Compulsion //Info & Sign-ups//


Netherworld Overlord
They told you it was only your imagination.

But it wasn't.

In the small town of Applubree, Maine things have gone on as they always have. Kids go to school and cause trouble. Adults go to work and try and keep the kids out of trouble. They are mostly a self-contained town as well and small enough that most people know one another. It's hard to find a person who doesn't know your family and probably tons of embarrassing stories.

Things have always been fine in Applubree. Or as fine as things can be for a town that is supposedly cursed. Way back in the days before the town was created it was a place where a tribe of Native Americans lived. When the colonists came to claim the place as their own, the leader of the tribe told them that it was a bad idea. But they were free to take the place. Rumor had it that the place was once the home to a dark, malevolent spirit that use to feed on the negative emotions and would lure off children to their doom of the tribes until it was sealed under the ground never to return. In order to ensure that it did not get set free a tribe was set over the place it was sealed.

But the tribe was tired of watching and keeping it at bay as they lost people to the spirit as it worked to break free. The colonists thought this was stupid and took over the spot.

And so it was peaceful.

Yet there are reports of children disappearing each decade. Strange happenings as well. Things that cannot be explained and some that is better off left with no one knowing. It has always been this way. Those who believe in the old tale think it's the spirit effecting the town as it slowly moves back to the surface world to do as it wanted once again. Though these are few and far between.

Until that night.

The night of the Halloween Festival.

You weren't suppose to have gone off, but you did. Deep into the woods with a few others as well. Some of you may have been drinking. Regardless you all witness the same event. One of the drunks stumbled a little away from the group. It was dark and no one was really paying much attention. There was a blood curdling scream and you come upon the person, bloody and cut up, crying for help. Before being devoured by the very earth.

All agree not to speak of it, but it is impossible to run from something that wants you. That calls to you and invades your dreams.

You all saw the spirit at work and now it wants you. Maybe just to feed, maybe to get free, or maybe just to have some fun. Very few will believe you and information on the spirit is rare to find and mostly nonsense or so it seems. But you have a feeling it won't quit until it has you all.

Of course you really aren't the types people put much stock in in the first place. Misfits, outcasts. The weirdos mostly. Or those who are shy and awkward. Though this may be why the spirit is after you in the first place.

No matter what happens, you're going to have to stick together and fight against this thing. Unless you want to get eaten? I thought not. It has been a week since the event and the pull is weak, but present. Have fun my dear children.


Follow the normal rules of the site please.

The compulsion is weak right now, but it will not progress the same for everyone. Some may be more weak willed or strong minded than others.

You can have as many characters are you can handle.

You can have characters that weren't there to witness the Event. They must either be outsiders who get dragged into it or those who know about the legend of the spirit.

Also note this is a close knit town. You will most likely know all the other characters, even if it's just barely and most certainly all the witnesses will know each other. You may create pre-existing relationships in pms or do it once you see a character you wish to establish one with. Of course you must discuss it with the other person(s).

*New Rule* PLEASE be literate. No one-liners or short little paragraphs. But some thought into what you write.


Age: (All witnesses must be between 13-17. All others can vary as much as you like)



Witness?: (If not how will they be related to the story?)


Name: Bailey Pond

Age: 14


History: Bailey was born as the only child to a semi-rich family. Her parents were rarely home when she was a child and so she was raised mostly by a nanny. Bailey had always been intrigued by dark things and was seen as creepy as a child. She was not really all that creepy or dark herself, but her interest in the occult and other strange things caused people to believe she was. She spent the entire sixth grade being called a witch and listening as people would insult her and call her names. It wasn't until the middle of seventh grade, where she scared off a bunch of students who was picking on a kid, that she embraced her status as a weirdo and the "dark, creepy chick". And despite not being a bad person and rather friendly, Bailey never stopped or lost interest in the darker things. In fact one of her favorite tales was of the spirit, although she rarely believed anything she would read or watch.

