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  1. Mystical Mads


    guys I'm so sorry. I had a banquet last night and didn't get home till 11 and the week is really hard especially this week. I promise I'll be more active
  2. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "Hopefully. Ooh look the fights about to start. Wanna watch together?" MJ asked.
  3. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ smiled,"Thanks." She looked down,"It really sucks. They need to get their own lives and stay out of ours."
  4. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "My fucking snapchat got released and now the paparazzi have pictures of my kids." MJ groaned,"I hate this so much."
  5. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ nodded,"Very true." MJ got on twitter and tweeted something out about the fight. She got on snapchat and groaned,"Fucking hell."
  6. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "Honestly I think Drew will considering his job." MJ said and then looked at him, "Even though he's kinda a douche." She smiled at her.
  7. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ was disappointed in herself that she was going to the fight. She saw Victoria who she had talked to a few times,"Hey." MJ said to her.
  8. Mystical Mads


  9. Mystical Mads


    thank you :) so do we fill out he characters schedule or do we just RP with it like as a guide
  10. Mystical Mads


    LETTING EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT MJ I will have MJ have late arrival to school or something because I will not be able to get on till 4 every day to due school.
  11. Mystical Mads


    Ok! got it. Sadly i'm still in school at that time but ill try to figure something out Also are we gonna start to Rp when the fight starts?
  12. Mystical Mads


    okay gotcha and can you fill me in on what happened when i left. I fell asleep with my computer in my hand
  13. Mystical Mads


    hey just got on. Confused with time zones. I have school until 5 everyday central time. Can someone help? figured out time zone difference. but do we have to be on by 2 eastern or 8 eastern?
  14. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ walked to class and sat at the back. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. She wasn't going to take shit from anyone today especially not the teachers. She checked her instagram and twitter waiting for class to start.
  15. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    "What a bunch of fucking animals." MJ turned to the girl they had been harassing,"Hey you okay?' She looked at her and leaned against the wall.
  16. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ walked over to the arguing,"Its too fucking early for this." She mumbled. "Hey Drew? You gonna let a girl fight your own battles. Pick on someone your own fucking size dick head." She yelled
  17. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ walked into the school, bag slung over one shoulder. She didn't want summer to end. Plus this year was the first year she had been single. Liam and her had broken up over the summer so she had moved back in with her dad and the boys. She yawned and went to her locker to put her books up.
  18. Mystical Mads

    Realistic or Modern Southside College

    MJ woke up to her twin toddlers bouncing on her bed,"Shhh boys. Let Mommy sleep." She whispered and cradled them into her arms. "Rise and shine Princess." Her dad smiled walking into the room. "First day of school." MJ groaned and rolled out of bed putting her robe on. "Don't remind me." She...
  19. Mystical Mads


    I'm so excited for this to start!
  20. Mystical Mads

    River Run High School

    should i make another tab and put this in it?