Other Random question of the day

What do you mean? Is the question about getting more food, the disaster of water in milk, or the hole in the roof?

More food is difficult- I've seen several YouTube videos about how to get a survivable amount of food off of one dollar- alternatively, you can work in a restaurant and survive off of leftovers from the kitchen. Asking for food from neighbors is also a solution, but that requires a good neighborhood with decent people.

Water in milk? If you're starving, no big deal. Drink it. I wouldn't like how it tasted, but there's no being picky in this scenario.

Hole in the roof? Cover it with a tarp if you can- or seal it up with something, like spray insulation. That's the most difficult question for me, as I've never had to repair anything like that before.
It's a reference to the song Love Of The Common People.
Random question of the day:

Now that Disney owns Family Guy, does that make any jabs at Disney the show has made canon?
Yes. But I'm pretty sure a mild sense of irony has been the norm in just about any and all media for a very long time. So it's hardly a toxic level of irony in their own blood if they have a franchise that does/did make fun of them.
No. I would like to know what teacher is so strict students can't breathe during their lessons. That's messed up.
Not really breathing, that would be weird. But I had a teacher who told me off for sneezing. It was in front of the whole class and was very humiliating. I was scared to go to this teacher's lessons.
Random question of the day:

Why are human characters that aren't Eggman always such a taboo in the Sonic franchise?
I don't know if they're taboo so much as the Sonic games are kind of a mess, because there's at least two or three in-Sega studios making Sonic games at any one time and they're not talking to each other and at the upper end there are twelve studios all making Sonic games or are at least sub-contracted by the Sega studios to make or help make Sonic games and they aren't in communication with one another either, but not as steeped in internal rivalry as the Sega studios.
Well, yeah. Taking anything too seriously can be a strain in your mental health.

Which, should be noted, doesn't mean that the simple act of taking something seriously automatically translates to taking it too seriously. Yes, even if you're doing it as a hobby.

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