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  1. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Clair,nick what's going on out here"
  2. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    @mr.swiftshots, Shaba7,Samuel Briscomb "Ohhhhh well guess I'll see if anybody is around" *I walk outside and see clair,nick and kirt* "Hey guys,What's up"
  3. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    *walked into the school to the office* "Hello anybody there I need to settle my classes before I can go on."
  4. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Think it's time to go find my classes already, I think my clothes are a little singed I'll actually go change first, don't want to smell like smoke all day"*I started heading back to the dorms*
  5. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Alright I see how it is, guess I'll try a little combo." *I summoned a fireball in my right hand and some electricity in my left and combined them* "wow a little unstable there, come on you can keep it together." *it turned out to be a little too much and it flew out of my hand and it exploded...
  6. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Woah, pretty knarly, that lightning bolt was pretty good but I wonder who that was, but I think I can make a bigger exploision". *I summon a fireball in both hands and combine them and launch them in the air and watched the big exploision* "They can try to top that."
  7. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    *I find a nice empty spot behind the school and decide to practice my magic* "Alright let's get started". *I summon a fireball in my hand a shot it at the sky and watched it explode* "wow still awesome as ever."
  8. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Huh nobody must be here right now, guess I'll walk around outside, its a nice day outside"
  9. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Probably shouldn't have skipped for the rest of the day yesterday, probably missed important, I got to get myself together." Let's do this. *I walk to the office to figure out my first class*
  10. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    I gotta go I'll be back maybe tonight not guranteed but tomorrow for sure
  11. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    @Obsessed "what powers do you have?"
  12. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    @Samuel Briscomb "hey man you ok"
  13. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Thanks and oh, my name is Jon by the way nice to meet you and thanks for showing me the way"
  14. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Well I see this place is lively, can't wait to finish school here"
  15. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Yeah I'm new and I need to set up my classes so if you can kindly tell me where to go I can be out of your hair"
  16. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    @Mr Swiftshots "thank god, I hope you don't use your powers for jokes,the guy I just met, Nick was his name thought it would be pretty funny to fool around with the new guy bUT I wasn't hurt so I forgave him, sorry if I talk a lot when I meet some new I kinda talk a lot, it's a way to stop me...
  17. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    (I walk inside the front of the doors) "Woah this is big, uhhh hello anyone know where the office is, kinda new don't know where to go"
  18. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    @Samuel Briscomb "He sure does, but have fun messing with him I got to figure out my classes, see ya" (waves and starts walking toward entrance of school)
  19. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "So it's you huh, be lucky I'm to nice to hurt you, but it was pretty funny, I was so confused at first, (shakes his hand) but good to meet you I'm Jon".
  20. CaptainReese

    Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

    "Holy crap" (I fall and hit the ground) "owwww, man was that some wind" (I scan the area trying to find the cause) "somebody must be doing this,probably one of their powers, all right come on out I know whoever you are, you are responsible".