Whole New World

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate
Terryal is a vast world.

Yes, yes incredible in size!

People die and are born everyday.

Yes, no one even notices!

So, no one will care if a few people disappear.


A deep cave, reaching into the bowels of Terryal. None know of what creatures and beasts dwell in such dark depths. None travel so deep, for there is no light, there is no hope, there is only darkness. Where there is only darkness, there is no more light. But darkness only comes when something casts a shadow. There must be something then, to cast this shadow.

It's dark, feels damp, confined. The echo of movement could be heard, the movement of a man waking. What's going on, where is this place. Can't remember anything, a lantern, right there, "Need fire," The man whispered, as he reached for his waist, taking hold of a tinderbox strapped to his waist. Quickly, while in the dark, he grabbed the lantern unscrewed the base, poured a certain amount of oil into the bowl from his flask of oil, and screwed the base back on. He took the flint and steel from his tinder set and struck the flint against the steel, aiming the sparks at the open wick. Once igniting a small flame. He closed the wick, strapped his belongings back to his waist, took hold of the lantern, and stood up. He was dizzy and light headed at first. He almost fell, so he reached out for something to help support him, he found a wall, rough, jagged, and slightly covered in soot. After a few moments, he rose his eyes to see that he was in a cave, a long winding tunnel leading deeper into the cave a head of him. The hall ways, he was in, were quite narrow, but it looked to have an opening on the other end. Uncaring of his confusion and the shroud of the world in his mind, he moved forward, using the walls to keep himself upright.

For a while he found no one, until he reached the opening. He found a small chamber, large enough to fit a few people, which it did, but the hall continued on. Right now, the man was astounded by the few people he stumbled upon. They were all just as dazed and confused as he, but at least they were all together. For a few moments, the man stood silently, watching the group slowly wake up from the bothering of the lantern's light. Only after seeing their features, did he begin to move about the group. He found an amount of interest in them. A large reptilian fellow, a winged girl, a skeleton of another, an archer. What was this collection doing in such a place, in fact what was he doing in such a place.

Finally the man spoke, "What's going on? Who are all of you?" He said, quite silently, but realized that he was practically whispering. He cleared his throat and spoke again, "I am," He paused finding his thought blank, a name you call yourself is something quite odd to forget, "Light," He said glancing to his lanterns bright glow, "L-I," His head began to hurt again, causing him to pause, but he attempted to finish spelling his name out, "T-E." He spelled incorrectly, but it didn't matter very much. "What on Terryal is going on here?" His voice was mature and experienced, but had a gravely and adventurous tone.
Day-Bane sucked in breath in surprise, waking himself up. He felt like he had just come out of a nightmare. He rolled onto hi side, resting on his massive tree trunk of an arm. He reached for his head, feeling a hood that ended in a point. His yellow eyes dilated, adjusting to the low lighting. He then felt a pang of hunger.

He looked around noticing others. Just beginning to stir themselves.

'Kill...' he thought to himself momentarily, before shaking his head. No, he probably had food. He didn't need to just kill. Perhaps these people could help him before he decided on doing anything to them. Rolling fully over, and pushing himself into a sitting position, he noticed a massive great sword. He reached for it, allowing his finger to trail the heavy metal, feeling small indentations along the blade, before his hand came to the hilt. He grabbed it, and pulled the massive blade into his lap. He looked it over for a minute...

Ragnorok... That was it's name...

He winced as a massive headache came on, a swell of memories began to wash over him. Most were hazy. He couldn't remember much of anything in those, but a few, he did remember.

Like naming his sword and having it enchanted.

Speaking of names...

He blinked in surprise...



Day-Bane... Something like that.

He fingered his hood again, and then stood up, picking up the sword with him. The weapon was heavy, he could tell that, but it didn't feel that much in his hands...

He brought the weapon around his back, slipping it into what seemed to be a thick and wide leather loop on his back, and unknowingly, he had sheathed his sword.

Another shape caught his eye. A large, bow-like gun was lying on the ground. What was it called?

Crossbow, right?

Bane reached down, grabbing the gun. He didn't remember if it was loaded, and he didn't want to accidentally fire at someone.

He gingerly held the weapon... and unconsciously fingered a small pouch on his side. It was full of bolts. Some of which were rounded at the ends, seemingly filled with an explosive substance.