The worst thing was last year when her locker was vandalized and all her books and items were thrown all over the hallways. She lost a few things and many of her stuff got ruined and people didn't care and many of them trampled over her things or took them or threw them away. Bailey actually stayed out of school for a week and joked to a few friends she attempted voodoo to get revenge. This is what eventually lead to her breaking up with her then boyfriend as she was "too bitter" about the event, along with a few other things.

Despite this treatment, Bailey had a close group of friends. She also had a few boyfriends, which tended to be a few years older than her mostly. Bailey had just recently broken up with one as well, although they are still trying to make it work as friends, although Bailey still has feelings for him. She is not happy to finally be in high school either and has already endured some bullying from her upperclassmen and even her teachers have said that she needs to brighten up. She was with her ex when she was a witness to the Event, completely sober as well and had only gone off because of her ex.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Bailey carries around a mini doll key-chain on her backpack

Name: James Kingsly

Age: 17


History: James was born second to his twin sister Becca. As children he and his sister got along well enough. Even if they weren't as close as some twins were, they still cared about each other and were usually seen together. James was a shy kid and had a rather wild imagination, always dragging a friend or his sister off on some wild adventure. As he got older, he mellowed down and turned into something of a bookworm and a nerd. James also did his best to help out with school activities and ended up on the school's student council.

In high school though, he changed. He became less involved in school activities and although he was still a nerd, he tried to get involved more with other people. Still he had some trouble as he looked creepy to some people and he didn't always present himself well either, not always comfortable in social situations. He is also a known sort of teacher's pet and this drove him to be at the bottom of the social ladder in school. He still has a rather large imagination and works in the school's library as well. James was talking to a few of the people who went into the woods and decided to go as a way of trying to make friends.

Witness?: Yes


Name: Rebecca "Becca" Kingsly

Age: 17


History: Becca was born an hour ahead of her twin brother James. In their childhood, Becca was always the more levelheaded one, although she enjoyed playing make believe with her brother. Unlike him, she was rather good at talking to people and making friends. She had a wide circle of them and would always be off having a fun time. Becca is also an athletic after being recruited into track and field as a sixth grader. She found that she loved to run and kept on with it. She is also a soccer player as well and has done some other sports in her years of school.

Becca was somewhat blind to her brother's activities as they aged, but she always kept an eye on him and kept people from bullying him. She was friend's with a lot of the popular kids as a jock and so she was able to make sure that James was okay. Still she became a little distant as he focused on school and she focused on sports. She was with James during the festival, but went off before he joined the group into the woods. She has a feeling something happened, but she doesn't know what yet.

Witness?: No; Twin sister to James


Name: Natalie Becquerels

Age: 16


History: Natalie was born into a family of two brothers. She was somewhat bullied by them as a child, but because of this, Natalie started to defend herself and become more aggressive as a result. She would fight with her brothers and sometimes win them as well, wanting to prove she was just as good as the boys. Even in school, she would have an attitude and would pick fights and try and show that she was better. She got into a lot of trouble and also had a hard time making friends, especially with girls.

As she got older, she only got worse. She became a troublemaker and would cause all sorts of problems. She cared little for school and little for authority. She did have a few friends, mostly those who could either tolerance her aggressive behavior or were just as bad as her. She became sort of a rival to the popular girls and would always go out of her way to make their life hell. Still Natalie was not unaffected by their comments and this only made her hate them even more. In ninth grade, one of them, a girl that Natalie was brutal to in middle school, ended her relationship through lies and gossips. In tenth she spread a rumor, trying to paint Natalie as a whore, but it only kind of worked. Natalie retaliated in the best way she knew and beat her up.

Natalie was suspended and as a result was forced to take summer school so she would not have to repeat. Her father is gone, having left while Natalie was still in elementary school and her mother has no energy to try and tame her wild daughter, although Natalie is better at home and cares for her mother. She went along with the trip as she was drinking and was thinking it'd be fun to try and scare some of the others.

