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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Ella gave Drew an angry look as Thomas pulled her towards the group and crossed her arms as soon as he let her go. "Thomas Depp don't you dare play the hero again, you did it because trying to help me and I already feel bad enough for that. He tries something, I'm taking care of it."
"Chill, it'll be good" Drew said confidently. He whistled for attention and began. "Alright, guys..." 10 minutes passed and after that Drew had taught his group a few moves. "Alright, now we partner up with each other for some free sparring. Use the moves I have taught you. Contact is allowed, but if someone goes down, don't pursue, let them stand. Ella with Bianca, Thomas with me, Mark with Jacob, and everyone else just pick someone" Drew announced. He then stood in front of Thomas and threw up his hands. "Let's get it"
Ella rolled her eyes and tried not to fall asleep while Drew thought the group some moves and yawned when he finished. She stood in front of Bianca and groaned when he saw Drew standing in front of Thomas. Of course that was going to happen and Bianca didn't look very nice, she looked like she wanted to crush Ella and she was afraid she would do so. "Alright so... Do we just punch each other?"
While Drew thought them new moves Thomas could only hear certain words coming out of his mouth. "Blah, blah. I'm an idiot who thinks violence is always the answer. Blah, blah, blah, I'm going to be homeless in a few years because of my choices in life. Blah, blah, Ella is going to cut my balls of." When his mouth stopped moving he paired Ella with some girl, Bianca and he was obviously paired with him. "Why am I not surprised?" Thomas thought as he stood in front of Drew. "So... Do you.... Wanna start?"
(I'll NPC Bianca)

Bianca Zelli

Bianca threw a jab into Ella's nose, sending her barreling back. "Yeah, we do. Try using the shit Drew said." Bianca said, throwing a kick to Ella's kneecap, like Drew had showed, and it put Ella on her back. "Get the fuck up" Bianca said, waiting for her to do so, fists at the ready.

Drew Torres

"Yeah" Drew said, throwing his arm out and grabbing Thomas in a clinch, pulling him towards him, and as Thomas came barreling at him, Drew threw his elbow into his jaw, sending Thomas veering to the right, but Drew didn't let go, keeping Thomas in a tight clinch and throwing multiple knees into Thomas's

Ella growled when Bianca punched her and then asked her to get up. She knew fighting was stupid and not necessary but she could set those thoughts apart for a good amount of time while she had to fight against Bianca who was a though opponent. Ella didn't know how to fight so she had to use the things she learned in movies and books, but she knew it was not as easy as it looked like. Ella quickly got up and punched Bianca in her eye as hard as she could and remembered what she did to her kneecap before and did the same thing and smiled when she fell down. "That was not that bad!" She said, thinking the fight was over.
Bianca Zelli

Bianca got up, furious, and grabbed Ella by the throat. She forced Ella's head down into her knee, once twice, three times, and Ella's nose was busted, bleeding slightly. When Bianca saw this, she let her go. "You alright, emo?"
Thomas tried to free himself from Drew's grasp as he hit his midsection over and over again until he was finally able to break free and coughed a few times before quickly tackling Drew and punching him a few times before he stood up and offered him his hand to help him get up. "I think we fought enough today, truce?"
Elizabeth let out a yelp when Bianca grabbed her throat and hit her nose with her knee until it began bleeding and let her go. She touched her nose softly and wiped a bit of blood. "Yeah... I'm... I'm good" She said backing up a bit just in case Bianca tried to attack her again.
Drew Torres

Drew kept himself up when Thomas attempted to tackle him, using his superior weight and strength, and he sprawled him. Once they were in the sprawl position, Drew got off him, following the rule of backing off once on the ground. "Nah. We still got 20 minutes of class." Drew said, throwing his hands up for Thomas's next attack.

