Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Light said:
Name: Isabella Veltira
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual.

New to Camp?: No

Appearance (No anime): View attachment 91369

Personality: She's a wild girl. Do whatever in the heat of the moment but collected when it comes to battle. She has the worst temper but shes pretty funny once you don't get on her bad side. She hides her intellectual side and interest in fights. Once she gets mad she tends to overreact.

Powers: She can double or lessen the pain somebody feels when wounded. She can make others feel a certian type of pain or type of sensation.

Weaknesses: After messing with someone's senses for a while. The pain she feels from her own wounds are tripled. If she uses her powers to much her mind will suddenly combust in pain.

Godly Parent: Odyne (Goddess of Pain.)

Other: View attachment 91373

Her tattoo on her shoulder crawls down her arm into her palm to turn into her dual headed scythe.

View attachment 91374
TheGodSnake said:
(I've decided, Nikki is going to have a brother)
Accepted and YESSS! Do it!
Name: Joey McCraken

Age: 16 (but is pretty mature for his age, most people don't think he's 16 until he tells them)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: No, was initially part of the summer only plan, and was successfully for about 9 years, but recent events are forcing him to return to camp for full-time.


Personality: calm and cool, literally, people tend to almost be drawn to him, although he may humor them with conversation, he only has a few close friends that he interacts with on a regular basis. He doesn't mind having time to himself but still likes to be with his friends, hanging out and having fun. He really doesn't care much what most other people think of him, but once again, there are still a choice few that he cares about their opinion. Although he has no charmspeak abilities he tends to be quite well at talking people into giving him what he wants. And if you ask him a question about his opinion or something that happened? If he's trying to protect you he will tell you a lie that is barely close to the truth, or he will tell you exactly what happened, he doesn't like to sugarcoat things. And finally, he likes art, looking at it, or making it, he is the one who decorated his cabins walls with intricate and beautiful designs of ice.


Advanced Cryokinesis- he can conjure ice out of practically nowhere, and can freeze almost any material, making it brittle and easier to break, this includes living things as well.

Cool aura- about a ten foot radius around Joey stays at about 40-50 degrees, he can make it colder but it's straining and the longer he holds it at a lower temperature, the more it drains him. Although, If you make him angry, it can plummet to around 20 degrees, works almost like a reflexive defense. Despite this, his skin is a normal temperature, no matter how cold it is around him

Weather control - he can make it snow/sleet(freezing rain)/hail, but the wider the radius, and longer the time, the harder it gets, when he's nervous, it starts to lightly snow around him, usually within his cool aura's radius.

Ice immunity- Joey can't get frostbite, or hypothermia, or any illness related to cold, he can feel it, but his body reacts positively to the cold and negatively to heat, opposite other people.


-Freezing living things is extremely draining for Joey, and the larger the being, the worse it is, usually using it takes him out of the fight for a good amount of time

- all of his powers except for Cryokinesis drain him after only 10-20 minutes of using it once again, varying on the radius of weather and amount of time

Godly parent: Khione!

Other: he creates his sword from ice, and somehow it can still turn the monsters to dust

Julia helped him design it so it would be structurally stable
5' 10"

@Soul OMU all you
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That's right. To those of you who know him, well, you're about to see him again. To those who don't, meet him. I'm also changing him up a bit.

Name: Collin Vasquez

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: No.


Personality: Collin isn't good with people. Or at least actual ones. He would usually be seen away from everybody fiddling with crap like metals and such. Although, he is nice. If you talk to him he'll talk to you, and of course help you. But he isn't that open to talking to people since he isn't that great to talking with them.


Pyrokinesis- Yes, he is one of those people. He is immune to fire and can also summon it up. It's quite useful facing off against snow and ice-based beings.

Not much of a power but more of a belonging, Collin has a tool belt that is enchanted and can summon things.


Not good with people.

Summoning up a huge fire would tire him out.

Godly parent: Hephaestus

Other: Weapon


I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Name: Lexie (Alexandra) Johnson

Age: (12 to 18) 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: She's very quiet and cool. She often gives many people the cold shoulder but is actually quite nice, the only one who knows that is Oliver. She is quite protective and loyal to her friends and would do anything to make sure they are safe and happy. She hates when people look down upon her just because she's a daughter of one of the darkest gods.

Bio: (Optional)


Umbrakinesis or Sciakinesis is the ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, deactivated photons mostly in the absence of light. One with this ability can even deactivate and repulse or travel through shadows by converting deactivated photons into a dark version of a portal.

She can use black energy to create barriers.

She can control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create and constructs weapons.

She can heal herself or others by using darkness (Minor injuries).


She gets tired very easily due to the light and by using too much energy by shadow travelling and healing others.