Witness?: Yes

Name: May Lynne Dost

Age: 16

Appearance: (having issues will add with edit)

History: May Lynne hasn't spent a day outside of Applubree and it's surrounding area. Most her life she felt trapped by all the familiar faces that knew her own secrets before she did. A product of an affair, she never met her father though her mother always told her this was a good thing. In all honesty she wondered which of her parents were a better deal, in short her mother(Lynette) was all beauty and not too much else in there. On the other hand May Lynne loved her maternal grandmother(Adele), she showed her what type of person to be, and all sorts of important life lessons. When her grandmother passed away when she was barely fourteen ML couldn't really deal with it and she became more introverted and withdrawn, alienating the few friends she did have.

ML found her way when she started looking into the books her grandmother left behind, teaching herself the practice that she was slowly being trained for. No one knows that she practices, though some are able to see she's doing much better since her grandmothers death.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Witch (Was practicing in the woods before interupted by the others)
Name: Ashton Livingston

Age: 16


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: Ashton had moved from a perfect town in Minnesota, of which he didn’t want to move from. The only reason that him and his parents moved was because of his father’s job, the company simply wanting him closer to the corporate location it being a few towns from Applubree. In truth he liked his old school, him having no problems in his studies or with other students but that could have been because of his friendly nature. Since he had moved to Applubree he has rooted himself into the local social scene, matriculating between both popular individuals and outcasts being weird or misunderstood.

In his old school he did not discriminate when it came to those he saw as friends, which would occasionally cause some friends to become distant and only speak to him when he is out of certain company. In Ashton’s mind he saw that as idiotic but high school was like that and he wouldn’t change it. He has now been going to the local high school since the start of the year, him finding it to be pleasant enough. It seems to be just as any other high school, filled with audacity and undeserved popularity. All in all he can see himself here for the duration, unless his father’s work causes them to move again.

At the moment in the high school he is involved with the book club and a wide receiver on the varsity football team, the two being vastly different but he isn’t like other high school individuals. Out of the two he sees them both equally, him enjoying a good book and an adrenalin filled day on the field. One is a work out of the mind and the other being purely a work out of the body, both having a beneficial impact on his life. The only reason he got a bid to play on the varsity team was because of his time at his last school, him shining as a player in his year there.

Connection: He didn’t follow the group out into the woods, him off with Becca at the time. They were both into sports so they had some common ground, which made it easy for the two of them to talk with each other. He spoke with Bailey now and then as well, the two of them seeming to become friends in a way…which everyone else didn’t really understand in the least, most of them seeing her as a weirdo. He found her to be more normal than most of the commonly accepted normal people in the town, which was ironic in a way.

: No, reason above.

: When he reads a book, he is often seen singing to himself…it’s a habit.
I realize this should be in the character sheet section. Oops. I'll fix that.

But you are both accepted. I would like to find someone who'd play Bailey's ex though, though I am open for any other relations.
Name: Johannes Markus

Age: 17

Appearance: View attachment 7865

History: Johannes has always been castout, due to his unique name, and blue hair. He's been in fights before, and seen things many people would fear. At the age of 14, he saw survived an attack of a Masked Killer on Halloween Night(Michael Myers reference) . He hopes very much to never run into such a thing again.

Witness?: Witness

Other: Having survived that Halloween night, he'd been scarred for life, and he'd gotten brave, but not reckless, and he is really shy, and also afraid at things that breath really loud, or people who never run.
Name: Juliet "Jules" Duke (or "Jinx")

Age: 16

Appearance:View attachment 7864View attachment 7867

History: Juliet was raised by a single father. Still, she was showered with enough love to greatly make up for her absent parent. A jack of (nearly) all trades, her father taught her various things like the piano, how to read tarot cards, and wilderness survival skills. This included knowledge of medicinal herbs, poisonous plants, and tree climbing. She was happy for a while.

