Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

BambiLoverLol BambiLoverLol this conversation is off topic because the question concerns people who rp against other people, not against AI.

Please take it to PMs, guys, or make your own thread, thanks.

Personally, if I can discern that AI was used to create an interest check/recruitment thread I wouldn't necessarily hold it against the one who posted it. But it would set off warnings in my head that this might be an RP to avoid. After all, if the one posting the thread used AI to generate the thread itself, what's to stop them from using it in their posts as well in the actual RP?

Speaking of...

I won't beat around the bush on this one, I view AI generated posts as creative incompetence.

The whole point of art in general, regardless of medium, is self expression. And roleplaying is no different.

You are supposed to be the one creating characters and worlds and moments within a story. Not some AI program who's doing it all from stolen or hastily thrown together ideas put into its algorithm by its creator.

AI is not you, no matter how involved you were in the making of the prompt. And AI will never be able to truly generate art in its most basic and human definition.

What the AI spits out is an amalgamation of ideas which, based on its training, it deemed "good enough" to be related to your prompt. Often times, what it gives you isn't even close to your prompt. Or is just far enough away from it to be worth classifying as something else entirely. And no matter how close it gets, it doesn't represent you or your creative process. Nor does it represent any actual effort on your part to be creative. It's a lazy, hollow, shameless display of the mindset that "this is too hard/I don't feel like thinking, so I'll let a program be creative for me."
Again, creative incompetence.

In all honesty, and I know this is an incredibly harsh take on the matter, but I very seriously believe that if you use AI to "roleplay" then have two choices: Stop using AI and actually put in the fucking effort to be creative yourself, or quit the hobby.

Using AI is not roleplaying, nor does using it make you a role player any more than using AI to generate hash brown pictures makes you an artist (no disrespect to hash browns intended) .

So, don't use AI.


The whole point of art in general, regardless of medium, is self expression. And roleplaying is no different.
I agree with most of your post! Except for this bit. I don't agree with this definition.

(Edit to clarify: I'll be using both drawing and writing as examples)

I think if you're an independent artist, then most frequently, yes! The purpose to your art is self-expression. However, that definition can vary based on what YOU are creating the art for. If you're doing a commission for someone else, then the art isn't about your self-expression so much as it is about accurately depicting someone ELSE'S self-expression.

And then you get into art that ISN'T for the sake of self expression at all - art exists that is simply for the sake of communication. Public restrooms signs are a good example.

The same goes for writing. Using a language AI to write a bulletin board list of tasks to be accomplished by a team of workers is also something I find inoffensive, because the purpose is to communicate clearly, not express your own creative touches.

As an artist, I don't find any shame in using AI art or AI writing for particular purposes that DON'T step on the more creative roots of the medium. I use AI art when I want to get an image down for a character that I'm not willing to funnel 6 hours of scribbling into, just to have the RP tank before it begins. Just having a quick image on the screen can be quite enough to get my ideas going, and I don't consider this stepping on the creative process because the ultimate goal is to inspire me to create a character, not create a self-expressive art piece. The creative control is still all my own.

I've even prompted AI art and liked the character enough to draw them myself, down the line. I consider those pieces of my own no less self-expressive because they came from AI origins.

Similarly, I don't use AI language models for direct posts, but I've used it to inspire myself in other ways. If you tell an AI to ask questions about your characters and worlds, I've found that is a fantastic way to get some really fleshed-out character dev and worldbuilding done.

AI is a tool, and like all tools, they can be used for good, bad, and lazy purposes. No offense intended towards your opinions! But I also think that using AI does not have to be the end of someone's creativity either. Funnily enough, if you're just a little creative with how you use AI, it can actually work in favour with your own creativity.
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Hi, I've noticed an influx of AI-generated posts, also on this site. Even some recruitment threads seem to be AI-generated. By that, I mean that a significant portion of the text (sometimes 50%, other times 100%) is generated by an AI based on the person's prompt. Sometimes, you can see edits, while other times, it's evident that nearly none were made.

How would it make you feel if you realized the post you received and were expected to respond to wasn't really written by your roleplay partner?

Would you not care as long as, in your opinion, the quality was decent?

Would you feel cheated since they didn't put half as much time and effort into it as you did?