He shuddered for a second. An explosion in here wouldn't be fun at all. He shook his head, and attached the crossbow to the belt on his waist.

So that's what the clip was for...

"What's going on? Who are all of you?" He looked up, only to be blinded momentarily by the new light. He held his arm over his eyes to give his eyes time to adjust. When he felt ready, he removed his arm. "We know about as much as you..." He hissed. "My name is Day-Bane..." He said, before looking down.

A skeleton of a human, a winged girl, and a normal human with a bow.

'human blood...' he thought to himself, before pushing the thoughts aside. He would likely get to hunt soon. Perhpas even in this cave. He didn't quite know. However, he did know he was very, very hungry.

He reached into his pouch, bringing out a seared peace of fish, and pretty much inhaled it.

It wasn't enough, but it would tide him over for now.
Adidas sat up grogily. She brushed her hand across the ground. Soon enough, she held a long sword. Blackbiter, it read. She remembered this name, from somewhere. She slowly sat up, holding her head. It throbbed in the back of her mind.

Where was she? What was she doing here?

Adidas glanced around, She noticed a few other's. Some just beginning to stir. She clenched her swrd to her chest. "W-What's going on?" She whispered, looking at someone in perticular.

A small lantern loomed from the distance, a man holding it up. She blinked several times before her eye's adjusted. "Who are you?" She muttered. She had never felt so out of place. Not that she could remember anyways. Adidas watched him near.

"I'm.... I'm." She had forgotten her own name? How? Adidas looked down at her shoes. In bright White letter's wrote the word Adidas. 'Maybe that's my name.' She thougt to herself."Adidas." She finally replied.

Adidas glanced around the dark and damp room. "Who are you all?" Thats when she noticed the sall pack, Adidas rumaged through it. Pulling out of piece of

Bread, she scarfed down quickly. Had she ever been so hungry in her life.. She couldn't remeber.
The first thing Logan was aware of was the darkness. It was residing all around him, smothering him like a thick blanket. It dulled his senses, and seemed eager to lull him back to sleep, which wasn't something he would necessarily object to. he couldn't remember ever waking up so restful, and there was a nagging pessimistic part of himself that seemed to believe he'd never experience it again if he got up now. The usual stress which he remembered accompanying him in the past had faded into this comforting wall of blackness, and disrupting that siphoning of his misery would be a sheer idiocy.

And yet... Inaction soon proved to be a fickle source of pleasure. Logan's back soon voiced it's discomfort at laying on top of what he discovered was a rough stone floor, and the physical irritant soon forced him to to sit up, and then conjure a flicker elemental flame in his left palm. He watched the darkness flee from him, and he saw it become replaced with the pale, slumbering faces of other people, who had been resting alongside him in what appeared to be a damp cave.

The other people were quite the diverse group. Men and women of all ages and races were strewn out across the room he found himself in, and he had to step carefully to avoid stepping on any body parts. A slight frown wrinkled Logan's brow, his bemusement combating with his sheer disbelief of the situation. A thought entered his brain, uninvited, but nevertheless asking a very reasonable question. Where, in the name of the Gods, was he, and how did he get here? And, perhaps less immediately vital but also equally troubling: what was he doing before he arrived here?

"Umm... Hello?" He whispered lightly, to no one in particular. "Anybody have the slightest clue as to where we are?"

Just then, a voice, with a deeper tone than his, made itself heard, from a different, far off section of the cave. "What on Terryal is going on here?", the voice questioned. As it was a question he himself wanted answered, Logan decided to go find the speaker, tripping and stumbling over rock outcropping and assorted limbs as he edged towards the direction the sound had come from.
[ALIGN=CENTER] A winged girl lay on the ground in a dark cave, she opened her eyes, or thought she did. It was so dark she questioned if she really did or not. She blinked and looked around, but no light met her eyes, it was all the same, darkness. She began to stand up, however she found there was a pain in the back of her head and she was entirely too tired. She closed her eyes and lay there a moment, not having the drive to get up at the moment, however she sat up when she heard another move around her, then there was the light. Several others stirred, some introduced themselves. she touched her staff and stood up, holding her head, the jewel in the head of her staff glowed softly as she touched it and it added to the light in the cavern from the lantern. Everyone was talking at once and asking the same questions,"I'm starting to think none of us know where we are." She said, looking at all of them, it was an odd group and none of them seemed to have anything in common other than the fact that none of them had a memory and they were all in the same dark cave.

