Other What ruined a fandom for you?

I was threatened to be doxxed once in the name of "cleansing the Animal Crossing community".
AKA: They didn't get voted into being a mod and was mad about it.
The moment that Pro and Anti shipping discourse enters the space, I'm jumping ship.

The Genshin Impact community, as much as I enjoy the game, is also a cesspool. Seeing VAs get harassment for just doing their job is awful.
Ship wars. Omfg it always just ruins my want to be part of a fandom. People just can't go “cool for you, that ship isn't my thing” and move on. Unless it's actually one that's toxic or unhealthy of course.

That and the Genshin Impact fandom literally harassing VAs. It's disheartening and honestly it gives Voltron fandom vibes.
Unfortunately, it's usually the out of pocket behavior displayed by the fandom itself. I don't usually engage with the fandom of a franchise or series I otherwise enjoy/love as a result.

Hard lesson learned.
Star Wars was ruined for me by the Fandom itself. More specifically, the Fandom Menace. I used to be all for them but I came to realize that they were a lot of reactionists who held double standards towards anything Disney, openly advocating for them to be eschewed from Canon and seeing anyone semblance of progress as woke.

I don't like the Sequel Trilogy. I could go all day about how much I dislike it. However, there are fans out there who enjoyed that era of Star Wars. If those movies reached even one person and made them happy, they have a valid reason to exist and I have no right to step on their enjoyment.

This was how the Prequel Trilogy was treated back when it was released. I know how it feels and it sucks. The Fandom Menace are not your friends. They're not fighting to preserve Star Wars. They're fighting to preserve their vision of Star Wars. They're responsible for the divide in the fandom, not Disney or Lucasfilm, or anyone else. Their identities and content are based on ragebaiting. If Star Wars were "fixed," they'd have nothing to complain about and their content doesn't get clicks.

I don't engage with the larger fandom because of them. They're an extremely nasty, gatekeeping lot who are no better than the idiotic things Disney has said in the past.

Do not listen to them.

They are not on your side.
While I am somehow still in it or associate myself with it is a mystery to even me, my relationship to Bronies can be readily summed up by a friend of mine who I quote:

nothing has eroded my belief in freedom of expression more than the decade+ that i've been exposed to bronies
For many fandoms, its definitely the fanbase and ship wars, as well as constant discourse surrounding every single piece of media made.

Its tiring and unnecessary for everyone involved, and if people could just live and let live, I think it’d be way better for everyone’s sanity.
honestly the content that orignally got me into the fandom started to become trashy and dumb and really contridicted earlier content and itself and on top of the really agressive shippers i just decided to stop
I stopped being in any popular fandoms and i am only restricting myself to unpopular verses.

Unpopular verses are much better, no wars, idiocies.. Pure enjoyment.

Being in the One Piece, Naruto fandoms, so much darn toxicity, not to mention that i think Oda was harrassed on Twitter, as they wanted some headcanons to become canon..

Nowadays with James Bond, Johnny English and some others, i'm in peace.

The One Piece fandom ruined the franchise for me, the Naruto one was insane, as hell..

Some games with those "horror mascots" are filled with toxicity, drama, and i dare to say it, unstable users..
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