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  1. M

    Whole New World

    I feel as if our party is lacking direction. Lite needs to advance the plot, perhaps? :)
  2. M

    Whole New World

    Logan flashed a half-smile at the girl. "Slim, eh? It suits you. Welcome to the team. If you can walk, you better start doing so. It looks like we're moving out. Just stay behind the big one and the man with the lantern and you'll be fine. And if you need anything", Logan paused in his sentence...
  3. M

    Whole New World

    Sorry Soses-fighter007 it just made way more sense to talk to the cowering girl. :) Logan and Heila will eventually talk. ​eventually. Hahhahah
  4. M

    Whole New World

    Almost directly coinciding with Logan finishing up with the unconscious girl, Lite began coming up with a plan to locate the exit of the caves the group were in. It was almost a marching structure; the type a military unit would adopt, with the front line warriors leading the way whereas the...
  5. M

    Whole New World

    Yes, I didn't really plan to start attempting to stab Bane with my dagger. More of a verbal disagreement if anything xD . Perhaps later, in a less dire situation we can attempt to kill each other (joking).
  6. M

    Whole New World

    Logan blocked out the other people in the group's bickering, instead focusing on some delicate Arcane work. The knife in his hand was steady, as it had to be for this work. He ever so lightly dug into the weak girl's shoulder blade, carefully writing the Arcane symbol for "heal, continuous...
  7. M

    Whole New World

    Were-Crocodile indeed. A lovely character to pick a fight with, if I do say so myself.
  8. M

    Whole New World

    @Wandering Tyrant oh Logan is simply going to hate Bane! Much different sensibilities hahaha :) WanderingTyrant
  9. M

    Whole New World

    'Kind've funny, how in all this darkness a small group of them had made a bee-line to a man named "Lite" upon awakening,' Logan thought to himself as the man in question knelt, fretting over the well being of another occupant of the cave. The young magi found himself on the outskirts of a small...
  10. M

    Whole New World

    Yup, no worries there. Just how to do intermediate magic. Also, if I ever break any rules in regards to magic, just give me heads up and I'll change it. :)
  11. M

    Whole New World

    And yes, I suppose he does. I didn't put much thought in to the name, so if that's an issue I can get rid of the last name.
  12. M

    Whole New World

    Oh, I took no offence to it whatever the implication. I meant no disrespect, despite the sarcastic tone. Sorry if that was the impression I left you guys with.
  13. M

    Whole New World

    The first thing Logan was aware of was the darkness. It was residing all around him, smothering him like a thick blanket. It dulled his senses, and seemed eager to lull him back to sleep, which wasn't something he would necessarily object to. he couldn't remember ever waking up so restful, and...
  14. M

    Whole New World

    Thank you for the Lukewarm acceptance, and the back-handed compliment. :)
  15. M

    Whole New World

    Chosen Name: Logan Kaspar Age: Early 20's, or very late teens. Gender: Male Race: Human Height and weight: 5 foot 11 inches, 174 pounds. Only Memories: The corpse and casket of a 6 year old girl, and her icy blue eyes stabbing into his skull. Remembered Traits and Habits: Adept in...
  16. M

    The Last Rebellion

    Thank you, I look forward to when it starts.
  17. M

    The Last Rebellion

    Name:Aspen Drake Age: 29 Appearance: Gender: Male History: In contrast to most of our other intrepid heroes and survivors, Aspen did not grow up in poverty or strife. His father was a high ranking official in The Sentinels of truth, and was one of the very few who shared in the massive...
  18. M

    Compulsion //Info & Sign-ups//

    Name: Michael McCarty Age: 17 Appearance: can't post photos thanks to my low post count, sorry :( History: Michael was born in a music family. His father was a washed up musician, playing in local pubs for a paltry sum, and his mother was the frail remnants of a beautiful woman. They had...