She glanced at the staff that glowed beside her and then looked at the rest of them, her soft beautiful features of her face were stern and serious. A certain word came into her mind at the light of the staff,"
I"m Helia." She said,"Not that it matters. It would seem none of us have memory of where we are or how we got here anyways." She said rubbing the back of her head,"We can focus on where we are later, but for now we need to focus on getting out. Call me crazy but I don't think this stone cave is going to have all of the supplies people need to survive and I doubt any of us live here." She said. Helia's thoughts seemed well put together however she was on edge, she was having trouble staying calm and focusing on the important things. Her mind raced from problem to problem, who was she? Where was she? Why was she here, and how did she get here? Who were these people that were with them? All of this was strange and it disturbed Helia, however her instincts couldn't help but kick in as she went into panic mode, making her senses extra alert and her mind sharper than ever as she inspected her surroundings and those near her.

First things first, is everyone okay? Injuries? Next we need to look for signs of an exit, like the sound of running water or wind. I don't know how long we've been down here, but I'm betting we dont want to stay down here much longer unless someone has a useful memory." She added, a simple voice of reason. She was trying to find a sense of direction, the honest truth was she was just as dazed and hysterical as everyone else here was....she just wasn't going to waste time that might be precious on asking the same questions over and over again. [/ALIGN]

The others began to awake and rustle about. Not many woke up in a calm manner, most everyone began yelling the same question. At least Lite wasn't alone then, in his shrouded mind. Then again, that may be a bad thing. The first to be seen was a large heavily armored man, he sounded as if he had rocks in his throat. It may have been dark, but Lite's lantern at least allowed him to see a snout rather than a noise on the big fellow. Lastly by the name, it was obvious that he wasn't a hume. Not that it mattered, but the grumbling from his stomach was a bit disturbing. At least, by the look of him, he seemed pretty dull of mind. The next was the archer girl, who repeated Lite's question. Avoiding having to repeat the name that he could barely remember, Lite turned his attention to the next. This one was obviously some type of magi. His floating ball of flame made that quite apparent, but his tripping over a small rock made it obvious that he wasn't any type of warrior, possibly a scribe or a page. The last to awake was another girl, this one had wings, and was quick to begin spouting commands and directions. She spoke much sense, but she seemed more in a panic than anyone else. There was another girl, still asleep, or dead, she looked dead, like a skeleton.

"Everyone, calm, breathe," Lite spoke up, raising his lantern to gather their eyes, "You, Helia was it? What you say is agreeable, but you must not panic. We are in a cramped space, and we have no idea who any of each other are. Let us have a moment to figure out what is happening." With that, he lowered his lantern and brought it to his waist, then strapped it to his belt. "Take a moment to breathe everyone," He repeated, "Have something to eat, to drink, gather your bearings and we'll move soon." Searching through his belt himself, looking for something to snack on. He had only just realized he was hungry, from instructing the others to eat. Reaching towards the back of his waist, he picked piece of his lembas bread, as well as his flask of water. Taking a few bites of the bread, then a swig of his water, he felt a bit more replenishment of his strength fill his body. Then he looked about the crowd once more, seeing that everyone had eaten something, except for the winged girl. Walking up to her, the half eaten lembas bread handed out to her in his hands, "We all have our limits, eat, breathe, rest. We need strength before anything." Lite's attention also rested upon the girl who was still unconscious, "Someone check for a pulse," He said before gesturing to the girl. An instant thought, "If she's alive, I'd rather not leave her."
Adidas glanced at the one called Helia. She watched everyone quietly. They all seemed okay. Even though she was freaked out, she kept quiet. They did need to get out of this place. That or be raised like Bats? Thats what she thought they were called. Adidas turned her head. There was a distinctive sound, far off. She couldn't name it, but it was defenitly a sign.

Adidas streched her wing's as she silently watched them talk. 'Maybe I should too.' She thought to herself. 'Then again, Maybe not.' Her left wrist was sore, like she'd ben hit. Had she? Couldn't remember. "Maybe we were Kidnapped." She mumbled, considering the posiblity. It wasn't like they all had voluntarily came to this place, banged their heads until the forgot. Right?

