Cirque de Monstres (1941) CS

(( Finally found the active one. -dramatic huff of relief- Hope I'm still able to join in the fun. ))


Name: Memios "Mem/Memi" Bonavich

Show Name or nick-name: Falmet Ulv or Fade

Age: 25

Country of Origin: The wilderness of Sweden

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: In human form Memios is rather slim and tall for his age, ashen hair with dappling of black running down the back, his eyes are a yellow hazel that burns brighter yellow in sunlight (though they tends to shy away from bright lights so it's rare to see his eyes in that bright shade). He tends to wear mostly black turtleneck sweaters (sometimes teal in winter), black torn pants that look like he'd been running in the forest for a good month and need repairs, never wears shoes. In human form his feet are in a constant state of selective shift since it feels more comfortable for them (passes it off in public as costume shoes, testing durability or something). He wears tinted glasses to protect his eyes from any bright lights that he might stumble into but with his photosensitivity it still can give him a headache if spotted with a flashlight or similar. He is a cross dresser.

Appearance other: In his wolf form his fur mirrors his hair, ashen (but a bit lighter) with black fading from the base of his ears, darkening along his spine then fading along the top of his tail. He keeps an upright stance most of the time but will drop to all fours when he needs to get somewhere faster. 5'4" in human form, 6'0" in wolf form.

Personality: He's shy at first, reserved and quiet, the kind of person that kind of blends into the background of things and doesn't really get noticed so it gives him the upper hand when needing to find out certain things for people if they want his help. Once he gets to know a person he's warm and caring if your first meeting with him is a good one, if not (or if he's in a bad mood) he tends to come off as harsh, vicious even, and cold, but he can't exactly help it given it's in his nature along with his myriad of "problems". He tends to become attached to people pretty easily but can just as easily become detached from them and basically anyone around him. If you were to classify him by his personality he'd fall under the category "chaotic neutral" most likely, very rarely "chaotic good". (He's basically unstable as a squirrel on crack and can switch his mood at a moment's notice, even with someone he's known for a long time.)

Background: Shunned by his parents after they discovered his lycanthropy he ran away from home to find a place where he could be accepted. He lived on the streets for a good five and a half years before finding this cirque and just kind of hid at the edges of everything, watching and waiting, eventually just starting to help out here and there. No one knows where he came from or who he is, they just know he showed up one day and that he's helpful. They gave him his nickname for the fact that he seems to fade into the background of everything. There one second gone the next. No one has seen him shift fully yet, only partially (teeth, eyes, tail, ears, and paws).


Abilities: Just shifting between wolf and human forms (and anything in between).

Enhanced speed, agility, and durability.

Able to open portals into pocket dimensions through mirrors (but it is time and energy consuming so he rarely does it plus it requires a rather large mirror and he hates his own reflection so he avoids mirrors at all costs).

Can open portals into different time periods (but same concept as with the pocket dimension portals).

What do you do in the circus: Help in the back area; cleaning, fetching things for the other performers, helping cook, occasionally performs on the side but rarely. Basically an intern?

Other: He seems to have taken a liking to the Elephant Man.

EDIT: (( Found pictures extremely close to what he looks like. Adding them up above. ))
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[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich](( Finally found the active one. -dramatic huff of relief- Hope I'm still able to join in the fun. ))
Name: Memios "Mem/Memi" Bonavich

Show Name or nick-name: Falmet Ulv or Fade

Age: 25

Country of Origin(If not originally from France): The wilderness of Sweden (Lived in Germany for some time though, picked up the language a bit.)

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: In human form Memios is rather slim and tall for his age, ashen hair with dappling of black running down the back, his eyes are a yellow hazel that burns brighter yellow in sunlight (though they tends to shy away from bright lights so it's rare to see his eyes in that bright shade). He tends to wear mostly black turtleneck sweaters (sometimes teal in winter), black torn pants that look like he'd been running in the forest for a good month and need repairs, never wears shoes. In human form his feet are in a constant state of selective shift since it feels more comfortable for them (passes it off in public as costume shoes, testing durability or something). He wears tinted glasses to protect his eyes from any bright lights that he might stumble into but with his photosensitivity it still can give him a headache if spotted with a flashlight or similar. He is a cross dresser.

