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Pola's Partner Search ||Plots Galore//Fantasy//Modern||


Creator Of My Own Twisted World
[SIZE= 28px]P O L A ' S   O N E   X   O N E   S E A R C H[/SIZE]


A B O U T    M E:

Welcome, welcome! Hey guys! Feel free to eat some imaginary cookies while you read or skip my long post about myself. I'm Polaris but feel free to call me Po, Pola, or any creative snazzles you came up with just now. While group role plays are more of my mojo, I've been really craving some good cliche romance plots. I know eeek! >w<  Anyways, I am looking for someone to create a story with me which means I need communication and contribution (just so I know you're real and not a robot). My posts are erratic which means I could possibly do 3-5 posts a day or thrice a week depending on schedule and life. My role plays will be plot and character driven which means I'm going to need meat from your posts.

M Y   R E Q U E S T S:

1. Please communicate. I am pretty easy-going and can talk about anything from anime, drama, tv shows, novels, games, music, really...anything. Furthermore, I'd like to befriend all those I role play with just so it's easier to delve into plot twists and all. I loveeee plot and character development. It's my bread and butter so please let's plan together. I've had times where I dropped a role play like a hot potato because my partner is awful at taking initiative. If I'm bored because I'm doing all the work, I won't continue the story with you. I am really done with being the only one trying to drive the story along.

2. Write at least two paragraphs (and yes, this means 10+ sentences per paragraph). My length can range from two (rarely) to ten or more. I am not expecting an essay or a novel per post but I need details, details, details and not just dialogues. Everyone makes mistakes (especially if we're too lazy to proofread) but as long as I will not be spending ten minutes of my life trying to figure out what your post is about. Since this isn't a group role play, I will need enough details to respond to and if you're suffering writer's block, just let me know. I tend to match my partner's length but I can bust out 3+ paragraphs per post easily.

3. If you lose interest in the role play , which I completely understand, just let me know and we can drop it or throw in some kind of plot twist or really just make a new one. Role plays shouldn't be a chore and I love making new plots anyways. Let me know if you're going to disappear for a little or go on a hiatus. Otherwise, any role plays on random hiatus for two weeks will be automatically dropped by me (mainly because I'll forget about it and unless I really love it, I won't bother trying to bug you to reply to the role play).

4. I do not role play F x F, I've never done it and I probably will be terrible at it since I'm not interested in it. I haven't done M x M either but I'm willing to try if you're game. MxF is usually my to-go pairing. I can role play either gender, male or female. I'm rather flexible and I also would prefer to have more than just one character in a role play so yay for doubling! ;) But if we double, I'd prefer to play the opposite sex. I only want a few one x one partners so I will close this thread once I reached the limit.

5. Pairings! Honestly, I'm pretty game so if you have another plot in mind or a specific pairing you want to do, let me know! Chances are I'll probably be just as intrigued and interested! I can probably pull a random plot out of my head if you have a specific pairing in mind. Do note that I do not role play horror or gore.

6. I role play over threads exclusively because I really really hate replying to PMs. I forget about them and my PMs are always so cluttered. That being said, we do not need a host project for this. Just a thread is fine. If for some reason, you must role play over PM, just let me know and we can work around it.

7. If you made it this far, hurray! I would also like to ask for a writing sample (from any role play) and of course, I'll provide one as well.

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The Law of Attraction A Redo Falling For You Fated to Meet You

Muse A and Muse B were childhood friends. They did everything together since young and yes, bathing was one of them. However, once puberty hits and one big fight occurred, the two slowly drifted away. Muse B (male) was more introverted and liked to hang out individually or be by himself. Muse A (female) was spontaneous and could never be held down. She was considered popular, a social butterfly, and someone everyone wanted to be. They stopped talking in eighth grade and soon it was senior year of high school.

Struggling to maintain her social life, Muse A failed miserably at school and unless she passes that Calculus class with a C or higher, she wasn’t going to be allowed to walk during graduation. As fate would have it, the calculus teacher put Muse B in charge of her grades and told him if he wanted that letter of recommendation, Muse A better pass the final with flying colors.

The 4 years of silence finally broke and what happens now?

A one night stand.

That was all it took to change her world forever. She found out she was pregnant. She found out that he gave her a fake name, a fake business card, and a fake address.

Three years later, they met again at a grocery store and never had she ever forgotten his face. Out of anger, out of frustration, a gallon of milk was thrown at his face. But as if her situation wasn't any worse, he turned out to be the boss at her new workplace. She was to be his secretary. While the attraction and the chemistry they had were still there, she told herself, "No more one night stands. No more flimsy males." But, he is also determined to right his wrong or whatever bullshit he's saying out loud. Let's just say she's not impressed or interested in talking to him. But what happens when he shows up at her place randomly at night?

Disclaimer: Please don't take this 100% seriously. It's suppose to be a fun plot filled with fluff, laughter, and drama.