Adidas nodded at Lite. She slowy knealed next to the unconcious girl. She layed two finger's on the base of the girls neck. She smiled slightly, "She's alive." She said, barely audiable to te others.


Which winged girl exactly are you talking about, becase there are two. I think.
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]The others began to awake and rustle about. Not many woke up in a calm manner, most everyone began yelling the same question. At least Lite wasn't alone then, in his shrouded mind. Then again, that may be a bad thing. The first to be seen was a large heavily armored man, he sounded as if he had rocks in his throat. It may have been dark, but Lite's lantern at least allowed him to see a snout rather than a noise on the big fellow. Lastly by the name, it was obvious that he wasn't a hume. Not that it mattered, but the grumbling from his stomach was a bit disturbing. At least, by the look of him, he seemed pretty dull of mind. The next was the archer girl, who repeated Lite's question. Avoiding having to repeat the name that he could barely remember, Lite turned his attention to the next. This one was obviously some type of magi. His floating ball of flame made that quite apparent, but his tripping over a small rock made it obvious that he wasn't any type of warrior, possibly a scribe or a page. The last to awake was another girl, this one had wings, and was quick to begin spouting commands and directions. She spoke much sense, but she seemed more in a panic than anyone else. There was another girl, still asleep, or dead, she looked dead, like a skeleton.
"Everyone, calm, breathe," Lite spoke up, raising his lantern to gather their eyes, "You, Helia was it? What you say is agreeable, but you must not panic. We are in a cramped space, and we have no idea who any of each other are. Let us have a moment to figure out what is happening." With that, he lowered his lantern and brought it to his waist, then strapped it to his belt. "Take a moment to breathe everyone," He repeated, "Have something to eat, to drink, gather your bearings and we'll move soon." Searching through his belt himself, looking for something to snack on. He had only just realized he was hungry, from instructing the others to eat. Reaching towards the back of his waist, he picked piece of his lembas bread, as well as his flask of water. Taking a few bites of the bread, then a swig of his water, he felt a bit more replenishment of his strength fill his body. Then he looked about the crowd once more, seeing that everyone had eaten something, except for the winged girl. Walking up to her, the half eaten lembas bread handed out to her in his hands, "We all have our limits, eat, breathe, rest. We need strength before anything." Lite's attention also rested upon the girl who was still unconscious, "Someone check for a pulse," He said before gesturing to the girl. An instant thought, "If she's alive, I'd rather not leave her."

(can you answer mis nikki's question? xD I need to know if Lite was talking to helia in the end or the other girl?*
Helia looked at Lite, he had read her right. She was panicked, she needed affirmative action, some sign that things would be going well soon and that all of this would be figured out. She hated just being stuck doing nothing somewhere that was unfamiliar. However she did as Lite instructed and took a breath, calming down. She listened to him as he gave out instructions, he seemed to be the only other one here saying something useful, and Helia was more than glad to listen. She ran her fingers through her golden hair and began to turn around however then he asked for someone to take the skeleton girl's pulse. She remembered that she could take the girl's pulse however Adidas beat her too it. Helia walked over and sat on a stone, propping up one knee and letting her other leg hang off the rock. She held her staff and leaned her head on it as everyone began to have a bite to eat.

Even in the darkness it was easy to see Helia was beautiful. She had golden hair, golden eyes, perfect skin, and a perfect body. All of her coloring was warm and pure, all of her physical features beyond human and leaning more towards that of a goddess. She kept her soft, plush wings that were filled with luxurious feathers that were softer than any bird might possess, closed and held against her back. She looked up as Lite approached her and handed her the bread, she looked at it and smiled, her smile soft and gentle, her eyes warm and kind as they looked up at him. They moved over to the unconscious girl who he asked about, saying he didn't want to leave her. Helia waited for Adidas's prognosis of the girl and nodded. Helia stood up and handed the bread back to Lite,"You should save your food supplies. I am not in need of it and I have water. but thank you for your generosity. Its quite thoughtful." She said, trying to be polite and not waste food that was most likely precious to his life source, she didn't feel faint at all though and she wouldn't let him waste it.

