Cirque de Monstres (1941) CS

Acadia said:
I've been thinking about this for a little bit, but here it is.
Name: Meera

Show Name or nick-name: Meera Miraphant

Age: 26

Country of Origin: India

Years with circus: Newcomer/First year

Species: Talking Elephant

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: ignore the baby elephant


Personality: Mainly friendly. She likes to help her friends and her partners in the circus. However, she can be protective of her friends as well, and will defend them depending on the situation.

Background: In her first few years, she was in India before some people took her and her parents to a zoo in Germany. She lived there for 20 years until she was offered to join the circus.

Abilities: Has the basic abilites of an average elephant, but is capable of speech.

What do you do in the circus: Usually she does things a traditional circus elephant will do. She also does talking, but to a lesser extent.

Um I guess I should change my name cause its pretty much the same as yours and even pronounced the same way.
Haha! Sorry I am prepping for a competition so I have been busy! All the weeks of prep and practice come to this!


[QUOTE="Maeve Valor]Already did way ahead of you ^_- I just didn't know if you chose someone to do it or not lol
Name: Meara

@Johnomono )

Abilities: When she touches someone she could see through their eyes in the future. She can also sense the presence of magic if it is nearby.

What do you do in the circus: Fortune Teller

Other: She wants to find a place where she can be herself.



Acadia said:
I've been thinking about this for a little bit, but here it is.
Name: Meera

Show Name or nick-name: Meera Miraphant

Age: 26

Country of Origin: India

Years with circus: Newcomer/First year

Species: Talking Elephant

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: ignore the baby elephant


Personality: Mainly friendly. She likes to help her friends and her partners in the circus. However, she can be protective of her friends as well, and will defend them depending on the situation.

Background: In her first few years, she was in India before some people took her and her parents to a zoo in Germany. She lived there for 20 years until she was offered to join the circus.

Abilities: Has the basic abilites of an average elephant, but is capable of speech.

What do you do in the circus: Usually she does things a traditional circus elephant will do. She also does talking, but to a lesser extent.

budgieboo said:
Name: Nina Valium
Show Name or nick-name: The Phoenix

Age: Nina is of 22 years

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: She's just starting her first few months here.

Species: Nina is half bird, half human. A werebird, if you will.

Sexuality: What a gay bird.

Appearance: she has two forms.

Human form:


Bird form: Nina, when she transforms, is pretty much the same without the hair, with blue and green feathers all over her, and with an impressive wing span. Her eyes are a stark, blank, black covering even the whites, just like some other birds. Her fingers hold thick, sharp talon-like nails, which can easily cut a wooden door if she really needed to.

Appearance other: She stands at around 5'11" in both forms.

Personality: Nina is aggressive, short tempered, occasionally violent, and sloppy with her choice of words. Often in bursts of anger, she tends to be unintentionally offensive. Nina generally also tends to take things not so seriously, often throwing a silly, unfitting sarcastic joke or two when she's feeling somewhat irritated. She has a strange sense of justice and empathy, while she doesn't care much for the humans who are captured to feed the others, she will be offended by people insulting the cirque, and defend her close friends through great costs. Nina doesn't really know much of everyone here, yet. She particularly has a soft spot for animals, however.

Background: When she was younger, she was cursed by an old witch whom house she stumbled upon by pure accident. Nina Valium had only, very, very recently figured how to transform between forms voluntarily.

Abilities: Nina can transform between her human form, and her bird form at will. In her bird form, she's quicker, lighter, and can fly through the air with ease. She can see far more colors, and has sharper depth perception and vision, which is useful when flying. She's also far more flexible than the human, as well. Nina is unusually physically resilient.

What do you do in the circus: She's a performer. People may assume she's a person in a costume, because she performs in both her forms. She's skilled with fire breathing, acrobatics, dancing, and generally helping around the circus with basic chores. Many of her shows mostly include fire, whether it's fire breathing, or going through hoops of fire, but she could sometimes do the old, falling into a really shallow pool and not dying trick as well.

other: Elephant Man.

whoops, forgot something else!

