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Mischief's Search for 1x1 Partners


New Member

I'm once again looking for partners to write with. My profile will say I am a new member, in truth I have been Rplaying on both this site and others for years, but had to create a new account due to technical issues!

I'm not going to write a huge list of rules you need to abide by, I am just looking for some like-minded people to write with.

A little about me: I am a fairly detail roleplayer, and my post length usually will match that of my partners. I am fairly active, and ideally my partner would be too, but I prefer quality over quantity. I understand that real life is more important and won't be checking up on your every move, but if I don't get a response after two weeks (and I haven't been pre-warned) I will drop the rp.

Please feel free to get in touch via here or PM, I look forward to writing with you!


I love to build characters and worlds with my partners, so please feel free to suggest ideas/plots/characters that you want to try.

- Two rival groups/clans/races are forced together for some reason/calamity. Our characters come from the opposing groups and have to work together. There is so much that can be done with this so I wont go into too much detail and am happy to brainstorm ideas.

-Gifted. Again there is so much that can be done so wont go into too much detail, but I have a couple of plot ideas for this one.

-Superheroes. I have a vague plot for this one, along the idea of random people getting superpowers and are treated like gods, until they decide they like all the attention and become overlords? This one needs some more work, happy to change the premise!

-Shifters/Werewolves. I am always on the look out for a good shifter rp. Am currently interested in the idea of the more obscure shifters i.e. bird shifters, dragon shifters e.t.c.

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I hope you find what you're looking for.

The Two Rival Clans thing sounds pretty interesting. I've getting back into my older rp days when I had characters in ancient forests. It reminds me a little of a book I read as a kid. I might be really interested in this idea.

Shifter rp sounds really good too. 


Actually these all sound pretty good. 
If you're still looking for partners, both gifted and shape-shifters sound great.
Hey! I know you didn't put it on here, but I noticed your username.... would you be in any way interested in a Harry Potter RP? Either canons or OCs. 
I see you already have some replies but I'd be kind of interested in a shifters dystopia/utopia  or rival group/clans/etc. RP if you're not overwhelmed already or anything!
@Lyraen Hey! I've not done a fandom before as I'm worried I would be terrible at it xD  But I would be happy to try something inspired by Harry Potter? PM me and we can discuss?

@Natt Hey, I like the idea of combining! Send me a PM and we can talk plots?
If you're still available, I would love to RP with you! Any of your ideas sound great, so whatever you're craving sounds good to me. Send me a PM if you're interested!
Hi! Your rivalling clans plot sounds really great. I've actually had a fantasy idea for that kind of story for a while.

I have my About Me filled out on my profile, so if you're interested and it seems like our writing styles would be compatible, PM me! (:

I'm once again looking for partners to write with. My profile will say I am a new member, in truth I have been Rplaying on both this site and others for years, but had to create a new account due to technical issues!

I'm not going to write a huge list of rules you need to abide by, I am just looking for some like-minded people to write with.

A little about me: I am a fairly detail roleplayer, and my post length usually will match that of my partners. I am fairly active, and ideally my partner would be too, but I prefer quality over quantity. I understand that real life is more important and won't be checking up on your every move, but if I don't get a response after two weeks (and I haven't been pre-warned) I will drop the rp.

Please feel free to get in touch via here or PM, I look forward to writing with you!


I love to build characters and worlds with my partners, so please feel free to suggest ideas/plots/characters that you want to try.

- Two rival groups/clans/races are forced together for some reason/calamity. Our characters come from the opposing groups and have to work together. There is so much that can be done with this so I wont go into too much detail and am happy to brainstorm ideas.

-Gifted. Again there is so much that can be done so wont go into too much detail, but I have a couple of plot ideas for this one.

-Superheroes. I have a vague plot for this one, along the idea of random people getting superpowers and are treated like gods, until they decide they like all the attention and become overlords? This one needs some more work, happy to change the premise!

-Shifters/Werewolves. I am always on the look out for a good shifter rp. Am currently interested in the idea of the more obscure shifters i.e. bird shifters, dragon shifters e.t.c.


I'm interested!! The rival clans sounds good, gifted also! 
Ooh, so many good stuff, I feel like it's Christmas!

 I was wonderingly if you want to do a Shifter role play with me? I've been craving one recently, and have a few ideas in kind. Can you shoot me at PM if you're still available?

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