Jules has always been a bit of a bad luck charm, at least to the men in her life. It all started when her mother, a woman 10 years older than her father, left her 18 year old dad when Juliet was three days old. Then her first love (and somewhat boyfriend though all they did was hold hands) in the first grade fell down a flight of stairs and needed 12 stitches. Her boyfriend in the seventh grade, a pitcher on their school baseball team, broke his hand right before an important game. The owner of a cornerstore, who always gave Juliet free candy, had his store burned down by delinquents. Even the pervert who tried to touch her on the bus broke his leg when he got hit by a car the very day he met her on the bus.

The biggest incident was when her dad was blamed for a company scandal and fired. He was a nice man and he wasn't involved in any of the embezzlement. But he had to take the shame for the higher ups that were. At first, it didn't seem to phase him that much as he kept on smiling for his daughter. But one day, Juliet (13 at the time) came home to see that her dad had hung himself in despair.

From then on, she began moving from foster home to foster home. After bad things began happening to the men of the house, no family wanted her. She even began getting bullied by the girls in her school, because no guy wanted anything to do with her. Partially for her "deadbeat" dad and partially for her bad luck streak. They called her "Jinx". Her teacher at the time, a man, was nice to her though but he was soon mugged and beaten nearly to death on his way home from school.

Things started looking up for her when she turned 15 though. Having been taken into the home of a single woman with no children of her own, Jules was no longer worried about her bad luck. The bullying even stopped though no one really wanted to be her friend either. She still gets called Jinx but she doesn't let that get to her. She has very few friends, none of which are boys, and she's obviously given up any hope of dating. She now has a little brother, another foster child, who she's trying to avoid but he is really persistent and starting to grow on her.

The reason Sky and her are in the woods is another act of her bad luck. They both got lost while trying to run from some of Sky's bullies.

Witness?: yes

Other: She always has a deck of tarot cards on her and a small notebook with notes of various flowers and plants.

Name: Caleb "Sky" Gabriel (Well, only Jules calls him Sky)

Age: 15

Appearance:View attachment 7866View attachment 7868

History: Caleb was born to a rather poor family with alcoholic and rather abusive parents. They never really hit Caleb. They were much to busy hitting each other. But they never paid much attention to him, which only made him crave their love even more. Yet they never did, or at least they never showed it. Then one night, during another one of his parents' scuffles, a flying bottle hit him in the head. Everything seemed fine. There was no blood or headache, so Caleb went to school same as always.

At school, Caleb was not readily accepted by many. Part of the reason was because parents told their kids to stay away from him and his violent parents. Another was that despite being a boy, he was cuter than a lot of the girls in his class. He was often harassed by boys who often indicated that he was a girl. He got used to it though. It didn't make sense to him why they only teased him about his face. Caleb was not that smart, though he tried, he wasn't good at sports and he didn't really have any talents other than looking cute. There were so many things they could've called him out on.

In the middle of class, Caleb suddenly got a huge headache. His vision became hazy and he fainted in class. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. Apparently the bottle did more than he thought as he had a minor fracture in his skull as well as a mild concussion. He was immediately taken out of his family and put into a foster one, with a single woman and a girl about a year older than him. With his new mom being so nice to him, Caleb was happy and a bit surprised as he was unused to people being kind to him. His new sister, however kept avoiding him. With his new craving for love he began sticking to her like glue no matter where she ran. When he confronted her about it, Jules told him about her bad luck and that she didn't want a brother because he would suffer. To this, he instantly replied, "Then I'll be your little sister."

Then Caleb became "Sky" at least to Juliet. He then began fully crossdressing whenever he was around her. This of course included skirts because he liked the breeze and apparent freedom in motion. (He doesn't wear mini-skirts though so you don't have to worry about that.) He began getting bullied even more because his crossdressing crossed over into his school life but he didn't care.

Witness?: yes

Other: I should warn you now but Caleb can be a bit of a pervert and a weirdo. He won't say or do anything too explicit but . . . yeah, I'm not sure how to explain this very well.
amdreams you are accepted. Just add if you could why they went with the group into the woods. Heck one of them could have suggested the idea.