Helia pulled her water from her belt and took a drink of it, she did feel refreshed after her drink of the sweet, fresh water. She finished her drink and then looked at the container, she placed her ear up to it and listened a moment then smiled at Lite,"Water won't be an issue should anyone run out." She said, insinuating that her water pouch was enchanted, and it was. She heard the water refill after she took a drink. She placed her water pouch on her belt again then looked over the group, keeping in mind that they shouldn't stay in one place too long. She knew everyone was still finding their feet, but they didn't know what is in these caves. She gripped her staff a little tighter as these thoughts passed through her head.

'Kind've funny, how in all this darkness a small group of them had made a bee-line to a man named "Lite" upon awakening,' Logan thought to himself as the man in question knelt, fretting over the well being of another occupant of the cave. The young magi found himself on the outskirts of a small group of extraordinarily diverse people, who were all eying each other with a leery sense of unease and apprehension. Although, with the increasingly odd circumstances that drove them together, Logan supposed a slight amount of nerves and suspicious glares were a perfectly logical occurrence.

Logan turned his gaze to the man he deemed the most intriguing of the mis-matched party; that being this so called Lite individual. He was interesting. He wasn't the most imposing or physically unique of the group, but he had an... aura, to him. Perhaps it was the lantern, but even then, there was something more. He had told them to eat, and the others, Logan included, had done so, without question. He had spoken, and the frightened and the panicking had stopped to listen. He was a leader. He possessed a certain quiet confidence that generals or officials normally had, and that trait was reassuring to everyone around him.

Based on 5 minutes of slight dialog, and the manner in which he carried himself, Logan made a completely rash gut decision, at that very moment. He would follow this Lite, until they reached the end of ordeal they found themselves in. For better or worse, he would remain with him.

Logan walked forward, and knelt on the right side of the skeleton girl, on the opposite side of Lite. He glanced up at the man, and smiled ruefully,

"The name is.... Logan. Logan Kaspar, I believe. At any rate, if the girl does turn out to be alive, I know of an Arcane healing rune, which would probably aid her. I would be happy to help."
"Shut up, all of you. You may have your breather in silence. Talking will do nothing but agitate both me and you to each other more." Bane growled, reaching his fingers into his hood and rubbing his temples. "We are here for a reason. The gods dont just throw random people inside of a cave for whoever knows how long for the sake of it." He reasoned, before looking along the cave walls.

"A start would be to find a tunnel. We can follow it hopefully find our ways out. We can't split up. I dont remember what exactly wanders the tunnels and caverns of these places, but I do remember them being vicious and loosing friends to them. How they didn't get in here and tear us all to shreds is a miracle in it's own right. Don't forsake our chance at a way out. There is safety in numbers." He said, reaching for his satchel. "I have some potions in my pack if we need them. Some restore energy, some mend wounds. Does anyone need them? Because I dont." He said, reaching his large clawed hand into his pack and bringing out two potions.

"And no, I am not human. I am what your races call Lenngann. A reptilian race. I do hope that you dont have a problem with that." he hissed, looking from one person to another. "Because you're stuck with me right now whether you like it or not."

His eyes switched to the side, watching a man come and bow before what's the name? Lite. Yeah, a Lite snack. He would make a nice meal, he looked like he had a good amount of meat on him...

No, no, not a good idea. That was his... animalistic side speaking... He was like that unless he wanted to be.

"Do you want me to carry the girl?" He questioned, motioning to the near skeleton with a flick of his head.
Adidas backed into a corner she listened to everyones conversation. True they needed to leave, but if they did were would they go? Not having memory was dangerously inaccurate. They were put here, for some reason, tha she agreed with. "Is this some sort of....Test?" Adidas mumbled softly. It was a possibility. A Test here, would make sense. It's dangerous, cunning, and depended on team work. If it did, she was a goner.

Adidas stared off to the ground, she didn't quite understand their situation. "Bane, You said you remeber this Cave to be vicious. That means you have been here before. But, do you remember the name or place?" She said, quite softly. Here eye'slocked on him. She perffered not to speak, but it looked like her life dependent on it.

She glanced away. The lantern made shadows bounce aroundthe walls. One in perticular seemed to be staring at her.

