Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Name: Adira Delia


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual, (haven't seen anything she likes yet)

New to Camp?: No (but she has recently been in the city on her own little missions destroying small bands of monsters and keeping them from grouping up against camp. "I'm pretty much a one woman army."

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.63588dddf3f5950a861bd6c2e26f0009.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.63588dddf3f5950a861bd6c2e26f0009.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.439ffc7bd853ed765b7dbc5f79628716.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.439ffc7bd853ed765b7dbc5f79628716.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.67a3b771e063e458986c2716c6119f3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.67a3b771e063e458986c2716c6119f3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sassy, sarcastic, kind, caring, but if you piss her off she will come at you with a bloody vengeance. She is pretty open and hasn't really had any big problems with anyone she tries to get along with everyone and though she is quite the fighter when necessary prefers to find peaceful solutions.

  1. Power: Multiplication: whether in size or number(Mostly number) she can split herself to fight more, she can also apply tip his to items such as her daggers, she can make then as large as great swords or multiply them and use them as throwing knives.
  2. Weaknesses:
  3. When she divide in number any wounds sustained on her copies will be inflicted on her once she recombines. A way around this is by treating them individually, but that uses up resources so she tends to avoid it. Also when she is larger, (Which she also avoids) her wounds are smaller, but when she shrinks the wound grows to it's proper size.
  4. Godly Parent: Enyo/Bellona
    Other: Weapon of choiceView attachment 91173

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.bd550353cc80445b6b5ca844ac618d92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.bd550353cc80445b6b5ca844ac618d92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Name: Adira Delia

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual, (haven't seen anything she likes yet)

New to Camp?: No (but she has recently been in the city on her own little missions destroying small bands of monsters and keeping them from grouping up against camp. "I'm pretty much a one woman army."

Appearance:View attachment 91170 View attachment 91171 View attachment 91172

Personality: Sassy, sarcastic, kind, caring, but if you piss her off she will come at you with a bloody vengeance. She is pretty open and hasn't really had any big problems with anyone she tries to get along with everyone and though she is quite the fighter when necessary prefers to find peaceful solutions.

  1. Power: Multiplication: whether in size or number(Mostly number) she can split herself to fight more, she can also apply tip his to items such as her daggers, she can make then as large as great swords or multiply them and use them as throwing knives.
  2. Weaknesses:
  3. When she divide in number any wounds sustained on her copies will be inflicted on her once she recombines. A way around this is by treating them individually, but that uses up resources so she tends to avoid it. Also when she is larger, (Which she also avoids) her wounds are smaller, but when she shrinks the wound grows to it's proper size.
  4. Godly Parent: Enyo/Bellona
    Other: Weapon of choiceView attachment 91173

    Omega has a sister! :D
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Name: Adira Delia

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual, (haven't seen anything she likes yet)

New to Camp?: No (but she has recently been in the city on her own little missions destroying small bands of monsters and keeping them from grouping up against camp. "I'm pretty much a one woman army."

Appearance:View attachment 91170 View attachment 91171 View attachment 91172

Personality: Sassy, sarcastic, kind, caring, but if you piss her off she will come at you with a bloody vengeance. She is pretty open and hasn't really had any big problems with anyone she tries to get along with everyone and though she is quite the fighter when necessary prefers to find peaceful solutions.

  1. Power: Multiplication: whether in size or number(Mostly number) she can split herself to fight more, she can also apply tip his to items such as her daggers, she can make then as large as great swords or multiply them and use them as throwing knives.
  2. Weaknesses:
  3. When she divide in number any wounds sustained on her copies will be inflicted on her once she recombines. A way around this is by treating them individually, but that uses up resources so she tends to avoid it. Also when she is larger, (Which she also avoids) her wounds are smaller, but when she shrinks the wound grows to it's proper size.
  4. Godly Parent: Enyo/Bellona
    Other: Weapon of choiceView attachment 91173

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Name: Bridget Smith

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

New to Camp?: no



Personality: she doesn't know how to really interact with others and often rushes into things without thinking. Plus she can't control her thirst for blood so she tends to have to hurt herself or someone to feel better.

Powers: Special Armory -- she has the power and ability to manipulate and summon any weapon to her at will. Any weapon she touches or uses she will know how to use and have it in her weapon Armory.

Odinkinesis -- she has the ability to control and manipulate emotion and feelings. But she can control more then just war, anger and hatred.


Her emotions tend to get conflicted between the anger and hatred and she often gets confused with her emotions as well, especially love.

Godly Parent: Ares

Other: weapon of choice




I'm a hypocrite. T.T

(SOOUUUUUL, THIS OS NOT OKAY! This is me trying to stop you from making more Characters but I fear it's too late.
Name: Eliot Noel Vaha Yaeger (ENVY)

Age: 17

Gender: Unknown although refered to as a he.

Sexuality: Unknown

Appearance: He has taken many different appearances.

He normally takes form as an androgynous male.

