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Realistic or Modern Southside College

She looked at MJ and said "Your kids are so cute" she said looking at her an said "These fucking people never leaves us alone" she said looking at her
Drew Torres

"I wonder if Hero is gonna show!" Drew said, calling him Hero because of how he tried to protect Ella and Thomas. "You think so?" Drew shouted to the Crowd. "Hell No!" And "That fucked up white boy ain't showing his face! Nah! He scared!" And "Hope so! I wanna see you take that kid apart!" Drew got in return, and much more.


"It's kinda expected. Vicky is one of the most popular of the school, and Drew is, too, and Drew's fighting tonight." Dallas said with a laugh. He only had a kik, so he couldn't check Twitter and such. "Fuck nah!" Dallas yelled when Drew questioned the Crowd.

Russel pulled up in his car. He was wearing basketball shorts and a gray, shortsleve t-shirt. Walking inside, his face was solemn. He has seen what this guy could do, although he didn't know who he was. Seeing how this guy acted, he didn't expect him to fight fair, but was resolved to he honorable anyway, "Let's get this show on the road!" he shouts
She looked at her and says "This is what happens when we are famous, I just hope in the future my kids don't have to go though this" she says looking at her. Drew was acting like him self like always and since he took off his shirt all the girls was so crazy over him.
"I wouldn't call it fighting. That kid will probably surrender and start crying after the first punch but you do have a point" Mark said and smiled when he heard Russel and waited for the fight to start. "This is going to be awesome!"
Drew Torres

"Good to see you showed" Drew said. Drew extended his fist for a pound with Russel before the actual fight, as was common fighting etiquette and courtesy. Drew was analyzing Russel as he did this, using his killer mindset. He already had a strategy to destroy him. Several, in fact.


"Hero showed!" Dallas said, pumping the air with his fist and whistling. "This gonna be good, bro" Dallas said to Mark.
Russel acdepted his fist bump. Russel clearly used his arms more thay his legs, and if Drew could tell how he used them, he would probably see hapki-do. His first instinct was to quickly glance over Drew to see if he had hidden weapons. He grins, not seeing any, not realizing that they were on his buddies. He immediatly makes himself more alert, prepared to react, but not act.
"No ball-shots, biting, spitting, eye-poking, and most important, no crying" Drew said, and he stepped back, throwing up both hands in a solid guard, expecting Russel to make the first move. Drew was good in all aspects of MMA, so he felt he had this on lock. He noticed Russel's Stance was vulnerable in the left side of the face and the back of the right kneecap. He noted this.
Russel, who, while not being a black belt in most martial arts, was still quite talented in quite a few of them. Noticing Drew's defensive position, he decides "Iron Monkey" kung fu would be effective. He purposly makes his right shoulder an easy target, but it looks like he is just being ignorant and ignoring it, despite having a plan.
(Great movie)

"Very good stance" Drew commented loudly and abruptly. This brought Russel's attention to Drew's mouth, off his hands. Drew threw a fake right kick into Russel's stomach, which Russel went to block/catch/strike, but when Russel's attention was completely devoted to the kick, Drew threw a hard right hook into Russel's left jaw. This caught Russel completely off guard, and sent him stumbling to the right because of the hook's momentum. Drew followed up with a hard kick at Russel's left leg, making the leg wobble, but not give way. Drew may have been taken aback by this normally, but not now. He was in the Fighter's Mindset. The Scary Mindset.
Russel grins. He was used to fighting small time criminals who would just run and scream if they got disarmed. Right now, he didn't care if he won or lost, although he still wanted to win, he was having fun! Russel jumps diagonally, going left and forward. It was clear to him that his other strategy wasn't going to work, because while Drew had seemed like an idiot who would fall for that, he clearly knew his stuff. (Russel still doesn't know where he's seen him before.) While jumping, he acts like he was preparing a roundhous kick to hit Drew in the Abdomen, but when he lands, spins and attempts to do a side kick on Drew's back.
The kick hits Drew and it stings like a bitch, but Drew just takes it. As it lands, Drew turned so the kick hit Drew moreso in the side, which was more damaging, but it also allowed Drew to get a arm around Russel's leg. Drew then threw a hard kick into the back of Russel's leg that he was standing on, which he hoped would buckle the leg and make him fall. Drew kept his free hand up, in case Russel tried anything fancy
Russel's leg did, in fact, buckle. His response to this was, despite knowing the risk, was a jab towards Drew's Xiphoid function. Immediatly after, not seeing what had happened, he tries to roll to his left to escape.
Russel's jab did not hit where he had wished, merely and harmlessly bouncing off Drew's chest. As Russel landed, Drew seemed to read his mind. Drew immediately slammed a heavy foot into Russel's chest, which hurt like a bitch for Russel, and at the same time, Drew grabbed Russel's leg with both arms, putting Russel in a professionally created single standing leg lock. Everyone in the Vicinity cheered and chanted Drew's name when Russel hit the floor.
"Well... looks... like... you... win..." Said Russel between gasps of air, actually just trying to distract Drew as he slowly got back his engery. Taking a deep breath, then letting out a kiai, he trys throwing himself to the side while also trying to punch the back of Drew's knee.
Drew paid no attention to Russel's words, and when Drew heard "kiai", Drew used the half a second latency to pick up his foot, the punch hitting Drew's muscular calf, and Drew brought the foot back down into Russel's face. Russel's nose bled horrifically, and there was a crunching sound. Drew then threw Russel's foot down and Drew got on top of Russel in Full Mount, throwing punch after punch, Russel was gravely rocked. Just then, Sirens, loud as hell. Drew immediately got off Russell and turned to see two police cars, out of which 4 police men got out of, guns drawn. "Hands up! All of you!" The police men yelled.
Russel did put his hands up. However, what he did not do was actually stand up. While the police ran in, he lay on the ground in a pool of his nose blood.