@Lady Luna Ravenswood


budgieboo said:
Am I not accepted?
you are, I just start at the top and work my way down

Name: Ainsley Irving

Show Name or Nick Name: Spook

Age: 102 (Appears 17)

Country of Origin: Scotland

Years With Circus: 6 months

Species: Ghost

Sexuality: Homosexual


Appearance Other: Ainsley's a delicate girl, standing at 5'0" and only reaching 90 lbs. She normally looks grey and washed-out, and being a ghost, she usually appears a bit blurry and out of focus.

Personality: Ainsley's a bit of a loner; she doesn't get attached to people easily, as being immortal, she'll inevitably see them die. This makes her quiet and reserved, which is often wrongly interpreted as cold and aloof.

Background: She died of scarlet fever in the 1850's, but not much else is known about her past.

Abilities: She can become invisible, teleport small distances, and levitate (both herself and objects).

What do you do in the circus: She does a sword swallowing act, and does other small chores around the circus, including set up and tending to the animals.

Other: She keeps the ghost of a small grey-and-white cat as a pet, named Jay.

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Name: Mélodie Beausoleil

Show Name or nick-name: Dame de Néon, néon démoniaque (unless new name given to her)

Age: 21 years ( actually 367 )

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: hasn't actually joined yet.

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Pansexual


(Contacts on in pic)

Appearance other: Mélodie is 6 feet tall and her skin is constantly glowing so she has to cover every part of skin up. If it's day normally the colors are warmer tones and make her look like an exotic model at night they are a mix of colors. Also the colors on her skin change patterns from design to just explosion as seen in pictures: (just a few ideas of it)

Also she wears colored contacts to disguise her unnatural eye color tone of bright pink/yellow (colored contacts are brown)

Personality: Mélodie is a very introverted person who likes to keep to herself. At the same time, the people she does get attached to she treats like they are the most important thing in the world. Mélodie is also one to not lose her temper at al and faces most situations in a calm and orderly fashion. She loves music no matter the genre and constantly has a tune in her head.(This is all that shall be revealed I guess)

Background: Mélodie has been isolated for 200 years in a secret location near circus (I guess again?) that she finally left. Heard about the circus and came to see what it was like.

Abilities: she has most powers like demons but she mainly focuses on ones specialized with neon gases and her glowing skin. She can use these abilities go literally create things by painting them in thin air

What do you do in the circus: I guess to be determined since she hasn't been in the circus before

CrimsonEclipse said:
@Lady Luna Ravenswood, we got some pending cs here.
Thank you.


Catbug said:

Name: Ainsley Irving

Show Name or Nick Name: Spook

Age: 102 (Appears 17)

Country of Origin: Scotland

Years With Circus: 6 months

Species: Ghost

Sexuality: Homosexual


Appearance Other: Ainsley's a delicate girl, standing at 5'0" and only reaching 90 lbs. She normally looks grey and washed-out, and being a ghost, she usually appears a bit blurry and out of focus.

Personality: Ainsley's a bit of a loner; she doesn't get attached to people easily, as being immortal, she'll inevitably see them die. This makes her quiet and reserved, which is often wrongly interpreted as cold and aloof.

Background: She died of scarlet fever in the 1850's, but not much else is known about her past.

Abilities: She can become invisible, teleport small distances, and levitate (both herself and objects).

What do you do in the circus: She does a sword swallowing act, and does other small chores around the circus, including set up and tending to the animals.

Other: She keeps the ghost of a small grey-and-white cat as a pet, named Jay.

accepted and, if the thought of jumping into this cirque (since we have oh so many posts) you may join the cirque that has not started yet. It is a little more light hearted then this one. Not saying you have to, just telling ya it is out there!


rosamortelle said:
Name: Mélodie Beausoleil
Show Name or nick-name: Dame de Néon, néon démoniaque (unless new name given to her)

Age: 21 years ( actually 367 )

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: hasn't actually joined yet.