TheFallOfitAll just add more to your history and you'll be accepted.
Okay, I thought I did . . . oh wait, I only put up half the reason. Well, as I was saying in Juliet's history, the two got lost in the woods while trying to run from some of Caleb's bullies. After realizing that they weren't going to easily find their way home, Caleb suggested to go on a ghost hunt since it was Halloween.

Also, I have no idea who I want to know . . . Would it be okay if they knew Bailey? I kind of want to know Natalie but she seems like the type that wants to be alone.
Actually you would probably know the others in the sense that you have been attending the same schools and the like. Just saying that for everyone. As for Natalie, she would prefer to be alone, but she does have friends. Those who can tolerate her attitude.

But I am fine with them knowing Bailey well. No love for James so far.

Also Chaos I forgot. You must also include why she was in the woods.
Let's give this a shot:

Matthew Theodore Sirret - 'Matthias'

Age: 17


View attachment 7892


An only child, Matthew's parents divorced when he was nine after his father dipped his wick in the nanny to cataclysmic effect. A scene which he now recalls without emotion, like some cliche plot line in a bad tv drama that never happened to him. He moved from place to place for a time, wherever his mother could find work, never settling, moving on within the year.

Needless to say his academic knowledge is littered with holes and he asks the obvious, navigating the social circles like one would a mine field. Rarely participating, rarely becoming attached, he can be difficult to understand making others uncomfortable, though he is not about to reassure them of his normality. In a sentence he is comfortable to let this stage of life pass him by.

Three years ago the two 'man' family moved to Applubree, his mother having taken up her parents offer to move into their home until she got back on her feet. Three years on it is just him and they, his mother popping in from time to time between jobs and flats. He has never really set down roots here. He knows he won't need to, but then again he never knew he would be here this long.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Matthew often carries a harmonica and a deck of cards upon his person. His hair, often in a pony, falls below the shoulder.
Okay so I am still looking for people but I am willing to start this soon and just leave it open for more people.
Name:Faith Ernst

Age: 16


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History: Faith lives with her mother, who is often bed ridden. she, like her mother, has a frail body. she is 5' 3" and 120 pounds, and is always trying to gain a bit of weight, but has a largely active metabolism. she loves sweets and is often seen with a package of candy, any variety. she is quiet, and has trouble making friends. she has been in Applubree for about 6 years. her house is actually a flower shop with her and her mother living on the second floor. Faith has a fascination with plants, and unlike many girls enjoys observing insects as well. with her mother sick so often she has never really gone to any social events. she never felt like she would be welcomed anyway so she jsut stays home, much to her mothers dismay. she was scouting the forest for a certain type of fall plant when she heard a bunch of noise and a scream. she saw a group of teens around her age looking at one of their friends dismembered body in complete horror and now has nightmare that she will be pulled in by the spirit that seems to haunt the town.

Witness?: Yes

Other:she has a small black cat(Male) that goes with her when she isnt at school. its name is Nightwhisper, and it usually rides in her shoulder bag.
Name: Lisa Evan Moore

Appearance: Deep violet eyes, always wearing her signature wireless headphones as well as two hair clips on either side. Dangling from the front of her outfit she always wear's a cheap plastic pendant depicting a cute black cat

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Age: 14

History: Lisa Evan Moore was the adopted child of late Oscar and Lillian Moore. Around the age of ten, both of her parents were discovered dead at the edge of the town through apparent double suicide. Despite the fact that Lisa was in school at the time, popular rumor suggests that she not only drove her adopted family to death, but her original family as well.

Lisa, despite her young age has already graduated high school and is currently working on her last year of college studying computer science. She currently lives alone in the home that was owned outright by the Moore family, working odd job's to pay for necessities such as food and heating.

On one of her rare personal outings from her home, Lisa followed a small cat towards the halloween festival where she eventually became a witness

Witness:​ Yes

Personality: Nobody really know's for sure what Lisa is like. She very rarely speaks and almost always has a distant air about her. Numerous rumor's rise up around her varying from being a psychopathic killer, to a witch seeking isolation from prying eyes. She very rarely leaves her home except to work or for school.