But, was it a shadow? Adidas looked away, watching it out of the corner of her eye.
And so, most everyone calmed, the winged girl sat, and let herself breathe and the magi and the archer tended to the girl who had yet to awaken. Sadly, there was only one who wouldn't calm. The large reptilian was quick to access the situation, he seemed angry, perhaps he was hungry. Lite thought to attending to him soon, fearing that his sheer size and power may overwhelm them, if not kept in check. But first, the wounded needed attention. Helia graciously declined the offer of food, but found pleasure in her drink, after her showing of a hefty amount of grace, the cup seemed to refill itself on her command. Quite useful to have, but she seemed fine at the moment, so Lite did not respond vocally, instead just hid his food away and moved on to the unconscious girl and two over her.

From the archer's check, the girl was alive, simply unconscious still, it would be a burden, but Lite thought it best to bring her along. The magi introduced himself, "Kaspar," Lite echoed, then nodded to the magi, "Check for a fever, as well she looks to be famished, if you can, find a way for her to eat, before she vanishes in our arms." He instructed them, as he himself took a knee and placed his hand upon her head, "I am no herbal master, I cannot be of much help in this situation, if she does not come about, then we'll simply carry her with us." Lite let out a heavy breathe, if there were any beasts down here, then the weight of another body would be quite burdensome.

Rising back to his feet, Lite looked to the reptilian man, who had just had an outburst of, what seemed like, anger. He seemed angry to be alone with only humans, and angry that they were not in such a rush as he. Lite approached him slowly, putting his hands up so they were in sight of the reptilian, "Calm, friend. None here mind that you are not of soft skin, but do you mind? We must not be like you, we do not have as much energy that you have, you must have patience for us, being as we are not of your kin. You seem very stressed." Lite reached around to his satchel, pulling the lembas bread out again. He handed out to the reptilian, "It may not satisfy your hunger, but it is made with the finest ingredients, giving it a sweet taste; savor the flavors in your jaw. It may calm you." Though the entire event, Lite's demeanor had barely shifted, keeping a calm and in control tone. Someone needed to keep peace of mind. "We will move soon, for now we must help each other to our feet. Like you said, there is strength in numbers."

The sound of Adidas's whimpering was obvious, she was going to be a hassle to calm as well, it made it no more easier with Bane's grumbling.
"I said I remembered caves like the one we are in to be vicious and crawling with either undead or dangerous animals. I did not say, that I had been in this particular one." He said, turning to small girl. He sighed, this girl looked terrified and about to wet herself. "I might've been on the upper levels if I've ever been in this cave. But as of now, I do not know."

He looked around, his shoulders were tensed and every muscle in his body seemed to be ready to spring. His beast was struggling with him. He didn't like not being able to control himself. But his hunger, stress, and being in a cave that had dozens of animals that would make great meals made his jaws clench. He needed a good piece of meat to chew on.

He looked as the one called Lite approached him, kindly offering him a piece of bread, saying it might calm him. Bane sighed.

"You do bot understand, friend." He began, lowering his voice to a whisper. "I an a lycan. A were beast. We rarely sleep... I am on edge and having trouble controlling myself. My beast blood yearns to be free."
"Undead." Adidas mimicked. She had a stronge feeling of being watched. She sat in the croner, balancing her chin on her knee's. Everything around her was calm, well almost calm. She seemed to be one of the hardest to relax. Adidas watched the group. Each different, Each unique. She stared off onto the ground, at a small pebble.

Adidas watched each and every one of them. As nice as some were she couldn't trust any of them. Not yet anyways. Bane seemed Emotional, Lite was the Leader { Obviously! }, Logan seemed nice, and what was she? The coward of the group. Adidas closed her eye's, feeling overwelmed by exhaustion. Just afew moments was all she needed. But she couldn't get herself to do it.Adidas kept watching everyone, trying to keep her mind from wondering.
Helia looked up when she heard Bane mention he was a lycan and he declined Lite's offer of food, she couldn't help but smile, he was trying hard to get rid of that piece of bread she mused. Of course he was just trying to be a leader, self sacrificing his own supplies to help the entire group, thats what leaders did....although Helia couldn't help but this it was both selfless and selfish at the same time. A leader who sacrificed himself for his troops left his troops wandering aimlessly, either way she stood up and walked over, placing a hand on Lite's shoulder,"Why don't you go speak with Adidas? She seems rather perturbed." She looked at Bane and gave him a warm, happy smile. "So you're a lycan huh? Its understandable you'd be on edge. This cannot be comfortable for you." She said, placing a soft hand on his shoulder and patting him comfortingly before taking it back and respecting his personal space. As she smiled up at him one might notice she was decently smaller than he was yet she spoke to him with such courage unlike Adidas who seemed to be shaking at the whole situation. Helia was calming down easily though and she found that she had no fear for different creatures or those who might be able to over power her.