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Pansexual


(Contacts on in pic)

Appearance other: Mélodie is 6 feet tall and her skin is constantly glowing so she has to cover every part of skin up. If it's day normally the colors are warmer tones and make her look like an exotic model at night they are a mix of colors. Also the colors on her skin change patterns from design to just explosion as seen in pictures: (just a few ideas of it)

Also she wears colored contacts to disguise her unnatural eye color tone of bright pink/yellow (colored contacts are brown)

Personality: Mélodie is a very introverted person who likes to keep to herself. At the same time, the people she does get attached to she treats like they are the most important thing in the world. Mélodie is also one to not lose her temper at al and faces most situations in a calm and orderly fashion. She loves music no matter the genre and constantly has a tune in her head.(This is all that shall be revealed I guess)

Background: Mélodie has been isolated for 200 years in a secret location near circus (I guess again?) that she finally left. Heard about the circus and came to see what it was like.

Abilities: she has most powers like demons but she mainly focuses on ones specialized with neon gases and her glowing skin. She can use these abilities go literally create things by painting them in thin air

What do you do in the circus: I guess to be determined since she hasn't been in the circus before

accepted and, if the thought of jumping into this cirque (since we have oh so many posts) you may join the cirque that has not started yet. It is a little more light hearted then this one. Not saying you have to, just telling ya it is out there!
I kind of want to play another character at the same time if that's possible. The only reason why I haven't responded as quickly in the rp is because I'm waiting on Johnomono to respond.
[QUOTE="Maeve Valor]I kind of want to play another character at the same time if that's possible. The only reason why I haven't responded as quickly in the rp is because I'm waiting on Johnomono to respond.

The limit is 3 characters per a person so it's fine!
Name: Koschei Annis

Nick Name: Black Cards

Age: 19

Country of Origin: England

Species: Related to Black Annis

Years of Circus: 1 Year

Appearance: Imagine Troye Sivan except black hair and splash marks across his face.

Personality: Optimistic, but can have mood swings from time to time. He can be very sarcastic at times, and he brings a sometimes positive and negative vibe to the room at once.

Abilities: Can vanish cards with ease, can rip off skin of people. Look up Annis. He can literately create magic.

Background: Back in England, Koschei had the name off a villainous man in some sort of mythology. Of course, Koschei always was called demon or witch man, and his cards were his only friends. But his definition of cards was different. Growing up, his family was a band of musicians, but he was musically inclined. He enjoyed card tricks. He attempted many, and can do so with ease. He soon developed the ability to move swiftly like the night.
Name: Elizabeth Alex Rose

Show Name or nick-name: Paula Castillio

Age: 826, appears in her 20s.

Country of Origin: Norway

Years with circus: Recently joined.

Species: Onkuba

Sexuality: Homosexual


Appearance other: 5'6", 120 lbs

Personality; Elizabeth is a somewhat quiet girl unless there is a reason for her to speak. She prefers thinking things over and acting logically on it. As long as there is something in her best interest, she'll do it.

Background: Elizabeth lived in Norway for most of her life where was kept away from society by the few other's like her. They were thought of like a simple myth though they were way more than stories. Nightmares, or any dreams for that matter, fueled them and kept them happy. Waiting until people were asleep was one way to get to their minds workings but they found another, much quicker and easier way. All they had to do was simply lure the people in and they got creative from mimicking the cries of a child or using brute force and abducting them. Elizabeth preferred creating up images to bring the people in or learning to hide her form under the disguise of a human body and talk them into coming with her until she attacked. All of the superstitious locals began to question the losses and Elizabeth knew it would be sooner or later that they'd all have to go into hiding. She took the initiative and traveled out of Norway. The traveling was an enjoyment for her and she continued on her way going through many places still disguised as a human. On one of her travels she heard of a circus filled with great mystics of all sorts and figured it would be a good place to visit as she never had been to one before. Thinking even more she wondered if her abilities would possibly get her in, seeing as she knew how to use them without being in her true form. It would be nice to settle down even if just for a while.

Abilities: Her abilities aren't the most obvious as she works her way into a person's mind and manipulates them into doing whatever she likes. Some say anyone can do it, until they realize just the extent of her power. She also calls upon illusions created by her to aid her how she wants, be it to create fear, soothe, trick, etc.

What do you do in the circus: ((As she just joined the circus can this be determined within the roleplay?))



This is her true form, minus the Japanese lanterns.
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I think I will join the other version just due to how early on it is. Would you like me to repost my cs?

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