Muse A is an FBI agent who's been trying to catch an art thief, Muse B, for years now. Finally, after extensive research, aimless cases, and year long chase, Muse B is under Muse A's surveillance. Until further notice, Muse B is placed under house arrest accompanied by Muse A 24/7. Let's just say the art thief isn't too happy but what if there's more that meets the eye? What chaos could ensue and could something else bloom between the unlikely pair?

Love is unpredictable and that's what makes it so fun.

Muse A is known to be promiscuous, flirty, and a gold digger except other than being flirtatious, she really isn't the other two. However, they live in a small town and it doesn't matter what she thinks, everyone only cares about what they know. Muse A has an on/off lover and other than him, she's sick of being used by him. Muse B is trying to escape his brother's (a musician) spotlight and fame by going somewhere no one will recognize him thus landing himself in a small town in New Jersey with nothing but his car and a luggage. While his family is rich and wealthy, he swore he is only going to be using the only cash he earned by himself (which is not a lot).

One night, out of anger that he cheated on her once again, the babe grabbed her trusted bat, wore a hoodie and a face black mask as she stomped over to his place. Her precious bat struck against his beloved truck when he wasn't home. But of course just her luck, her ex-boyfriend came back and she tried to escape into the woods only to see a car driving by. Waving her hands and jumping in front of his car, Muse B's car screeched into a stop and Muse A jumped in with her glorious gears. Now not only does she has to find an alibi, she also has to explain to this stranger why she's wearing a mask and carrying a bat in the dark.

Plots I found on tumblr:

xx. Angel of Mine

One day, on Muse A’s way home, they come across Muse B lying in the middle of the road.  They appear hurt, but are unresponsive when Muse A tries to rouse them.  Not having a phone on them to call an ambulance, Muse A carries Muse B the short distance back to their home and tries to revive them.

After several minutes of rest, Muse B awakens with the most excruciating scream of pain. They jolt up, and immediately start drawing sigils on the walls of Muse A’s home with their own blood. Terrified, Muse A demands that Muse B stop and explain themselves. Muse B removes their shirt, revealing where their angel wings have been clipped and states they used to be part of God’s Army.  

Muse A has never been particularly religious, and needs plenty of convincing that Muse B isn’t a lunatic.  Muse B explains that they have been banished from Heaven and they need to hole up with Muse A because they have no where else to go and the world is unsafe for them. Muse A reluctantly agrees to let Muse B live with them, and over time, helps to teach Muse B how to pass as a human.


  • After Muse B finally feels safe with Muse A, their former life comes back to haunt them in a major way (i.e. called back to Heaven, required to fulfill duties, etc.)
  • Both muses develop feelings for one another but every time they act on them, something tries to keep them apart.

xx. The Move In

It’s moving day for Muse A and Muse B, best friends since primary school who’ve finally saved up enough to rent their own apartment in a nice part of the city. Fully embracing their independence, the excited pair decide to move their stuff without the assistance of a professional moving company. The roomies’ plans go awry when their couch gets lodged in the apartment doorway, blocking entrance into their box-cluttered place and access to the other side of the hall. Muse A and Muse B try every trick up their sleeve to get the couch to budge, but they’re not successful. Muse C and Muse D, renters on the other side of the hall, encounter their struggling neighbors at the top of the steps (and the hunk of furniture obstructing their path). Muse C and Muse D offer assistance and eventually manage to get the couch into the apartment.   

Grateful, Muse A and Muse B invite their friendly neighbors over. Muse A and Muse C are flirtatious from the get-go, while Muse B and Muse D can’t help but roll their eyes at their respective roommates. Muse A and Muse C rush into a fling based on their physical attraction to one another, but they end up having terrible chemistry once the deed is done. It’s very awkward and sometimes even tense between them when they bump into the other in the hall. Muse B and Muse D, however, develop a genuine liking for one another that seems like it might turn into something more over time. In the meantime, they take great pleasure in forcing their discordant roommates together every chance they get.

xx. Can't Live with You // Can't Live without You

Muse A and Muse B find an apartment online that they both love. Though they’re strangers when they sign the lease, they agree to share the place. A few days after the move in, they start to question the arrangement. 

Muse A is quiet and neat. Muse B is loud and messy. Muse A has a decent job and pays most of the rent, Muse B recently got fired from their job, hasn’t told Muse A yet, and isn’t in a rush to find a replacement job. Muse A is the responsible type, and Muse B couldn’t take care of a goldfish. Muse A likes their privacy and Muse B is happy walking around the apartment half-naked and entering their roommate’s space without knocking. They hardly agree on anything, from what to order for dinner to what temperature to keep the thermostat on. Just when Muse A is reaching their breaking point and on the verge of giving up the apartment they love to move back home because Muse B is driving them crazy and they can’t keep up with bills on their own, Muse A suffers a major setback/loss and Muse B is the only person who understands/can help them get through it.
@Sasil I've been wanting to role play a 1x1 with you for a while now. >.< I have a lot of plots up there and hopefully one of them catches your interest? ;D And maybe you're free enough for a role play?
@FirePolaris These were nice to read! They remind me a lot of my beloved K-dramas.

