Viewpoint How do you deal with hostility

Perpetual Zen

Pneumonia Sucks
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I'm just curious to see how other's answer this. It's just to see other's view points on the matter of what hostility is and isn't. How do you handle it?
You mean roleplay wise? I don't tolerate that at any point. I shut it down especially if I've done nothing to warrant such behavior. Automatic ignore, no contact.
You mean roleplay wise? I don't tolerate that at any point. I shut it down especially if I've done nothing to warrant such behavior. Automatic ignore, no contact.
Just in any sense. Role plays yeah, that's a fair place where you'll encounter it and I'm fairly the same way. I have no tolerance for it. Although, it has to be like directed hostility. I try my best to be like. Okay, is this frustration or directed hostility? What is the intent behind what's being said

I ask also because sometimes online hostility is so hard to read. Like, sometimes I don't know when it's happening and it goes right over my head

Thank you for responding it's a good and fair response
Just in any sense. Role plays yeah, that's a fair place where you'll encounter it and I'm fairly the same way. I have no tolerance for it. Although, it has to be like directed hostility. I try my best to be like. Okay, is this frustration or directed hostility? What is the intent behind what's being said

I ask also because sometimes online hostility is so hard to read. Like, sometimes I don't know when it's happening and it goes right over my head

Thank you for responding it's a good and fair response
I understand how you feel. Online is so much different than in real life because you can't really tell the tone behind people's words. Like passive aggressive or just downright hostile. You are not alone in how you feel.
I mean it heavily depends on the situation and context. Who is being hostile, are they just being hostile out of nowhere or as the first thing or are they being hostile after something happened, if so what happened, if not where/how/why are they showing hostility... The appropriate response is not the same for all of these. The question is far too vague and broad.
As said before, it does depend on the context.

Generally speaking, if I'm the GM I will do my best to settle the situation ASAP. I will investigate the matter and then make a decision on what to do once I get the facts. Thankfully, in the one RP I run here I have great players who do an awesome job of taking care of things if a troll rears its ugly head while I'm AFK, which has happened.

If I'm a player, I will stand my ground and hope the GM or RP mods will be able to handle things. If not, I'll go to a site mod. If it's still not resolved, then I'll leave the game. I'm too old and tired, and have no patience for drama. I already dealt with that in high school.
I suppose it depends on what you perceive is hostile or what is not.
At what point I guess, does hostility become a problem, is a good way of phrasing it.

To you grumpy, it's when there is a boundary cross and for idea they need to have a more pointed reason for intervening.

Both super valid observations
So in general I think it depends on your own personal comfort level.

I have been told multiple times I come across as very nitpicky which some players interpret as hostility. I don’t intend it that way but I usually apologies and wish them the best. (I also do genuinely try to curb this tendency where I can).

For myself I think of it when someone isn’t taking another persons feelings into account. It’s fine to make a mistake but if someone has expressed their feelings about an issue and you ignore them? That’s what I read as hostility.

Ex. Suzy doesn’t like to have mentions of drug use in a roleplay. John ignores her request and has his character use drugs.
Yeah, you and I often think alike. I'm pretty much the same. Like, if it is directed at someone with an intent to make someone feel uncomfortable or intimidated. That is hostility right there
I'm just curious to see how other's answer this. It's just to see other's view points on the matter of what hostility is and isn't. How do you handle it?
I am hostile in general according to alot of people on here. However I just return it right back. However if people are nice and warm and lustful or loving; I return it right back; most of the time. Within being pg13.
I have a zero tolerance policy for disrespect and crossing boundaries. Since we’re talking online, I would hit that block/ignore button without hesitation. I don’t bother with arguments, or trying to excuse their behavior. It’s not my job to educate them on manners when dealing with people.

I define hostility as an interaction with purposeful and clearly intentional malice from one or both sides.


General Frustration/Anger: I'm just getting sick of saying the same fucking thing over and over again. So, for the last time, this is what we're doing. (Insert information about what's going to be done).

Hostility: Okay, are you just not listening, or are you fucking stupid? How many times do I have to say it? Seriously. This is worse than trying to explain the rules of Poker to a three year old! So, for the final time, pay some fucking attention for once and maybe you'll finally get it!

You can feel the difference in that second one, can't you? It's not just angry. It's outright malicious. The language is directly and purposefully constructed to attack and insult the intelligence of whomever it's being aimed at rather than simply voicing frustration about having to repeat oneself.

When someone's use of language and communication devolves into malicious attacks, that's hostility. Plain and simple. If it's directed at me, or anyone around me whether it's IRL or online I won't hesitate to call it exactly as I see it, nor will I hesitate to shut it down the moment it arises.

Malicious behavior is uncivilized, universally destructive, and self-defeating. The moment you cross that line any point you were trying to make is now null and void. Whatever the argument or situation, you've lost. Period.

If you encounter malicious behavior with clear and intentional attacks aimed at you or anyone else the best course of action is simply to block them and advise everyone else do the same. Whoever's being malicious has no place in your lives, nor should you waste any of your valuable time on them. If they want to be malicious and destructive then they're welcome to do so by themselves.

If you find yourself in a position where you can't get away from it then the best course of action is to proceed with calmness, kindness, and understanding. Every time they insult or attack you they're proving to everyone watching/reading that they're the asshole and you're the victim. And so long as you keep your cool then it doesn't matter what they say, how they say it, or how long they try to drag it out. They're the asshole, and you're the victim who didn't let them beat you down.

You won. And that's the sweetest victory you could ever hope for.

Some others have mentioned no tolerance for boundary crossing/OOC hostility, which I agree with and implement in my own writing partnerships. There's really no excuse for taking out your own insecurities/bad day on someone else or projecting your bad mood in someone's direction to try to either get them to respond to you or ruin their day. I protect my peace. People may think they're entitled to your time/emotions/space, but they're not.

In stories, hostility's just part of the plot sometimes. There are several tropes where it's essential, in fact, and having hostile, tense, or unpleasant situations can be good for character and story growth/development.

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