Helia took a seat on a rock near by and pulled her knees up to her, tapping her staff on the ground twice it stayed up on its own and kept it's light gently lit. She patted the rock beside her with a bright smile on her face, a bit niave but she was so hard to resist, if you didn't find her beautiful and filled with grace, it was hard to see how one wouldn't even find her cute - especially considering how she was shorter than he was and made of feathers and cream where as he was created with scales and stone - although that was true of males and female in general, so maybe it wasn't so silly that she tried to befriend him to easily, even if it failed it was an admirable try,"
We'll be moving soon, maybe that will help with us feeling so restless?" She suggested and gave a small shoulder shrug.

Logan blocked out the other people in the group's bickering, instead focusing on some delicate Arcane work.

The knife in his hand was steady, as it had to be for this work. He ever so lightly dug into the weak girl's shoulder blade, carefully writing the Arcane symbol for "heal, continuous, and cooling" hoping to create a magical salve which would theoretically provide long term healing and aid in bringing down the girl's fever.


Logan wasn't sure as to where he had learned the technique of carving the words into a person's skin -- he wasn't sure of anything, really -- but he had a vague inclination that it would be quite effective in a pinch. A lot of people had an issue with magical healing, as it had a high chance of backfiring, but he trusted his own magical capacity. The magic calmed him. It would lightly course through his body, and it radiated a warming hum, within the depths of his self, as if his soul was singing out to the Gods the magical power had originated with. Magic was power, weather you were flaying someone alive or saving someone's life.

He set the knife down, and carefully eyed his work. Everything looked right, despite the poor lighting. He sighed, contentedly, and fetched a small small drinking flask from one of his cloaks many pouches. He lifted the girl's head, lightly, and slipped a small amount of liquid in to the girl's mouth. He knew the nature of his spell would make the healing only occur at a relatively slow rate, but he thought he saw the pallor of the unconscious girl's cheeks give way to a slight blush. He wiped the sweat off his brow, and stood, giving the girl some space to rest.
"Thank you... For your understanding...?" Bane said, looking to the winged girl from his position near the wall. He was not used to such quick acceptance. Many considered him a monster. This girl? No. She respected him. The way she treated him too. She didn't fear him. It was a nice feeling.

He watched her pat a rock near her, and he decided that she was... Well, cute per say. Beautiful by human standards no doubt, but he was not of their kin.

He was hesitant, but approached anyway, sitting down on the rock next to her. "I hope for all of out sales that we move soon. I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back too much longer."
It more seemed that the big guy couldn't hear right, the food was there to calm him. Whatever the problem was, simply to calm his nerves. But it seemed to fail, being as the big guy was contempt on being angry, also revealing that his blood being that of lycan, cursed to shift to a beast in times of hunger. It was a surprise he was still sane now, but Lite found that it'd be better to consider himself lucky then. But if that was the case, if he were to change into some beast, then the only current threat was him, and the best option would be to put him down now. As Lite was not a cruel man, he did not bring up such talk, for it would likely put the beast on even further edge. Instead, the winged girl decided to give it a try, and instructed Lite to tend to the cowering Adidas. It was odd, but understandable. Lite hid his food away once more, being as no one seemed to like lembas bread but himself. Sad, it was quite tasty.

Lite turned, and made his way to the scared girl in the corner of the chamber. He glanced back to see that the winged girl was using her charms to seduce the big oaf into a calmer state. Maybe this angel wasn't so pure then, being as that was, Lite continued on to the archer. Once again taking a knee, Lite placed a hand on her shoulder. He kept silent for a few moments, searching for the correct words to please her, "You are afraid, that is fine, for you should be, we are in grave danger," he spoke, oddly though, "But even so, you must stand, for those who have fear and stand even when it devours them, those are the true heroes of the land." With that, Lite went back to his feet, "Stand, and stand with pride. If I would consider any brave here, I would consider you. All I can do is give support for the mind, you all are the ones who have the arms to fight." The last statement was directed at everyone in the room, as he glanced about it.