Would you feel uncomfortable with the fact they probably fed your own written content to the AI so it could produce a supposedly accurate response?

And one question for those using AI in the mentioned manner—do you assume nobody notices that you didn't write it, or do you not care whether they did or not?

What's your stance on this?
My main question is, how can you be able to tell someone's response is AI generated, especially if they decided to edit if they did do this? And i'm saying that without like. Going to another AI site that will tell you it's ai-generated, I noticed a lot of people write in specific or 'odd' ways naturally and it can be mistaken for AI sometimes imo.
If they seem to still put enough effort, I’d probably excuse some of it. I am not entirely innocent of this either. When I was a bit newer to the whole text rp thing, I simply made an AI check for grammatical errors/ make it sound better. Then I would paste that, but change whatever I felt didn’t feel right (I don’t do that anymore). If they are just making the AI generate the entire reply, then I would see that as a possible red flag. Like what Daisie said: “If I wanted to create a story with a bot, then there are plenty of apps for that nowadays”. Even I use AI chat apps as a personal guilty pleasure to this day, but I want my human partners to write their human replies, even if they had an AI check their grammar.
Yeah i think this is a fine take. Using AI to enhance or check for grammar is good as it will help your own writing long-term tbh, especially if billingual & that's what your goal is. Obviously using AI doesn't excuse not putting in effort and fully AI-generating it i agree! It's important to write your own unique response without needing to rely on AI for it.
but what if i still like ai. Can i still use it?
i'm sure (almost) no one would begrudge you for writing with an ai partner. in this thread, people are explicitly discussing using ai generated content to reply to (human) partners' posts or to advertise for new writing partners - so, claiming ai generated content as your own/implying you wrote it. this could be disingenuous or frustrating to your writing partners. you simply writing with an ai back and forth for your own enjoyment bothers no one.

eta: i'd say it was fine to use it with a partner as well so long as you were upfront and forthcoming from the start, giving them an opportunity to back out if they weren't okay with it.
I'd make friends with my new AI partner. I may meet it again under different circumstances. :D
I'd be pretty annoyed frankly. For me the point of RPing as opposed to writing fiction is to get the creative input from another human being and an AI cant replace that in any meaningful way. Even if you edit the output very heavily an AI can't carry on a cohesive narrative and make decisions based on previously established details or character traits and that's a huge part of what I want from a partner.

I truthfully think there's very little AI can do that humans can't do for themselves better with just a little bit of effort, I would especially advise caution to people relying on AI for help with grammar or sentence structure. AI can and frequently does "hallucinate" factually incorrect responses that it presents with 100% confidence, its an inherent flaw in the way LLMs work and if you don't already have a good understanding of these concepts you won't be able to pick out what is wrong. In the long run you could pick up incorrect habits.
AI can and frequently does "hallucinate" factually incorrect responses that it presents with 100% confidence, its an inherent flaw in the way LLMs work and if you don't already have a good understanding of these concepts you won't be able to pick out what is wrong.
As someone whose job it is to test and break AI language models, yup. They do this all the time. Always fact-check.

Ultimately, its goal is not to tell you the factual truth. Its goal is to make you believe it's telling the factual truth.

Tbh I had to think in this for a bit but like in the end I'm okay with it.

I mean I'd rather my rp partners post something bot generated than have them say they all writers blocked and then lose interest. But like if it becomes an ongoing thing then like I'd get annoyed and call them out. But lol then again like I don't think I'd really notice unless they have a certain like style or flair to their writing.