New to Camp? Yes

Personality: Eliot enjoys watching others hurt, he also likes to hurt others.

He likes to cause misery and pain and is very unlike able.

Although if you are one of his friends you would see another side to him.

He can be honest and loyal but there is a few things that he can't be to anyone.

Kind gentle and caring.

He prefers to be alone, he's been alone most of his life.

When he finds people who make him jealous it brings him joy to cause pain and misery to them.

He is also cocky and extremely quick tempered.



After Eliot has met a person multiple times and has familiarised himself with them he can shapeshift into them, he can even mimick their voice and emotions, although it takes a while to perfect it and it can tire Eliot out.

Eliot can also shapeshift into animals o even shapeshif limbs into weapons.


Eliot can deceive others with his lies and trickery. He can influence the truth of what anyone says to make it a lie, this has limitations though, some people may be able to see through it.

Enhanced Durability:

Eliot is able to endure large amounts of damage.


Eliot possesses moderate knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling him to sometimes easily in and out of areas undetected. If he is lucky enough he can sometimes appear as a illusion or a shadow to the one who is lucky to spot him. .Eliot can move throughout even the most guarded of areas and act in true discretion if he is lucky.

Envy Embodiment:

Users become an embodiment of jealousy and gain power from jealousy of others and oneself. Users can use envy as a power source to extend their life span until their envy is satisfied or use it as a weapon. Users can use this power to get what they want or kill others in order to take what they want.

Weapon Skill:

Eliot is skilled at handling knifes and other stealth based weaponry.


Although Eliot isn't the best in hand to hand combat he has incredible agility which helps him to sometimes out Maneuver his opponents, gain the upper hand and make an escape.

He can easily outrun the majority of people.

Healing Factor:

Eliot does not have a great healing factor, but it works with his enhanced durability, it is able to heal cuts and bruises within a quick time but more serious wounds takes quite a while.

Weaknesses: He is not very good in one on one combat, if it looks like he is losing the upper hand he will run, hoping that his foe is stupid enough to chase him.

After using his powers intensely for an extended period of time he becomes weak.

He is scared of failure, sometimes the pressure takes a toll on Eliot and immensely handicaps his powers.

Some people are smart enough to see through him, which he hates.

He isn't fond of dealing with fire or electricity.

Eliot has trouble weildeng weaponry such as swords and axes, or other heavy weaponry.

He also hates armour because it slows him down, because of this he has to be careful not to get hit.

Eliot is also cockey and bad tempered, this makes it easier for him to make mistakes.

Eliot is not the smartest, many people can out wit him, but he is also by no means an idiot.

Godly Parent: Phthonus (God of Envy)


@Soul OMU
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@Soul OMU

I'm super tired and going to get some sleep, feel free to make any changes to Eliots powers yourself wether it be toning it down or adding limitations.

If you don't make the changes then I will probably do it when I wake up.
(Y'know what soul, I have only two character,s you have too many to count. xD First time I think I've ever used all thre forms of "to" in one sentence.)

Name: Julia(Jules) Anna-Maria Carmen Garcia Quartania

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

New to Camp?: Nah, I have been around here for awhile but no one seems to notice.


Personality: she may not look loud, but she has quite the mouth and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes is right. She has a very fiery personality and can get very heated when talking about something or someone she cares about in a bad way. She won't be afraid to go all out and change your mind or beat you up.

Powers: Pyrokinesis -- she has control over fire and has the ability to manipulate and control it any way she choses. She can also control greek Fire which is very hard because Greek Fire isn't normal fire.

Geokinesis -- she only has a tiny bit of control over the earth because whenever she slams her hammer into the ground it causes it to crack and split so fire can come out.

Technokinesis -- she has control over metal and is able to manipulate it and fashion it any way she please. She can make just about anything once she puts her mind too it.

Weaknesses: if she over works herself too much and forgets to take care of herself she'll pass out and won't be able to use her fire power because she needs energy to use it.

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Other: she's 5'2 and very slim and slender.

Weapon of Choice

@Soul OMU

Is it good now?

Or would you like me to tone it down more.

And I could add more weaknesses if you want.
Light said:
Name: Isabella Veltira
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual.

New to Camp?: No

Appearance (No anime): View attachment 91369

Personality: She's a wild girl. Do whatever in the heat of the moment but collected when it comes to battle. She has the worst temper but shes pretty funny once you don't get on her bad side. She hides her intellectual side and interest in fights. Once she gets mad she tends to overreact.

Powers: She can double or lessen the pain somebody feels when wounded. She can make others feel a certian type of pain or type of sensation.

Weaknesses: After messing with someone's senses for a while. The pain she feels from her own wounds are tripled. If she uses her powers to much her mind will suddenly combust in pain.

Godly Parent: Odyne (Goddess of Pain.)

Other: View attachment 91373

Her tattoo on her shoulder crawls down her arm into her palm to turn into her dual headed scythe.

View attachment 91374
That looks exactly like my weapon only its not dual headed. C:

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