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  1. MischiefManaged.

    Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners

  2. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    Gabriel watched this funny human as she smiled at him, occasionally looking as if she was trying not to laugh at what he was saying. He wondered what he was saying wrong, he would have to learn if he was to fit in. Deciding that the quicker he learnt, the quicker he could repay Lilith for her...
  3. MischiefManaged.

    Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners

  4. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    Humans are funny creatures, Gabriel thought to himself as he watched his human savoir mulling over what he had said, almost able to read her thoughts as her questions were so clear on her face. Looking around what was to be his new home, he listened to her musings. "I have never needed to...
  5. MischiefManaged.

    Blackcraft. [MischiefManaged//sspky]

    Nikolai walked through Fallhallow eyeing the villagers as he went past, making he way towards the dock. His plain, but well made clothing was showing the telltale signs of someone who had been travelling for some time. Mud and dirt caked his boots, and he was longing for when he could return...
  6. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    Wincing at the mention of his wings, Gabriel pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind whilst he thought through the other things she had said, his mind a whirl of thoughts. At her mention that she had sixty more years to live Gabriel lifted his head from the spot on the wall where he was...
  7. MischiefManaged.

    Fandom Looking for Adult partner

    If your still looking, I would be interested in writing with you!
  8. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    Gabriel sat quietly through her speech, caught between amusement, frustration and pity. He had been told that modern humans didn't believe in the Angels anymore, but he hadn't believed the reports from the Guardians. Of course they would still believe, when there was so much beauty, magic and...
  9. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    Turning his head to look at the woman before him, he tilted his head in confusion, a small pain fogged smile crossing his lips. "You confuse me." He told her, wondering if all humans were this strange. His eyes widened as she came closer to him, and he went deadly still as she touched his...
  10. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    Gabriel's head snapped up at the sound of the woman's voice, his dark eyes scanning the area for danger, his instincts guiding him. Keeping completely still as she came closer to him, his years of training screaming at him to defend himself. She didn't seem a threat, but he had learnt the hard...
  11. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    [I missed the part in the plot info where she doesn't notice his wound until later, so lets say he was wearing some sort of shirt, but the blood is becoming visible through it?] The benefit of being unconscious is you are oblivious to the pain. For a few blissful seconds as Gabriel's mind...
  12. MischiefManaged.

    Angel of Mine

    The first thing that Gabriel registered was the biting wind against his skin and a sinking feeling of falling, and twisting through the air. Legs and arms somersaulting over his head, unable to register which way was up. Instinct kicked in and he flared his wings out to catch him. Only they...
  13. MischiefManaged.

    Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners

    @Lyraen Hey! I've not done a fandom before as I'm worried I would be terrible at it xD  But I would be happy to try something inspired by Harry Potter? PM me and we can discuss? @Natt Hey, I like the idea of combining! Send me a PM and we can talk plots?
  14. MischiefManaged.

    Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners

    I am indeed still looking for partners! Send me a PM and we can discuss plots?
  15. MischiefManaged.

    Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners

    @RaraHaruko Great! I am happy to talk plot ideas with you over PM?
  16. MischiefManaged.

    Pola's Partner Search ||Plots Galore//Fantasy//Modern||

    Great! I am happy with either plot, so am happy to discuss in PM ;D I am unfortunately still within my 24hour Newbie period, so it wont let me start PM's. Would you mind sending me one?
  17. MischiefManaged.

    Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners

    Hello! I'm once again looking for partners to write with. My profile will say I am a new member, in truth I have been Rplaying on both this site and others for years, but had to create a new account due to technical issues! I'm not going to write a huge list of rules you need to abide by...
  18. MischiefManaged.

    Looking for some rad individuals to rp with

    Hello! If you are still looking I would love to write with you. I love your Werewolf plot, but I am also very happy to come up with a completely new idea with you.
  19. MischiefManaged.

    Pola's Partner Search ||Plots Galore//Fantasy//Modern||

    Hello! If you are still looking for partners I would love to write with you! I am particularly interested in 'Fated to Meet You', 'Angle of Mine' and 'Can't Live with You / Can't Live without You', but am happy to try something else if you prefer!