"We should begin moving soon," He went a head and changed the subject, "If anyone would like to volunteer," Lite gestured to the unconscious girl, someone would have to carry her. Lite was at least happy that Logan could begin his magic, the appreciation only showing in a slight smile towards the magi. "I will take point, I have a source of light. You reptilian, you shall come next, I trust your nose is better than any of ours, so I want you to seek out the scent of fresh air, that will be our clearest way to and exit. From there, whomever carries the girl, then the last two will follow." He decided the formation they would take, making it clear that he would not bend, the role of leader had to be taken, and none seemed better for the position but himself.
Helia was glad when he seemed to accept her words and her friendly advances to help calm him down and sooth his frazzled nerves. She nodded, listening to him, her golden eyes looking at him and really seeming to understand and taking his words seriously. "I'm with you, I'm ready to get moving too." She tapped her feet,"I'll admit I feel a little restless. Lets just try to breath though and I'm sure we can work through this together." She said happily, she seemed a bit too optimistic, but maybe that was just for his benefit. She brushed some of her golden hair behind her ear, yes even if she wasn't attractive to him it wasn't hard to see the flamboyant, shorter girl was, at the very least, cute like a bunny rabbit or a chipmunk even perhaps. "So why don't you tell me about your potions you mentioned earlier? Or one of your, uhm, many weapons?" She asked him, trying to make them some conversation to take their mind off the tension. She picked up her staff and showed it to him,"This is Gratia. It means Grace." She explained, starting them off- however no sooner had she started the simple conversation, did Lite interrupt it with more orders. She stood up with Bane and listened to Lite, she wondered if everyone would fall in line with his orders, him being a self appointed leader and all.

Helia felt herself grow wary of Lite quickly, he comforted her and that put her on a slight edge, although she didn't know why. "I can carry the girl. I'm much stronger than any human-" However there was another surprise, the girl rolled over and spoke, Helia looked at her,"If can still carry her if you'd like." She said with a shrug, trying to be helpful. She recognized that many of these people were humans, Helia on the other hand had wings, she was stronger, and she had magic. It was her place to help as much as she could since she had the ability to do so.


@Original Hylion

@MDM ​(now might be a good tiem for interaction. :) )
The unconscious girl awoke from a deep sleep, the light given off by the lantern slipped through the cracks of her eyes. She let out a silent moan and rolled on to her side where she laid for a moment. It didn't phase her that she had been asleep on a cold rocky floor, slowly she regained full conscious and realized she didn't know where she is, or even how she got there to begin with.

She quickly got up, then turned back to the light that awoke her, she didn't know the light had come from a latern with a man holding it. She made quick notice of the man and others, she then began to scoot back some. "Whe-where am...?" She said under her breath. She paused hoping no one heard her. "Maybe I should say silent" she thought to herself. She didn't know anyone here, let alone herself, she decides to stay silent thinking it maybe her best choice.
Adidas watched as Lite had began to talk. Adidas slowly stood to her feet, she remained in the corner though. Fear was really only a message to the mind, but she couldn't shake it. Adidas nodded in agreement, they needed to move, but she wasn't so sure into where exactly. Adidas drawn her sword, she disn't want to fight or have any trouble. But even she could sense, something was not right.

She glanced around, notin the few that were there. She had wanted to stand up and talk more. But, something held her back. Adidas watched as the scene foreplayed. Being brave, not her best subject. But she had to try.
Bane looked up from his seat to when his name was called. Telling to sniff for fresh air.

He closed his eyes. Searching for strands of air that didnt reek of human sweat and other bodily fluids. He searched for air with pollen and smelt of pine...

All he needed was a quick trace...

There... He found one...

Standing up, he followed his noes to find a small opening. Growling, he stuck his hands in, an dug his claws into what felt like hard clay. snarling, he began to rip his arms back, heaving two massive chunks of the opening off and making it just big enough for him to squeeze through.

"There are tunnels down this way." He hissed. "Watch your step when you go through. There could very well be creatures or unstable rocks in there. We don't want to loose anyone." He said, before turning to Lite. "Should I lead, or do you want to be the first?"

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