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Blackcraft. [MischiefManaged//sspky]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It wasn’t often that Sian would bother with the ‘civil-folk’ and their cities. The woman much preferred to remain deep in the wild-places of the world where man seldom tread. To her great displeasure, sometimes her craft required that she play the role of a proper woman.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The town of Fallhallow was built along the shores of slow moving river. Its location made it a frequent waypoint for travellers and merchants making the journey between the city of Hornwake and the borderlands to the west. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A young, cloaked woman sat on rickety dock a few miles down river from the town. Her barefeet dangling above the water as she watched two merchants bicker loudly aboard an anchored ferry. The woman had light, braided hair and pale skin. A leather satchel was hung over one shoulder, and long dagger hung from her hip. [/SIZE]
Nikolai walked through Fallhallow eyeing the villagers as he went past, making he way towards the dock. His plain, but well made clothing was showing the telltale signs of someone who had been travelling for some time. Mud and dirt caked his boots, and he was longing for when he could return home to a hot soak. His once smooth chin was now covered in a light covering of hair, and his usually neat blond locks were a mess from not staying in one place for long.

A familiar pain coursed through his right arm, causing him to clutch it tighter to his chest and for him to hurry his steps. The pains were getting worse, he prayed to any god that may be listening that he find the alchemist soon. He had heard stories of her and what she could accomplish back in his village, and had passed them off as fanciful stories. Until the day he was cursed.

Shaking his head to clear these unwanted thoughts, he did what he had done in all of the villages prior to this one. Finding the nearest villager that made eye contact with him, he smiled and made his way over to them. "Excuse me, I am looking for a travelling Alchemist, I don't suppose you know who I am seeking, or where I may find her?"
"An alchemist?" the local man replied, "We used to have one, but he died. Blew his own house up, I think. Check on the far dock there. I heard from Captain Rigdalt that a few academic sorts had bought passage on his ferry." 

Meanwhile, on the same far-dock, Sian watched the aforementioned captain attempt to intervene between two of his clients. 

Pulling a small, steel flask from her bag, Sian takes a long drink. She seems rather amused by the entire situation.

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