Appearance other: In his wolf form his fur mirrors his hair, ashen (but a bit lighter) with black fading from the base of his ears, darkening along his spine then fading along the top of his tail. He keeps an upright stance most of the time but will drop to all fours when he needs to get somewhere faster. 5'4" in human form, 6'0" in wolf form.

Personality: He's shy at first, reserved and quiet, the kind of person that kind of blends into the background of things and doesn't really get noticed so it gives him the upper hand when needing to find out certain things for people if they want his help. Once he gets to know a person he's warm and caring if your first meeting with him is a good one, if not (or if he's in a bad mood) he tends to come off as harsh, vicious even, and cold, but he can't exactly help it given it's in his nature along with his myriad of "problems". He tends to become attached to people pretty easily but can just as easily become detached from them and basically anyone around him. If you were to classify him by his personality he'd fall under the category "chaotic neutral" most likely, very rarely "chaotic good". (He's basically unstable as a squirrel on crack and can switch his mood at a moment's notice, even with someone he's known for a long time.)

Background: Shunned by his parents after they discovered his lycanthropy he ran away from home to find a place where he could be accepted. He lived on the streets for a good five and a half years before finding this cirque and just kind of hid at the edges of everything, watching and waiting, eventually just starting to help out here and there. No one knows where he came from or who he is, they just know he showed up one day and that he's helpful. They gave him his nickname for the fact that he seems to fade into the background of everything. There one second gone the next. No one has seen him shift fully yet, only partially (teeth, eyes, tail, ears, and paws).

Abilities: Just shifting between wolf and human forms (and anything in between).

Enhanced speed, agility, and durability.

Able to open portals into pocket dimensions through mirrors (but it is time and energy consuming so he rarely does it).

Can open portals into different time periods (but same concept as with the pocket dimension portals).

What do you do in the circus: Help in the back area; cleaning, fetching things for the other performers, helping cook, occasionally performs on the side but rarely. Basically an intern?

Other: He seems to have taken a liking to the Elephant Man.

good but remember this one takes place in Germany in 1942 otherwise accepted
(( Aye. Forgot to take that thingy off the Country of Origin. xD Thank you, miss Ravenswood. ;u; Looks like I have quite a bit of reading to do. ))

Name: Jason mowtoch

nick name: J

Age: (over 18.) 24

sexuality:(optional) hetero


Appearance other:

Personality: Suspicious and careful, Jason takes risks, calculated risks, he will enter a situation knowing the odds of him dying and using them to make sure he succeeds, he is considered a cold man but those who deem him so have rarely tried to get to know him.

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

Rank:(officer, Sargent, etc.) Detective


Quick question, could it be possible for me to be an American detective investigating an anonymous tip off?
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[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich](( Aye. Forgot to take that thingy off the Country of Origin. xD Thank you, miss Ravenswood. ;u; Looks like I have quite a bit of reading to do. ))

You can always be new to the cirque that way you don't have to read the oh I think 1000 + posts so far?
Johnomono said:
Name: Jason mowtoch

nick name: J

Age: (over 18.) 24

sexuality:(optional) hetero


Appearance other:

Personality: Suspicious and careful, Jason takes risks, calculated risks, he will enter a situation knowing the odds of him dying and using them to make sure he succeeds, he is considered a cold man but those who deem him so have rarely tried to get to know him.

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

Rank:(officer, Sargent, etc.) Detective


Quick question, could it be possible for me to be an American detective investigating an anonymous tip off?
Could work, I mean that would be one hell of a tip for an American to travel to Germany but, I'm not saying no just, better have a good reason why!
[QUOTE="Lady Luna Ravenswood]You can always be new to the cirque that way you don't have to read the oh I think 1000 + posts so far?