Idc if they feed my response into the bot. Its in public view anyways lol. But then again I'd need to try it for myself and see if it pisses me off or not.
I would be quite upset if I found out my partner was using AI generation to role play with me. I would probably bid them farewell at that point.
I just ghosted someone immediately because they admitted to using AI in previous RP's. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know, but I feel I dodged a bullet by doing so.
I just ghosted someone immediately because they admitted to using AI in previous RP's. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know, but I feel I dodged a bullet by doing so.
I would probably do the same thing, even if I would feel rather guilty about it. I don’t feel comfortable with writers who AI-generate responses, it feels like there’s not enough effort being put into the reply. Personally I would rather somebody ghost me or tell me they don’t want to write with me anymore than resort to AI since it feels like I should’ve just gone somewhere else for a roleplay.
I would probably do the same thing, even if I would feel rather guilty about it. I don’t feel comfortable with writers who AI-generate responses, it feels like there’s not enough effort being put into the reply. Personally I would rather somebody ghost me or tell me they don’t want to write with me anymore than resort to AI since it feels like I should’ve just gone somewhere else for a roleplay.
Using AI, to me, suggests both laziness and a lack of creativity. Not really the type of people I'd want to be partnered with.
My best friend (who suffers from multiple chronic conditions) brought up a point I hadn't previously thought about, in that someone who is medically, mentally, or even emotionally disabled to the point where they can't really participate in RP the same way as everyone else, it could be a good tool for that. If someone is in the process of overcoming severe anxiety and relying on an AI can get them started on that journey, then all power to them. Or if, like my friend has, there are chronic migraines in play that regularly impede one's ability to write, that could be a reasonable solution as well.

That being said, someone ought to disclose when they're using AI writing and why before starting any RPs. Consent is key. I still have no interest in RPing with folks who use AI as a personal preference, but imo it becomes less objectionable in the scenarios mentioned above. Someone, somewhere, is probably willing to roll with it.
I'm going to apologize ahead of time, as I don't know how lengthy my response to this will be, and there might be some off-topic aspects about it. That said, I promise I'll bring it back around to the original question at hand, OP! 🙏

Do we all remember the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes? I hope so. While I know this wasn't the biggest part of it (frankly, the loss of jobs and complete stoppage of Hollywood was, right?), my biggest takeaway was the fact that corporations wanted to write shows using AI. Because that's somehow "better" than using a human being's brilliant mind.

I spend a lot of time on Tumblr, where every day some new "advancement" in AI causes writers and artists to fear for their livelihood. We have to opt out of AI scraping, but we're not informed of such methods. We're being told Google Docs is going to scrape all of our documents to train their AI models. Nowhere we write is safe, and for those who make their living writing or creating art, that is a major problem.

What does this have to do with the question at hand? So glad you asked before I lost my point. I very passionately despise the use of AI. Spell check is fine, even if Grammarly, to me, is a very stupid little bot who thinks I write too fancy. (Its cousin autocorrect, however, I will fight behind Denny's.) If I found out a writing partner was using AI for their posts, edited or not, I would immediately leave any form of communication with them and leave. If you're getting prompts or ideas using chatGPT or something, go ahead. I'm not going to stop you, even if I wouldn't personally do it. I'd rather ask every AI bot on the planet if it has plans to kill me (they keep saying no, but I have doubts). Maybe I can't tell AI writing apart from others' very easily, like how one can pretty easily tell when something is AI art. But if it's revealed to me that you've been duping me this entire time, after I spent hours pouring my own blood, sweat, and tears into my writing, I'm going to be incredibly upset.

My main point is, I got a degree in English & Creative Writing. I want to make writing my job. The fact that every day something or somebody comes up with a new way to make me replaceable keeps me up at night. The main source of this anguish is the artificial so-called intelligence we see in just about everything every day. Writing is the hobby that keeps me going, keeps me together, and if a partner used AI to write a response to me, I'm going to feel like our story doesn't matter to them. That this thing that I've been enjoying is nothing but a game. (Which, I mean, in some respects it is, but I mean it in the negative sense.) So, yeah. I'm going to block and never speak to them again. I equate AI usage with the ever-decreasing value of human labor, and I can't stand to see that fact being proven true every day. It's exhausting, man!

This is probably an incredibly harsh take, but like I said, I'm very passionate about this topic. There are definitely exceptions to the rule (as Daisie mentions in the post right above this one!), but for me, there are very, VERY little. Give me YOUR words, not the words some bot thought I wanted to read.

[This is a second apology to OP, I went off a little too much 😭 ]
My best friend (who suffers from multiple chronic conditions) brought up a point I hadn't previously thought about, in that someone who is medically, mentally, or even emotionally disabled to the point where they can't really participate in RP the same way as everyone else, it could be a good tool for that. If someone is in the process of overcoming severe anxiety and relying on an AI can get them started on that journey, then all power to them. Or if, like my friend has, there are chronic migraines in play that regularly impede one's ability to write, that could be a reasonable solution as well.