She sometimes blacks out and can't remember what she did which is unfortunate because many things happen when she's unconscious.



Child of: Pluto

Weapon of choice:


Other: She has her own Hellhound called Patterson and she's a praetor at camp Jupiter.


Name: Belle Corvino Alato

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: Yes

Appearance (No anime):




left arm




inside of her right wrist


Left leg


on the back of her neck



Personality: Belle is a very quiet and distant girl, she is also very shy, well she was when she was younger but now she's just distant from a horrible accident that happened to her and her friends.She is stubborn, hard headed, harsh and cold. She doesn't like people who wear masks or facades. Even thought she wears her own, she acts like she doesn't know what they are talking about despite when people mention it. She likes to brood a lot, and is very good at avoiding others and conversation.

Powers: Hypnokinesis -- She has the ability to manipulate sleep patterns and, by extension, dreams. This can be used to induce instantaneous sleep on biotic subjects, or to induce perpetual insomnia (which in a few days can kill you). One with this ability can remove the need to sleep from any biotic subject, or make them dreadfully tired all the time. One can also cause the subject to sleep forever in a comatose-like state and can even determine how deep a sleep or how long a person or people has.

Shapeshifting -- She used to have the ability to change into any creature she chose but now she can't change into any creature with wings due to having had her own wings stolen from her when she was in her Flight form. Which is why they are tattooed on her back as a constant reminder of what she lost.

Weaknesses: Being a child of Hypnos means she needs to sleep more or else she will fall asleep in the middle of a battle. They are always constantly tired unless they get the amount of sleep they need or require. She can't shapeshift into any flying creature, not can she summon her wings.

Godly Parent: Hypnos

Other: Her guitar


Her weapon of Choice


Turns into this

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Name: Amy (Amelia) Edwards

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: Never been yet. Is going to get there soon


Personality: Amy is usually in the center of everything. She's semi-crazy and loud during social events. She's funny to some people and annoying to others. But she is extremely loyal to her select few friends. If one of her friends were in trouble, she would do whatever it takes to save them or anything like that. No matter the risk or what it would cause.


Chlorokinesis- She can make vegetation grow faster or slower, or even make them die.

She can cure madness while her brother causes it.


However, curing it from too many people at the same time will make her faint.

She also is a semi-insomniac.

Godly parent: Dionysus.

Other: She doesn't fight. But she would get defensive with a staff.


Name: Jack Edwards

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual.

New to camp?: Hasn't been. Will be there soon though.


Personality: Jack is a kind and warm individual. Although he shows this by usually being silent. Many people think he's mute for this reason, but he isn't. The only person (usually) he talks to is his sister. But if he were to grow towards someone he would talk more. Like his sister, Jack is incredibly loyal and protective.


Chlorokinesis- This is the exact same to his sister's power.

He can cause madness, unlike his sister.


Using one of these for too long will make him tired or faint.

He wouldn't give up on anyone, even if he might die.

Godly parent: Dionysus.

Other: His weapon.


(In case you can't tell, it's a long sword.)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Name: Shaun Cascio

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: Yes/No? Has been here for 3 months.

Appearance: If someone has something I can message someone with, I can't seen to add a picture in my phone.

Personality: Tries to be funny, and can be very sarcastic. People view him as annoying, and he isn't good at girls.

Powers: I don't know what to say, he can control liquids of any kind, but is afraid of drowning. He can't force liquids to move, as well as do as his will tells them.

Weaknesses: Very easily used, listens to what most people tells him. But he has common sense, so he can't be manipulated so easily. But using his water powers makes him go nauseous.

Godly Parent: Posiedon

Other: YOLO uses his hands in battle, sometimes a lance with s celestial bronze trident like tip.
No, I actually don't care. You can have him be a son of Poseidon if you want. And yes, you can call me that. I'll also send you a picture.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Nah, don't worry about it. I can make it in my own CHB rp.

(Self-Advertisement time!).

xD Soul, sorry. But if you want another rp of CHB that hasn't started, PM me and I'll tag you!

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
For The One your hosting, I'll absolutely join! Thank you for allowing me to create my character, I appreciate it. I'm just waiting for a reply from Soul if I can join.

@Soul OMU I'm sorry to bother, but am I accepted or..?
Name: Jade Senda

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

New to Camp?: Yes

Appearance (No anime):


Personality: Very shy, always tries to stay out of the way of everyone, sweet-hearted, strong-hearted, has an interesting taste in music

Powers: She can use water at any time, as long as she has a water bottle with her. She is very, very strong when it comes to her powers.

Weaknesses: Earth, crowds, and dirt itself.

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Other: Her eyes look like they're glowing, and sometimes, there's very faint, white streaks in her hair.

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