I liked both Laws of Attraction and Can't Live with You, Can't Live without You. I don't mind the gender I play either and bless you for doing roleplays over threads. 

I hope we can work out something together!
@FirePolaris I would love to be able to do a roleplay with you! After this weekend I will have a whole bunch of free time :D

@FirePolaris I would love to be able to do a roleplay with you! After this weekend I will have a whole bunch of free time :D
Hello guys! Thank you for the interest and I apologize for the late replies. I went out to eat dinner and my phone sucks.

@Yeon Joo

Hey there! Thank you for your kind words, and omgod, >.< I think I was in the middle of watching a kdrama when you were replying. And oh man, I really hate doing role plays over PMs. I've tried them and it's just terrible. Anyways, lol I am willing to do either and I'm actually really interested in the Can't Live With You//Can't Live without You so we can go ahead with that one (unless you like Law of Attraction more, I love both plots). I'll actually PM you for more details then and then we can officially move the role play onto the thread. C:

@FirePolaris I would love to be able to do a roleplay with you! After this weekend I will have a whole bunch of free time :D

@FirePolaris I would love to be able to do a roleplay with you! After this weekend I will have a whole bunch of free time :D

Freaking yay. ;D I'll go ahead and PM you about the role play then. You can let me know which plot you liked best.

PMing you for interest in the Falling For You plot.

Awesome! I'll get right onto it.

Hey! I'm super interested in your plot Law of Attraction. 

If you're interested, let me know! I'd love to have a chat with you so we can figure things out,


Sure! Please go ahead and PM me and we can work out the details. C:
@FirePolaris I'm so happy to meet another fan of Korean dramas! It really makes my night. To be honest, I got my name from the K-drama "W". Have you seen it? It is very, very good! I haven't seen that many but that has got to be one of my faves. I'm very slow when it comes to finishing shows so I'm on Episode 5 and everything has gotten insane but in a good way.

Let me know if you ever get around to it, or if you already have seen it! <3

I had ideas for a male character and some for female too so whatever we do, I'm going to be very happy roleplaying with you!
@FirePolaris I'm so happy to meet another fan of Korean dramas! It really makes my night. To be honest, I got my name from the K-drama "W". Have you seen it? It is very, very good! I haven't seen that many but that has got to be one of my faves. I'm very slow when it comes to finishing shows so I'm on Episode 5 and everything has gotten insane but in a good way.

Let me know if you ever get around to it, or if you already have seen it! <3

I had ideas for a male character and some for female too so whatever we do, I'm going to be very happy roleplaying with you!

Yes! Omg, I'm on episode 9, I believe? And I agree, it's amazing! I love the actor and actress. I was watching it before I got into Scarlet Heart Ryeo (which ... killed me) but I'm going back to watching it sometime this week. Things got crazy really fast man. I have no idea how they're going to end it. Sorry I got completely excited and side-tracked there for a moment.

Also I'll go ahead and PM you the details for the role play so we can plan and gush about the drama. ;D
Hi @FirePolaris! I would be absolutely thrilled if we could work together! I particularly fell in love with Law of Attraction, and would love it even more if we could roleplay together haha. I believe you and I would be a great match because I couldn't agree more with you on all of the rules─even the one about roleplaying in thread, as I hate roleplaying in PMs and avoid it as best as I can. Anyways, hit me up when you can and we can go from there! I'll happily provide you a writing sample when you do. :) Have a lovely rest of the morning/afternoon/night! (gotta cover all them bases)
Hello! If you are still looking for partners I would love to write with you!

I am particularly interested in 'Fated to Meet You', 'Angle of Mine' and 'Can't Live with You / Can't Live without You', but am happy to try something else if you prefer!

Haha, right? >.< Role playing over a private messenger is hard for me to manage because it gets messy quick with two PMs per role play. Ugh. Anywho, I diverged. ;D I'd love to role play with you. I'll go ahead and send you a PM in just a second.


Yes, sure! I'm down for Fated To Meet You & Angel of Mine so whichever one you prefer, we churn out some more details over PM. ;D

If you're still looking for a partner, I'd be interested!(:

Alright~ Which plot were you interested in or did you have something else in mind?

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Yes, sure! I'm down for Fated To Meet You & Angel of Mine so whichever one you prefer, we churn out some more details over PM. ;D

Great! I am happy with either plot, so am happy to discuss in PM ;D

I am unfortunately still within my 24hour Newbie period, so it wont let me start PM's. Would you mind sending me one?

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