(Sorry for such a small post, I really don't know what else to do in this situation.)

"Shit!" Mark whispered as he gave the other ones with guns a small glance too see their reactions and then looked at Dallas. "What the hell do we do if they become violent?"
EmilyPower said:
(I have a band concert today and we suck)
(So does mu brother, but I don't know if they suck)

Slowly Russel stumbles to his feet, then sits down, and takes a deep breath. He wipes his nose, then smiles, "Well, I was bound to lose. Good job... uh... What's your name?"
-The Death of Michael Dallas-

Drew Torres

"Your worst fuckin' nightmare" Drew said with a chuckle. "Drew Torres. You're Russel. Now c'mon, let's get the fuck out" Drew said. He got up and started walking slowly, unnoticed by the cops. There were alot of people moving around to keep track of, Drew used this as cover. "Yo, let's move, follow me" Drew said to Dallas and Mark. They fell in line behind Drew. The four passed Ella. "Hey, you wanna go to Jail? Nah? Then follow us, we'll get you outta here." Drew said, confident. Ella also followed, reluctantly, but in good cause. They turned on Marshall Street, and kept walking, then the police noticed them. The police aimed their handguns at them, yelling at them to halt. That's when the shit hit the fan.


Dallas jumped 20 feet in the air when the cops caught them. He instinctively went to his revolver and aimed, firing three shots blindly at the cops. He hated cops. This got him murdered. His pitiful life flashed before his eyes as the police men fired back, and his world became a fiery hell, the sensation of pain from the bullets that ripped through his flesh like none he had ever felt. He screamed, well, tried to, but no words came out, because just then, one of the bullets hit Dallas in the neck. A total of 22 bullets had been fired, 16 hitting Dallas. Dallas crumbled to the floor, dying as a criminal. Dying as a man with a gun in his hand, for all the wrong reasons. Dying as just another statistic of the Southside PD Database.

Drew Torres

Most everyone ran from the shots, but not the four. The four stood, mouths agape. They were all a fair distance from Dallas when the shots came, except for Ella. Ella was in the line of fire. Ella was going to die. She stood, frozen, her shooting cherry just being snapped. Drew knew for a fact that she could save her, knew he had her life in his hands. He may have hated her, but not so much that she would let the girl die. He took off sprinting, and just as a stray bullet whizzed through the air towards Ella's head, Drew tackled Ella, saving her life. The bullet hit a tree instead. Drew covered Ella's body with his, shielding her for the rest of the duration of the gunfire. When it was over, Drew looked up, and he saw Dallas's lifeless body. Saw his smoking gun. Drew was horrified.
Russel walked over to the dead body, finally regaining his strength. His face looked blank. It was almost as if he didn't care. He then said , in an odd voice, the same he used as Ferro, "Thou Know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, passing through nature to eiternity." he said, quoting Shakespear. A police officer walks up to him, and said "Do I... Know you?" and he responded, lying, "I've never seen you before."

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