Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Fine he a closet homosexual man....right? Anyways he's gay. And I am still lost where is everyone and wtf is going on?
Name: Evan Peters

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

New to camp?: Nope, been there for 6 years.



(Ignore the piercings please.)

Personality: Evan is almost a typical Hades child. He doesn't talk to people's he doesn't know, and he's constantly alone. Although, he's odd have a different side. He also can be nice to people he knows, and he'll might talk to you. Yes, this child of Hades can be nice, but he might not show it at first because he prefers to stay in the shadows.


Necromancy- Like his father, he can control skeletons and ghosts, dead things of that sort. He can use them to do his bidding or fight.

Umbrakinesis- He can manipulate shadows to travel or hide him.


Fear of being alone

However, using those two abilities for a long time will make him drowsy and even make him sleep.

Godly parent: Hades.

Other: Weapon of choice.


He has a baby hellhound named Sparky.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
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Name: Isabelle Newton, rather be called Newt or Isa.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: no, has been there for awhile, about 3 years.




Personality: Newt is a bit of a dork and loves drawing and painting. She grew up reading all sorts of comics about heroes and monsters. She wishes she was any good at fighting but doesn't mind that she doesn't know how. She is very shy and quiet but she does have some sass in her and isn't afraid to speak up when she needs to. She tends to blend in the backround most of the time but is usually the voice of reasoning.


Photokinesis -- she has control over light, therefore she can bend and manipulate it with her finger tips or her brush. She uses light to help her paint pictures, grand and magnificent paintings. She can also creat illusions and hallucinations with beams of light and reflection.

Invisibility -- due to her strong control over light and rainbows, she often uses the light to conceal herself and hide so that she isn't bothered when painting.

Weaknesses: if she concentrates too much light, she goes colour blind for a bit, which doesn't bother her because she likes to paint in black and white as well. Only one time has she gone blind or gotten dizzy from using too much of her powers.

Godly Parent: Iris

Other: weapon of choice


It turns into this

Is the child of Hades spot still open or has it not been updated yet?

If it's still open can I reserve that spot, I might not be able to do the CS today.
Name: Jimmy " Kronon"Lexion

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

New to Camp?: No, was raised there since he was 12

Appearance (No anime):

When he is around others in the camp his eyes are a seafoam green with unnatural spirals.

When he is alone or with people he trust he let's down his guard and the magic fades that covers his eyes, they take on a misty dark green lined with swirls and no pupil is present.

His hair is a stren silver with black streaks, it is shoulder length and her mostly wears it in a ponytail.

His clothing is mostly black and green, he wears tripp-pants and long sleeve skater shirts. Time has taken a toll on them but they are made from a light leather. He stands about 5,11 and is of slender build and weighs about 158 lbs. His skin is smooth in some parts but others seem as if he was burned as a child, dark red patches are littered across his body. He hides them well with glamour magic but it doesn't always hide the one on the back of his neck. He is a very good looking young man however, he is very much sought after by most of the ladies. His skin looks aged now but only slightly

Personality: Jimmy is kind and gentle but his temper is the drive of his powers, being able to control creatures from the pit makes it hard to be around when angry. He is ambitious and is always expecting missions, he likes to be on the road and has the most experience one at his age could have so his intelligence shines through in most circles. Always willing to lend a helping hand, Jimmy is a selfless person just don't piss him off! Update: His mind has been shattered and the nice and kind young man had become a monster. He blames the demigods for the death of his love Newt and their parents as well. He is bent on bring back the Primordial Chaos from his slumber.


Opening the gate: He can open a portal of green swirling energy that can be used to deflect and or imprison oncoming attackers or powers used against him. Unlike his father, he can only hold something or someone for a short time but the damage it can cause is insurmountable.Update: Can now open fully functioning gates through his masma clock power.

The Glamour: The ability to make others see what he wants them to see. He can make it as if you were trapped in a cage or make an illusion so real the pain is real but he mostly uses it to cover up his appearance from the other campers. He can now trap people in illusions for months without feeling the sting of pain and passing out as long as he is around the souls of the damned. He can trap anyone within his illusions.

Beast control: He can influence the monsters he comes in contact with but only if they have been in the realm of his father. He can make them help him but he can't make them kill themselves. This power is highly limited because the more he uses it, the more he becomes unstable and is likely to break apart and become apart of his father. Update: He can now summon monsters from Tartarus with a mere thought but this dose take a toll on him and affects him as it normally would

Blinking: Using the swirling portals of Tartarus as a gateway, he can almost instantly teleport to a location within sight. He can teleport up to 50 times without any problem but eventually he will start to have headaches and blurry vision from the teleportation. Update: Can now teleport as long as his masma is on the ground or in the air without feeling the effects as quickly. He can still be burn up if he pushes it beyond it's means.

Masma cloak: His body now gives of a masama that can spread for up to two miles as long as he summons souls from the dead and uses them as power.