That being said, someone ought to disclose when they're using AI writing and why before starting any RPs. Consent is key. I still have no interest in RPing with folks who use AI as a personal preference, but imo it becomes less objectionable in the scenarios mentioned above. Someone, somewhere, is probably willing to roll with it.
I was actually going to come into this thread to say something similar haha

I have really awful anxiety and got thrown out of writing because of a slew of negative comments on something I wrote as a kid, which is one of the reasons I stopped roleplaying for years. I ended up using AI roleplay on a whim and it helped me sort of get into the groove of roleplaying and is one of the reasons I was encouraged to try roleplaying for real again.

The thing with AI responses though is they are not as good as a real person. I'll use AI sometimes to develop characters by popping them into a scenario, but it's very bad at developing a story or being cohesive and usually I end up needing to write all the responses anyway. AI isn't really "intelligent" so much as it's just predictive generation, which means it will forget story beats, character traits, and just things in general that a human would be able to pick up on. It's like how playing a video game can get the creative juices flowing, but it's not a replacement for writing an actual story yourself.

The only thing I really use AI for is to assist with code, but it's also really a glorified version of Stack Overflow that's less passive aggressive. It doesn't help if you don't know how to assemble what you're doing and it's really just to automate something that otherwise gets pretty repetitive and that way I can actually focus on the parts of the code that need more intelligent thought.

I never use AI for anything I write or create otherwise. Even AI spellcheck or grammar check seems to get it wrong a good chunk of the time and isn't a good replacement to just using a standard one. I'm also pissed at how it's being shoehorned into a lot of things and companies forcing spyware onto you to train AI models, I have to use Win 11 for work and you can't even uninstall Copilot! It's really over-hyped in my opinion and we're already seeing companies scramble as they realize it's not as profitable as they first thought.
TBH I don't think I would notice as long as the response is decent because I don't think on it too hard nor do I use AI to identify what AI writing looks like.

Though if someone did use AI and I were to know about it/somehow know I would feel disrespected a bit in a way that they care about our story enough to want to AI generate a response but the fact they also don't care about the story enough to actually write a thoughtful response. Though I would have to wonder what the point of using AI would be? To train an AI to be a good RP partner to avoid the hassles that come with a real partner (IE wait times, disagreements in plot, social interaction, ghosting) or would it simply be to have something to read curated by the AI using partner with minimal effort?
Hi, I've noticed an influx of AI-generated posts, also on this site. Even some recruitment threads seem to be AI-generated. By that, I mean that a significant portion of the text (sometimes 50%, other times 100%) is generated by an AI based on the person's prompt. Sometimes, you can see edits, while other times, it's evident that nearly none were made.

How would it make you feel if you realized the post you received and were expected to respond to wasn't really written by your roleplay partner?

Would you not care as long as, in your opinion, the quality was decent?

Would you feel cheated since they didn't put half as much time and effort into it as you did?

Would you feel uncomfortable with the fact they probably fed your own written content to the AI so it could produce a supposedly accurate response?

And one question for those using AI in the mentioned manner—do you assume nobody notices that you didn't write it, or do you not care whether they did or not?

What's your stance on this?
As long my partner was honest to me by admiting they used some AI, i wouldn't mind about it.

Whenever i feel stuck myself, which happen often for setting any plots, i use one myself.

It's a way to motivate myself.
Honestly, it's a waste of time and money. Money, given most of the good AI programs do charge for it. Time, well, you joined a hobby and have no intentions of doing it, why bother? For a little E-fame? I wouldn't be mad at any such player that did this. Just very disappointed.

And I likely wouldn't seek further interactions with them.
Roleplay being what it is, I would be baffled at why you would even bother with AI. Isn't the point to do the thing yourself? Asking Chat GPT to write out your responses is quietly declaring your dereliction of play. Never mind being deceptive. If I wanted to practically play a game or have an adventure vs or with a computer, I would just load up a video game. Don't pull this trick, it's a disrespect. As much as, if not more than it is to call yourself an artist when all you're doing is running Google search prompts through a probability generator.

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