She loves cat's but the feeling is far from mutual. She drink's milk almost obsessively and can almost always be depended upon to be seen at the edge of town at sunset (the same time it is believed her adopted parents committed suicide)
Name: Grayson Miles

Age: 16


History: Grayson always had an awful life. Her mother died when she was seven and her dad became a druggie and an alcoholic. The only person she has is her brother. He helped her with everything-- school work, friend drama (although she never had friends long enough for that), and one very bad time. Her brother had gone into Starbucks while she was still in the car. She got out for a cigarette when a man approached her. She didn't think much of it until he grabbed her and dragged her back into the alley way. Her brother had come out just when the man was pulling off her pants. Her shirt was already off and she was crying. He knocked the man out with a good punch and carried Grayson back to the car. She will never forget this event and now she doesn't trust any men, and will not go near one without being accompanied by someone she trusts. She also took up the habit of self harm. Burning and cutting any time she feels the need.

Witness?: Yes

Other: She is always carrying a book with her in her her small bag. She also carries a pocket knife in her back pocket for protection and self harm.

Name: Chase Miles

Age: 17


History: After his mom died in a car crash and his dad had become an alcoholic and a druggie, he had taken care of his sister Grayson. He always had a new girl over every week to ease the pain of his life. Recently he had stopped doing that because his sister told him he was breaking the hearts of many young girls while trying to console himself. After the incident at the coffee shop, he makes sure he knows where Grayson is and who she hangs out with. Until that one night when she witness that "Thing". That was the only night he had let her go out without asking a billion questions and making sure he knew where she was.

Witness?: No, just the brother of the witness (if this is a problem, Ill change it) And he knows about it but doesnt really believe his sister

Other: He is incredibly sweet but he doesn't know how to approach certain things.
Name: Michael McCarty

Age: 17

Appearance: can't post photos thanks to my low post count, sorry :(

History: Michael was born in a music family. His father was a washed up musician, playing in local pubs for a paltry sum, and his mother was the frail remnants of a beautiful woman. They had met in high school, and had run away to Chicago right after graduation, chasing fame and fortune. When Michael's father realized how hard it was to truly make it big, he turned to alcohol, and eventually hard drugs. As the harsh big city ate away at his optimism, he soon became bitter and vindictive, beating Michael's mother viciously. She stayed with him, throughout it all. There was no where else to go.

The dream ebbed away entirely, and the once fresh faced youths returned to Applebree, tired and downtrodden. It was during this period where the couple had Michael. Michael, just like his mother, was mentally and physically abused by his father. He spent his early years either ignored or being abused, and as he grew up he became a very extroverted individual. Like his father, he turned to music, drugs, and alcohol, gaining renown in freshman year for his excess partying as well as his gravelly voice and extraordinary guitar playing.

Witness: Yes, he was out with the group, drinking and partying.

Other: Michael and his band, The Mangled Outcasts, is famous around town. They are superstars in this small town, and you either love them or hate them.

Name: Jackson Daly



History: Jackson grew up as the only child in a middle class family, special for no reason other than the fact that they lived next store to Michael McCarty's family. The two children of the same age grew up together, and have stuck together despite their different personalities. Whereas Michael is loud and extroverted, Jackson has always been the more calm and logical thinker, keeping the other boy in check. But now their friendship is being tested. Jackson, with very high marks in his classes, has been accepted into many of the countries top university's. Michael, however, has no intentions to finish high school, and wants to take his band to the big city, with or without its drummer, Jackson.

Witness: Yes, he had went with Michael.

Other: Jackson, despite being friends with the biggest rebel in town, has always been polite, and eloquent, to everyone. He has been effected much more deeply by the incident than Michael has; Michael, for his part, seems to have totally disregarded the whole thing.

You are accepted. Question would you like either character be Bailey's ex? You don't have to say yes. I just wanted to actually have him in the RP.

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