(( True. I read back about five pages just to see what's going on currently. Did the house of mirrors burn down/explode or something or was it a different building? Also, isn't there a forest bordering the back side or was that for one of the others? ))
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Working on the reason why, I just like the idea of a foreign detective snooping around, doesn't that sound interesting?

Name: Jason Mowtoch

nick name: J

Age: (over 18.) 24

sexuality:(optional) hetero


Appearance other:

Personality: Suspicious and careful, Jason takes risks, calculated risks, he will enter a situation knowing the odds of him dying and using them to make sure he succeeds, he is considered a cold man but those who deem him so have rarely tried to get to know him.

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.) Jason was born and raised in America. As he came of age his parents confided a sad truth in Jason. He had a sister. They had not seen her since both of them were a year old, both having been unidentical twins. Jason was surprised and startled by this but seemed to take the news in stride. He continued on with his normal life, entering a police academy and eventually graduating and becoming a detective for a short time. Upon the age of 23 he managed to even become a detective for a government agency. It was a quiet evening on August 3rd when Jason got information regarding his sibling from an unknown source. Simply carrying a picture of the two as babies and a location. Jason went against his thoughts on the matter and quickly packed and left for Germany. Regardless of whether or not it was true, he had to find out.

Rank:(officer, Sargent, etc.) Detective

[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich](( True. I read back about five pages just to see what's going on currently. Did the house of mirrors burn down/explode or something or was it a different building? Also, isn't there a forest bordering the back side or was that for one of the others? ))

Nora drove a car right into the side of the main tent. Half of it is down and there is car sitting in the middle of the main area. And there is a forest on side.
Character skeleton human investigators:

Name: Rose Ann-Mare Ihrke

Nick Name: Ann

Age: 24

Sexuality: Bisexual



Appearance other: N/A

Personality: Rose is rather closed off about herself, her personal life, quiet career focused. She is nice to everyone, but doesn't try to make real connections with people, distant most of the time.

Background: Grew up with a single mother as an only child, has always been self reliant and distant from others.

Rank: Private detective

Other: N/A
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Johnomono said:
Working on the reason why, I just like the idea of a foreign detective snooping around, doesn't that sound interesting?
Name: Jason Mowtoch

nick name: J

Age: (over 18.) 24

sexuality:(optional) hetero


Appearance other:

Personality: Suspicious and careful, Jason takes risks, calculated risks, he will enter a situation knowing the odds of him dying and using them to make sure he succeeds, he is considered a cold man but those who deem him so have rarely tried to get to know him.

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.) Jason was born and raised in America. As he came of age his parents confided a sad truth in Jason. He had a sister. They had not seen her since both of them were a year old, both having been unidentical twins. Jason was surprised and startled by this but seemed to take the news in stride. He continued on with his normal life, entering a police academy and eventually graduating and becoming a detective for a short time. Upon the age of 23 he managed to even become a detective for a government agency. It was a quiet evening on August 3rd when Jason got information regarding his sibling from an unknown source. Simply carrying a picture of the two as babies and a location. Jason went against his thoughts on the matter and quickly packed and left for Germany. Regardless of whether or not it was true, he had to find out.

Rank:(officer, Sargent, etc.) Detective

Man, we keep getting more and more cs, even if we are more than 300 pages. That feels so good, especially if you realize that this is a reboot.
Roo said:
Character skeleton human investigators:
Name: Rose Ann-Mare

Nick Name: Ihrke

Age: 24

Sexuality: Bisexual



Appearance other: N/A

Personality: Rose is rather closed off about herself, her personal life, quiet career focused. She is nice to everyone, but doesn't try to make real connections with people, distant most of the time.

Background: Grew up with a single mother as an only child, has always been self reliant and distant from others.

