experiences Face claims vs voice claims vs neither

    I'm personally anti any sort of X-claim. Just write out a description. Hell: you don't have to give hyper-specefics if it's not your style. I've read published works where character details are given in very broad sweeps because it's not actually that important. You just got to give enough for...
  2. AaronMk

    Advice/Help Writing Question

    For RP and fanfic? Yes. Absolutely. It's a hobby and folk art. Commercial or haute culture rules don't apply. Though anyone is free to try for that.
  3. AaronMk

    Other Random question of the day

    Yes. But I'm pretty sure a mild sense of irony has been the norm in just about any and all media for a very long time. So it's hardly a toxic level of irony in their own blood if they have a franchise that does/did make fun of them.
  4. AaronMk

    Word Associations

  5. AaronMk

    How many Bands/singers can we name?

    Talking Heads
  6. AaronMk

    Other What is something you called out a long time ago that you turned out to be right about?

    To be honest in 2006 you had to be Korean to see where the wind was blowing, because like their sister finance model loot boxes microtransactions sprung out of the South Korean video game industry. It probably went to Japan first before it launched in the west.
  7. AaronMk

    Other What is something you called out a long time ago that you turned out to be right about?

    #FixTF2 would be another train wreck. To date they've only managed to produce gay porn of the Omegatron bot host and programmer's OC/persona and Valve hasn't even acknowledged it
  8. AaronMk

    Other What ruined a fandom for you?

    While I am somehow still in it or associate myself with it is a mystery to even me, my relationship to Bronies can be readily summed up by a friend of mine who I quote:
  9. AaronMk

    Experiences What was your first ever rp with someone?

    In the early to mid 00s I discovered forums via the RuneScape forums and by accident stumbled into a thread that was as a bit doing a sort of roleplay. It wasn't in the dedicated board for it, but everyone was rolling with it. I didn't do anything again like that for several years until I joined...
  10. AaronMk

    Viewpoint How do you deal with hostility

    Kick them out.
  11. AaronMk

    Other What age range are you in?

    Gonna be 33 here soon
  12. AaronMk

    Advice/Help Longer replies?

    Having a long post isn't necessarily a good post unless your character(s) are alone. In scenes where you're with several other player characters, I at least would expect you don't write too much in order to prevent any single person from dominating the scene too much. You have n-number of people...
  13. AaronMk

    Other Random question of the day

    The traditional "common knowledge" reason given is that summer vacations in the US exists so family farms could have summer help on the farm. But the most labor intensive periods in farming is the autumn and spring planting and harvest seasons respectively. CBS however claims it was because...
  14. AaronMk

    Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

    Being into nation building RPs and often in contemporary settings I've 100% found myself looking up information on chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons that absolutely have me in the NSA logs somewhere*. Because like some authors, if I'm going to do something or moderate people doing things...
  15. AaronMk

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    Roleplay being what it is, I would be baffled at why you would even bother with AI. Isn't the point to do the thing yourself? Asking Chat GPT to write out your responses is quietly declaring your dereliction of play. Never mind being deceptive. If I wanted to practically play a game or have an...
  16. AaronMk

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    Because I drew it myself for a short bit of MLP portraits done up in the style of Disco Elysium, especially aiming for most similar or funny combinations
  17. AaronMk

    If you were in a video game, what would the character above you drop when they die?

    Cat meat (thigh) [x1]
  18. AaronMk

    Literature favorite queer books?

    It's many things but there is no shortage of scenes barely in or clearly outside of subtext being gay. Queequeg proposes to marry the protagonist, the dudes on the ship tease and chase each other's hands about in vats of whale head matter (Sperm), and there's some other stuff. If just to make...
  19. AaronMk

    Literature favorite queer books?

    Moby Dick, not a joke