Summon souls from Tartarus: He can only summon a hundred every week without killing himself. The first time he did this he almost ripped himself apart and it doesn't have the same effect as before.


Light sensitive

Slightly deaf in one ear his left.

Has a problem with depth perception

Is afraid of spiders

Can not control his temper well

When using his powers for more than a few minutes, he falls into a trance like state,

after he uses them he may be able to move or talk but his body becomes weak, he becomes unable to use them or his weapon because he will start to go numb and eventually black out. The glamour drains him as well if he uses it in full scale. His blink is limited to sight and takes a toll on his vision and his endurance.

Godly Parent: Tartarus

Other: Unlike the other children, Jimmy uses a whip made of manicore hair, celestial bronze, and silver. Update: He wildes a black spear and a golden whip made from metals that can hurt both mortals and monsters. The spear is called DeadTip the whip Cracking Dawn
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Name: Scott Henderson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

New to Camp?: No

Appearance (No anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/kk.jpg.21c45eb60dcf69580b21e4d13d72f2e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/kk.jpg.21c45eb60dcf69580b21e4d13d72f2e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Scott is a pretty average guy in a camp of more than average people. He came out when he was in ninth grade, put up with shit from kids he didn't like and have a straight face. He put up with a lot but when he came to camp it got significantly better. He tends to not show his emotions around people because he is insecure though if you mention it he will deny, deny, deny. An insecure Ares child is rare and uncommon. He hates not getting his way and will become aggressive and offensive.


Enhanced Maneuverability- Basically just good reflexes.

Phobikinises- User can sense and manipulate the dread, fear, horror and terror, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling fear, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.

Weapon Summoning



-Being coddled

-Archery wielding enemies.

Godly Parent: Ares



  • kk.jpg
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Name: James Messias

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: Fairly new, been there for a month or so.




Personality: James is your pretty average dude. He's understanding, thoughtful, and nice. But he isn't exactly that at first. At first, he's an asshole. Constantly making jokes about someone, punching people, and making them angry for fun. But once you get to know him he's nice. Just, if you piss him off, do NOT look into his eyes.


Terror manipulation- In a nutshell, this is where James can manipulate your terror by increasing it or decreasing it, even causing it. He can also make you see your worst fears if you look into his eyes when he's angry.

Enhanced reflexes.


Manipulating terror for a while will take a toll on his body.

His temper, as it results with destruction.

Godly parent: Deimos, God of terror and son of Ares.

Other: His weapon:


He dual wields it.

Although he and his brothers are identical, James can be spotted because of a scar on his chin and some on his arms.

(Will make the brothers soon.)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
jacunliffe said:
Name: Scott Henderson
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

New to Camp?: No

Appearance (No anime):

View attachment 91105


Scott is a pretty average guy in a camp of more than average people. He came out when he was in ninth grade, put up with shit from kids he didn't like and have a straight face. He put up with a lot but when he came to camp it got significantly better. He tends to not show his emotions around people because he is insecure though if you mention it he will deny, deny, deny. An insecure Ares child is rare and uncommon. He hates not getting his way and will become aggressive and offensive.


Enhanced Maneuverability- Basically just good reflexes.

Phobikinises- User can sense and manipulate the dread, fear, horror and terror, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling fear, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.

Weapon Summoning



-Being coddled

-Archery wielding enemies.

Godly Parent: Ares
[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]Name: James Messias
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to camp?: Fairly new, been there for a month or so.




Personality: James is your pretty average dude. He's understanding, thoughtful, and nice. But he isn't exactly that at first. At first, he's an asshole. Constantly making jokes about someone, punching people, and making them angry for fun. But once you get to know him he's nice. Just, if you piss him off, do NOT look into his eyes.


Terror manipulation- In a nutshell, this is where James can manipulate your terror by increasing it or decreasing it, even causing it. He can also make you see your worst fears if you look into his eyes when he's angry.

Enhanced reflexes.


Manipulating terror for a while will take a toll on his body.

His temper, as it results with destruction.

Godly parent: Deimos, God of terror and son of Ares.

Other: His weapon:


He dual wields it.

Although he and his brothers are identical, James can be spotted because of a scar on his chin and some on his arms.

(Will make the brothers soon.)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Both accepted however Dolphan you didn't wait for me to accept before posting!
Name: Bridget Smith


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

New to Camp?: no



Personality: she doesn't know how to really interact with others and often rushes into things without thinking. Plus she can't control her thirst for blood so she tends to have to hurt herself or someone to feel better.

Powers: Special Armory -- she has the power and ability to manipulate and summon any weapon to her at will. Any weapon she touches or uses she will know how to use and have it in her weapon Armory.

Odinkinesis -- she has the ability to control and manipulate emotion and feelings. But she can control more then just war, anger and hatred.


Her emotions tend to get conflicted between the anger and hatred and she often gets confused with her emotions as well, especially love.

Godly Parent: Ares

Other: weapon of choice




[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]I have ideas but I can't decide.

I'm a hypocrite. T.T

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