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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Thomas smiled at him and sighed as he got up. "Well I'm sorry so say this but you're going to have to waste them because I'm not fighting against you anymore and you're right. I could beat you up someday if I practiced and became like you but I wont because I'm better than that and that makes me better than you" Thomas said, knowing he was probably on a suicide mission.
Ella groaned and looked at Bianca with a sarcastic smile. "Fine! What do you want to talk about? Sports, violence or other jerks in Drew's group of dogs who have really big hearts just like him?" She said sarcastically. Not caring if she was being rude or not.
Drew Torres

"You know what? I've beat you enough this period. So I'll have someone else do it." Drew said, and he whistled. Danny came over. Thomas knew this guy. Knew he was bad. Soooo bad. "Take him apart" Drew said, and that is exactly what Danny began to do.

Bianca Zelli

"Hey, come on. I'm trying to be a pal here. Seems like your short on friends, so I decided I'd lend a hand, but no, no, fuck you. Lets just fight" Bianca said, throwing up her hands.
Ella took a few steps back and shook her head trying to sound as calm as possible. "That's exactly why I'm short on friends! I'm a very sarcastic person but people take it the wrong way and think I'm rude but I'm just trying to be playful! Just ask Thomas if he comes out of this class alive!" Ella exclaimed hoping Bianca would buy it. She was a great actress and that skill was perfect for moments like these.
Thomas tried not to scream when Danny began doing Drew's job and almost cried of joy when the bell rang, meaning class was finally over. " Stop! The fight is over!" He yelled trying to make Danny stop.
Bianca Zelli

"I'll give you one more chance. Fuck up again, well, you know" Bianca said, and she stepped back, lowering her guard. "What the fuck am I doing?" She said to herself, laughing. She was referring to being friends with a nerd. When the bell rang, she left quickly.

Drew Torres

Danny stopped a good minute after the bell, and Drew and Danny and the others left Thomas there, crumpled, except for Ella.
"Thanks!" Ella yelled at Bianca once she left the room and ran towards Thomas after the thugs left him alone and hugged him. "I can't believe the teacher let them beat you up like that! I'm sure the nurse will love seeing us again" She said as she helped him get up and walked him to the infirmary. He saw Drew with his friends and gave him the middle finger, it was the only thing she could do while helping Thomas walk.
Drew and his crew flipped the finger back, and after that, they headed to their next class, History. Drew enjoyed the class, and he looked forward to it. "Come on, don't want to be late" he told his crew. (Next class after this class is study hall
Thomas smiled when Ella gave him a hug and hugged her back. "Totally worth it" he thought as she helped him get up and walked to the infirmary for the second time that day. He shook his head when Ella gave him the middle finger and opened the door to the infirmary. The nurse took a look at Ella's wounds first since they weren't as bad as Thomas' and when she finished inspecting his wounds asked him to lay down and rest until lunch hour and asked Ella to go to class.

(I made Thomas stay because I have to go to bed, 'night)
(sure, 'night)

Ella waved at Thomas as she headed out of the infirmary and walked to history class. She didn't hate the class but without Thomas there she had no one to talk to and would have to actually pay attention or do nothing. She sat down in the front row and checked her Instagram, twitter and Kik while she waited for class to start.
Victoria realized she was late to class, She really didn't care. She walked inside of History class and heard that two guys was already starting a fight on the first day. She rolled her eyes and sat I. The back of the class like she always does. She would then take out her hair and just leaves it out and hinds behind it and goes on her phone in KIK and Instagram
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Drew Torres

There was alot of cars parked outside Hartfield's that night. Some of the spectators were just employees or townies that wanted to see some action. Drew and his Crew pulled up in two different Cars, Drew's Lincoln Continental, and another member's Lincoln Town Car. They all got out, about 13 of them, who knows how they all fit in the two cars, and they walked to the Center of the Parking Lot. There were cheers from the Spectators. "Kick his ass, Drew" one girl said. Drew just went to the Center, pulled off his Shirt, and waited for Russel to show. The crowd made a makeshift ring around Drew.

(Dallas joined spectators. Dallas secretly has revolver in waistband.)
Victoria was ready to see the action tonight,she then yells out "You better win the fight Drew,kick his ass" he said smiling at him. She then reached for we phone a posted on all her social medias saying "Seeing a fight now let's see who wins". She flips her hair and gets ready for the fight.
MJ was disappointed in herself that she was going to the fight. She saw Victoria who she had talked to a few times,"Hey." MJ said to her.
Victoria looked at her and said "Hey, what's up" she said looking at her. She then added "Who do you think is going to win tonight" she says to her
Ella couldn't wait to see the fight. Yes, fighting was not her thing and she had never been interested in fighting before but she really wanted to see Drew getting his ass kicked after everything he had done earlier, thinking it would be the perfect representation of karma. Almost everyone, if not everyone, was cheering for Drew but that didn't stop Ella from making a couple of bets against him.
"The one with Drew and the other kid? Pity the other kid, Drew's a beast!"

"Omg, Drew is such a hottie"

"I'm there too. So hyped"

"Hi Vicky"

On and On the Messages went on Victoria's Social Medias. The likes got to 44 in 5 minutes.
"Honestly I think Drew will considering his job." MJ said and then looked at him, "Even though he's kinda a douche." She smiled at her.
Victoria Social Media was bashing like crazy, she looked at Mj an said "Well it happens right I mean that's where all the fights happen" she said looking at her
"You've got the guns?" Mark asked Dallas as he took out his knife for a few seconds and then hid it before anyone could see it. He used to have a gun in his house but it was nowhere to be seen and the only thing Mark had managed to bring was the first knife he found in the kitchen. "That little fucker is going to be lucky if he gets out of here without any broken bones"
MJ nodded,"Very true." MJ got on twitter and tweeted something out about the fight. She got on snapchat and groaned,"Fucking hell."
(I am laughing of what @awesome said about the gun an his first knife in the kitchen)

Victoria nodded and she ten got a notice from snapchat and saws Mj's and laughed.

"Yeah, I got my revolver, my buck knife, Jim's Glock 22, and Tony has a Glock 17. Also, Nick has a backpack with a MAC-10 in it. If anything goes down, we're set" Dallas said proudly. "Remember what Drew said, don't use them unless it's absolutely necessary"
"I have the worst knife in the universe but I think we'll be fine, I doubt the cops will come here anyways and if they come then I'm sure they won't do anything stupid that would lead us to do something stupid." Mark said with a small grin on his face and checked his phone and noticed a tweet from Victoria and smiled. "Did you know Victoria is here?"

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