Rank: Private detective

Other: N/A
man so many investigators! accepted and Sammy, Alan, and Marco are at the cirque. Our other 2 investigators are in a situation that is hard to go into so I wont mention them. so ya any questions just ask!

yes but, the old one was lacking a main plot driver. Was more sandbox style, this one has more of plot.

and yes we lost good members and kind old Paul

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Across_071101090240207_wideweb__300x375.jpg.d9207392e86a889433b738760b7c1257.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Across_071101090240207_wideweb__300x375.jpg.d9207392e86a889433b738760b7c1257.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

old Paul.........when he was not sadistic and was considered by Nora as a father figure.......



  • Across_071101090240207_wideweb__300x375.jpg
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Johnomono said:
Check my CS though
Already did way ahead of you ^_- I just didn't know if you chose someone to do it or not lol

Name: Ciara (kee-ra)

@Johnomono )

Abilities: When she touches someone she could see through their eyes in the future or in the past. She can also sense the presence of magic if it is nearby.

What do you do in the circus: Fortune Teller

Other: She is a bit smaller than most people and hates when you mention how small she is or if you pronounce her name wrong. She also despises looking at people's pasts.
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I've been thinking about this for a little bit, but here it is.

Name: Meera

Show Name or nick-name: Meera Miraphant

Age: 26

Country of Origin: India

Years with circus: Newcomer/First year

Species: Talking Elephant

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: ignore the baby elephant


Personality: Mainly friendly. She likes to help her friends and her partners in the circus. However, she can be protective of her friends as well, and will defend them depending on the situation.

Background: In her first few years, she was in India before some people took her and her parents to a zoo in Germany. She lived there for 20 years until she was offered to join the circus.

Abilities: Has the basic abilites of an average elephant, but is capable of speech.

What do you do in the circus: Usually she does things a traditional circus elephant will do. She also does talking, but to a lesser extent.

Name: Nina Valium

Show Name or nick-name: The Phoenix

Age: Nina is of 22 years

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: She's just starting her first few months here.

Species: Nina is half bird, half human. A werebird, if you will.

Sexuality: What a gay bird.

Appearance: she has two forms.

Human form:


Bird form: Nina, when she transforms, is pretty much the same without the hair, with blue and green feathers all over her, and with an impressive wing span. Her eyes are a stark, blank, black covering even the whites, just like some other birds. Her fingers hold thick, sharp talon-like nails, which can easily cut a wooden door if she really needed to.

Appearance other: She stands at around 5'11" in both forms.

Personality: Nina is aggressive, short tempered, occasionally violent, and sloppy with her choice of words. Often in bursts of anger, she tends to be unintentionally offensive. Nina generally also tends to take things not so seriously, often throwing a silly, unfitting sarcastic joke or two when she's feeling somewhat irritated. She has a strange sense of justice and empathy, while she doesn't care much for the humans who are captured to feed the others, she will be offended by people insulting the cirque, and defend her close friends through great costs. Nina doesn't really know much of everyone here, yet. She particularly has a soft spot for animals, however.

Background: When she was younger, she was cursed by an old witch whom house she stumbled upon by pure accident. Nina Valium had only, very, very recently figured how to transform between forms voluntarily.

Abilities: Nina can transform between her human form, and her bird form at will. In her bird form, she's quicker, lighter, and can fly through the air with ease. She can see far more colors, and has sharper depth perception and vision, which is useful when flying. She's also far more flexible than the human, as well. Nina is unusually physically resilient.

What do you do in the circus: She's a performer. People may assume she's a person in a costume, because she performs in both her forms. She's skilled with fire breathing, acrobatics, dancing, and generally helping around the circus with basic chores. Many of her shows mostly include fire, whether it's fire breathing, or going through hoops of fire, but she could sometimes do the old, falling into a really shallow pool and not dying trick as well.

other: Elephant Man.

whoops, forgot something else!

@Lady Luna Ravenswood
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