Other What is something you called out a long time ago that you turned out to be right about?


Junior Member
So I was thinking about some things today things that I called out years ago and turned out to be right about and I want to know who else feels vindicated today? Like what is something you called out years ago that you turned out to be right about?

The one I feel vindicated about is toggling your internet. For those of us who play or have played fighting games online, this is when someone purposely messes with their internet to mess with the connection so that the game lags and or freezes so that their opponent can't fight properly and it causes them to lose. I called this out years ago when Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 came out and people told me that it was impossible that people couldn't mess with their internet like that and that I was just salty and needed to get better at the game or maybe my internet was just crap. Now it is a well-known tactic today and I cannot help but laugh.
I don't really have anything but I must have missed the memo. I didn't know this was thing, doesn't surprise me though, and yet another reason why I leave the online gaming to everyone else. It's just not my thing.
I don't really have anything but I must have missed the memo. I didn't know this was thing, doesn't surprise me though, and yet another reason why I leave the online gaming to everyone else. It's just not my thing.
Well, to be fair it's only a tactic I've seen used in fighting games and I don't really play fighting games online anymore I think I stopped after Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. So if you have never heard of this tactic before it makes sense since not only would you have to play online games but fighting games at that.
I don't really have anything but I must have missed the memo. I didn't know this was thing, doesn't surprise me though, and yet another reason why I leave the online gaming to everyone else. It's just not my thing.
Oh and another reason you may not have heard of it is because people don't technically call it toggling your internet it's counted as a form of ragequitting for some reason so you may have heard people use the term rage quit and theg might have actually meant this, but most people know rage quitting as when you disconnect your internet so the loss isn't recorded.
Voxels. When I first saw them about a decade ago I instantly believed that they would begin to replace polygons in video games when computing technology got beefier, and that day is fast approaching.
Jar Jar binks being a secret sith lord. I remember trying to explain to my friends that "he uses force jump in TPM and has yellow eyes" on the playground in the fourth grade (around 2005-ish) Though this isn't wholly canon the theory has been indirectly confirmed as was going to be canon.
Taking away a comfort item such as a teddy bear from a child as punishment is toxic and a form of abuse.

It happened to me when I was only about 11 but I knew immediately that it was wrong on multiple levels (opinions about that age being too old for that is unwelcome btw).

People always told me that my opinions on things like that would change when I grew older (not clear how much older they meant).

I'm 26 now and I saw a social media post about a year or so ago saying that same thing I've always believed. I was very happy that at least one other person was aware of the phenomenon and was calling it out publicly.
When I was around 11, I told my mother “Wow, having a baby must be torture!” And I was right! The amount of sleep parents get with a newborn child counts as sleep torture by the Geneva Convention
I was right by never having children, it feels more agreable and safer to me.

Also, more freedom and time to rest, too.
I was saying these two comic book writers were shit before anyone else I know of/before it became a common sentiment
#FixTF2 would be another train wreck. To date they've only managed to produce gay porn of the Omegatron bot host and programmer's OC/persona and Valve hasn't even acknowledged it

When they were first used by Bethesday to give special horse armor, I told all my friends and many online forums it was going to become a norm since it was successful despite the backlash from the online community. People said I was crazy or just dumb and that this kind of garbage literally couldn't become the norm since nobody would be dumb enough to buy in-game microtransactions, and...

Well, I think the current gaming landscape speaks for itself.
Before Stardew Valley came out and it was just a little game that ConcernedApe posted updates about once and a while I was still following it. I was pretty active on a Harvest Moon forum which it was heavily inspired by and I had said Stardew Valley was gonna do really well. It was hitting the PC market with mods which hadn't been touched before. At the time people would slap down any game that had farming sim elements calling it a clone of Harvest Moon. (Even though it wasn't even the original farming sim either) The overall reception toward the game when it was only a blog was tepid and at most people thought it'd be ok.

Stardew Valley is now a bigger name than Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and freaking started a whole trend of them on the PC to the point farming sim fans are spoiled for choice instead of one every couple years.

When they were first used by Bethesday to give special horse armor, I told all my friends and many online forums it was going to become a norm since it was successful despite the backlash from the online community. People said I was crazy or just dumb and that this kind of garbage literally couldn't become the norm since nobody would be dumb enough to buy in-game microtransactions, and...

Well, I think the current gaming landscape speaks for itself.
To be honest in 2006 you had to be Korean to see where the wind was blowing, because like their sister finance model loot boxes microtransactions sprung out of the South Korean video game industry. It probably went to Japan first before it launched in the west.

When they were first used by Bethesday to give special horse armor, I told all my friends and many online forums it was going to become a norm since it was successful despite the backlash from the online community. People said I was crazy or just dumb and that this kind of garbage literally couldn't become the norm since nobody would be dumb enough to buy in-game microtransactions, and...

Well, I think the current gaming landscape speaks for itself.
The only reason why Evolve didn't get away with its utterly absurd microtransactions was because it came out before the practice really got normalized. If it came out today, it wouldn't have drawn any eyes.

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