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  1. Korean Ghoul

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

    Shaun awoke from a slumber. He had no idea what was happening, and was lost.
  2. Korean Ghoul

    Cirque de Monstres (1941) CS

    Oh so I should join the other one?
  3. Korean Ghoul

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

    Shaun, unknowingly pacing his cabin. He sharpened his spear, the trident edge glistening. He kissed it, loving its shine. He laughed, and sat on his bed. He picked up a book, and laid down. "Ah geez..."
  4. Korean Ghoul

    Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

    For The One your hosting, I'll absolutely join! Thank you for allowing me to create my character, I appreciate it. I'm just waiting for a reply from Soul if I can join. @Soul OMU I'm sorry to bother, but am I accepted or..?
  5. Korean Ghoul

    Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

    Is it Possible that we can both be? I feel bad because Dolph wanted it.
  6. Korean Ghoul

    Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

    Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Dolphins (Can I call you that?) I'll be a son of Hephaestus if you want. If possible.
  7. Korean Ghoul

    Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

    Name: Shaun Cascio Age: 15 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual New to Camp?: Yes/No? Has been here for 3 months. Appearance: If someone has something I can message someone with, I can't seen to add a picture in my phone. Personality: Tries to be funny, and can be very sarcastic...
  8. Korean Ghoul

    Cirque de Monstres (1941) CS

    Name: Koschei Annis Nick Name: Black Cards Age: 19 Country of Origin: England Species: Related to Black Annis Years of Circus: 1 Year Appearance: Imagine Troye Sivan except black hair and splash marks across his face. Personality: Optimistic, but can have mood swings from time to...
  9. Korean Ghoul

    Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

    "Dunno. Something." Luke felt drowsy, and he fell asleep
  10. Korean Ghoul

    Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

    "Damn nice. We better hurry." Luke pulled out a Coke and sipped.
  11. Korean Ghoul

    Fantasy Two world one family

    "Man, you alright? You seemed mad pissed." Day paused. He pulled a Mountain Dew from his pocket. "Drink Up." Day vanished, back to his tree. "Ah..."
  12. Korean Ghoul

    Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

    "Nope. Let's head down the road." It was like some sort of adventure. Luke knew it would last long... but maybe not forever. He and Trev would part ways some day.
  13. Korean Ghoul

    Fantasy Two world one family

    He traced Jordan's weird scent, and found a house. He knocked on the door. He sipped his Mountain Dew.
  14. Korean Ghoul

    Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

    Luke hopped out, and stretched. "Ow..." He limped toward the convenience store, and opened the door. No one was here, except for the guys outside. He limped toward the back counter, and pulled out some bags. He packed some smart waters, sodas, candy and chips. He packed some quick heat taquitos...
  15. Korean Ghoul

    Fantasy Two world one family

    Day cocked the gun, and aimed it at is head. He shot it, but vanished at that exact moment. He appeared floating at his bed, and he was floating in the air, in a laid position. He pulled out and E-Cig, and smoked it. He floated down to his fridge, and pulled out a Mountain Dew. "Taste the...
  16. Korean Ghoul

    Fantasy Two world one family

    "He's mad. Leave him alone. Fucking Drama Queen. You aren't the only one with powers. You want to find out mine?" The music blasted still.
  17. Korean Ghoul

    Fantasy Two world one family

    Day saw Gee and Jordan, and he seemed pissed off already. He opened the door, and pulled out his BB gun. "Back off. He's mad already." Day shot the bullet.
  18. Korean Ghoul

    Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

    "Pit stop. Gas station, I need to pick up some soda and chips. Those rations aren't good enough for me. Pick up some sour skittles." Luke checked back, and saw Ali.
  19. Korean Ghoul

    Fantasy Two world one family

    "Sorry man. You ain't in the best mood either I see. You need some eye drops?" Day couldn't tell if it was irritation, or if this guy was real mad. "Anyway, I'll do that." Day closed the door, and headed up stairs. He turned down the music, plugged in his headphones, and put it full blast. The...
  20. Korean Ghoul

    Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

    "Aw shit. I've been out man." He rubbed his head. "We need to pick up some people dude. "Maybe chicks for both of his