Other Random question of the day

Random question of the day:

The antagonist from the last Creepypasta you read/watched/played is coming to kill you. The first object you see will be your weapon against them. What will you use?
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Why couldn't Sega just give the nighttime gameplay to Knuckles instead of turning Sonic into a Werehog in Sonic Unleashed?
No answers yesterday again. What a shame, again.

Random question of the day:

Is it true that brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton?
Consciously? Yes. There's no other exposed bones that we can clean manually. The rest of your skeleton is routinely broken down and rebuilt by specialized cell maintenence, and will be for your entire life.
No answers yesterday again. What a shame, again.

Random question of the day:

Is it true that brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton?
I mean, if you have a massive surgery that requires part of a bone to be replaced or reconstructed, technically yes? But if you're a perfectly average person that never has to get something like that done, presumably brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton, yes?
Random question of the day:

What are your views on internet arguments?
They are fun. Especially discord ones. They are very entertaining to just watch or be in. That is, until a list of everybody you've ever known in your life and your internet browising history pop up from the screen ☠️
Both can apply here.

Some are complete wastes of time and patience and will drain your mood to boot. They also have a bad habit of sticking in your head for a while disrupting even fun or productive things you would do completely unrelated to it.

However, even with someone I really disagree with I can appreciate a civilized debate, Andy my propensity for being opinionated certainly doesn’t help my need to engage in them. Further there are certain types of claims I just can’t accept being said without speaking up.

I believe to a certain extent the clash of viewpoints is a healthy and important thing. Nobody has a perfectly objective viewpoint but we can approach truth by refining it through what others see that we can’t. It’s a shame that especially nowadays one can have to tip toe around important topics, lest an innocuous statement be taken in an uncharitable way and bring down the wrath of the mob.
Random question of the day:

What are your views on internet arguments?
I personally don't really see a point. The person on the other end is just using the power of internet anonymity to their advantage in making them feel better about themselves, even if they're completely wrong or just looking to get a rise out of someone. Why fight when the internet invented the block button lmao
Pointless. "No, my opinion is right." "My opinion is a fact!" -insert name calling and personal insults-

Very rarely are there actual conversations between people where both can respectfully share their opinions and maybe learn from each other. Too many times, things get heated, people argue for the sake of arguing and it just ends up being what I said earlier, pointless.
Random question of the day:

What are your views on internet arguments?
They can be interesting, but I think people vastly overestimate how much their opinions matter. Acting like words in a chat online are equal to a genuine emergency situation. I get it, but a virtual discussion doesn't deserve that amount of adrenaline and... emotional bandwidth?

Most times it's far wiser to be a listener. You can disagree without vocalizing it.
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Because, they advise you to take care of your teeth using their products. They probably make more money annually just from the fact that they sell other things. Even then, dentist visits are really expensive. Don't even talk about braces. But, there are some people that just wanna see you smile.

You should smile today

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