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Looking for some rad individuals to rp with


"Fun Club" President
Hey there!! A little about me, before I go into pairings and other things:

  • I'm a pretty active roleplayer, I will do my best to reply at least once a day. But shit happens and sometimes inspiration is just not flowing, so there may be times where there are less responses. That being said, I don't expect any more from my partners than I can give. So as long as we keep communicating and just letting each other know whats going on I don't not have a problem with spaced out replies.
  • I like world building and creating dynamic characters! So if you're not really looking to create more than your own character(s) and then only follow my lead, we're probably not going to get very far in the rp.
  • I can play female and male. I myself am a bisexual female in real life, so I'm cool with every gender pairing. Romance is not a necessity in my roleplays, but it can be a fun side plot to throw in, and I do like it most of the time.
  • I am 100% okay with gore and swearing and violence. So if you have a problem with something specific that makes you uncomfortable, we can definitely talk about it and work around that! But my default setting tends to lean towards the other side, so if you have a trigger or anything please mention it!

That's pretty much all you need to know I think. I would prefer if my partners are 18+ because I am over 18. However, that doesn't mean I won't rp if you're younger than that, I may just need a little convincing.

So onto the fun stuff, the long awaited "Pairings and other things"

Fantasy stuff:

There are so many plot ideas we could do with this I'll kind of leave it opened ended for now. It's likely that anything in this category would be set in a world that we create together. So I don't want to jump the gun and define too much stuff right now, but this would include most mythical creatures. Most likely some kind of quest, or mass crisis that requires our characters to band together for some reason. There's also that tried and true idea of two kingdoms at odds, Romeo and Juliet kid  of deal. Or honestly anything else. I could, put so much stuff here but I feel like it's important that we create the world and the plot together on this one.

Pairings could include

Mythical being X Mythical being

Human x Mythical being

Royal x Peasant

Royal from one kingdom x Royal from another kingdom


This one will probably require a lot of effort and brainstorming, so be prepared for that.

Modern/supernatural stuff:

Vampire (or any supernatural creature) x Human

Vampire Hunter x Vampire

Plots for this one-

Character A is a werewolf by birth, they belonged to a pack but because of one reason or another they decided to split from those wolves and go it alone. Character B is a recently bitten werewolf that has absolutely no idea what they're doing or what has happened to them. Character A finds Character B somewhere along the line and decided that it's in everyone best interest if they help Character B with their new found problems. And so many misadventures and possible romance and drama ensue.

*(I'd like to be Character B in this one, but that preference is not set in stone)

Character A ghost who inhabits an old apartment building. They're not really sure how they died, or why they're stuck living in the ethereal plane, but is not a very entertaining existence to say the least. Character B is a college student who just moved into said apartment building  and happens to move into the apartment Character A likes to haunt. Character A assumes that this new tenant will be just like all the others, completely oblivious to their existence. Little do they know Character B is sensitive to paranormal stuff and sees ghosts all the time.

(I don't have a preferred character here)

Other things:

I don't know I open to pretty much everything, except for slice of life rps. So if you have a plot or pairing you would like just let me know!

*I will probably end up editing this and adding more to it soon. This is just the ideas I have in my head at the moment.*

If you are still looking I would love to write with you. I love your Werewolf plot, but I am also very happy to come up with a completely new idea with you.

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