Bianca Zelli

Bianca threw a quick one two at Ella's jaw, afterwards, she dashed back and came back with a forceful push kick aimed for Ella's ribcage, meant to either knock her over or knock her back. She already had a plan incase Ella catches the kick.
After standing up again he found beating Drew completely impossible, worthless and painful so he smiled at him and laid down on the floor again. "Well even if we had 20 years left of class I'm not going to fight you and you can't attack me while I'm on the ground so I guess you'll have to find a new parter. Why don't you go fight with he girl Ella's fighting against? She seems though and you look like the type of guy who would love to hit a girl."
Ella fell down backwards and and sighed. They still had 20 minutes left of class and she would be surprised if nothing inside of her was broken or if Bianca decided to leave her alive. Ella stood up as fast as possible and grabbed Bianca by the throat and punched her face a few times and then kicking her ribcage with her knee.
Drew Torres

"New rule kids -- Ground combat is now allowed" Drew called, and he fell upon Thomas with a mighty rage, throwing haymaker after haymaker into Thomas's head, really working the ground & pound, and there was nothing Thomas could do. The teacher was accepting. As long as no one got seriously hurt, he could do nothing. He had given half the class to Drew.

Bianca Zelli

The first two punches land, but when the third one came, Bianca grabbed both Ella's arms and enveloped them in her's. After, she leaned backwards, and she hip threw Ella to the floor. With Ground Combat now allowed, Bianca stayed on Ella, but she put her in a arm bar, a very vicious and tight arm bar. "Tap out or the arm comes off!" She called.
Ella grinned when she heard the easiest question she ever had to answer in her life. She wanted to stop fighting against Bianca as much as she wanted to break her nose. "I tap out! I tap out!"
A thousand of swear words and ways to cause Drew's death appeared in Thomas' mind when he said ground combat was now allowed. Thomas was too strong for him and the teacher didn't care. "Can... Can I just fucking surrender and you'll stop?" He asked.
Bianca Zelli

Bianca let her go and got up, offering Ella a hand to help her up. "You got lots to learn. Maybe Drew could help you with that" she said with a smile.

Drew Torres (I think you met Drew was too strong for him)

"Yeah, and you'll fail the class" Drew said, looking down at the beaten Thomas. Drew had one fist in the air and one on Thomas's shirt, ready to continue whooping his ass.
Thomas laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh no! I can't fail gym class, it is so important that if I fail it my life is over!" Thomas said sarcastically. "Why do you hate me so much? If it is because I called you an idiot then Ella should be the one kicking your ass right now, you insulted her so It's only fair."
Drew Torres

"I hate you because I can. I hate you because I'm popular, you're not. I hate you because you're scum. I hate you because it feels me feel powerful and important. There, I opened up to you. Now either get off your ass and fight or get out of this class" Drew said, getting up off of Thomas.
Ella was surprised when Bianca began being nice to her and helped her get up. She had expected Bianca to mock her with her friends but she actually seemed friendly. "I rather die than having to be with Drew. Man you hit hard." Ella said trying to be friendly and then remembered Thomas was fighting against Drew and ran towards them and gasped when he saw the state Thomas was in. "You already proved that you can beat him up and are stronger than him so could you please stop being a jerk for once in your pathetic life and stop being so aggressive?"
Bianca Zelli

Bianca quickly kicked Ella in the back of the kneecap and sent her to the floor after Ella spoke to Drew. She then began dragging her back to where they were. Drew just ignored Ella, figuring she wasn't worth his time right now.
Ella looked at Bianca furiously as she dragged her to where they had been fighting before and freed herself from her grasp and stood up again. "What the fuck! I thought the fight was over! Why the hell did you do that!?"
"Well aren't you a messed up kid?" Thomas said with a grin that disappeared as soon as Ella tried to help him and hoped Thomas wouldn't hurt her as well. "Ella I'm fine. Class is almost over anyways and I'll just have some bruises" He said and frowned as she was dragged away by Bianca.
Bianca Zelli

"Fight ain't over til the class is. I just gave you a break when you tapped. "And about Drew, well, he's a decent guy. Sure he can be a cockhead, he can try too hard to be the Alpha Male sometimes, but you've gotta understand he has a reputation to uphold, a role to play, a plan to execute. He's actually a decent guy after you spend some time with him. Knew him since 3rd grade."

Drew Torres

"You're right, I am. Real fucked in the head. Now, come on, quit laying ther like a whipped dog and get up, we still got 10 minutes and I don't intend to waste it. Who knows, maybe if we train enough, you'll be able to beat me up someday" Drew said with a laugh.
"That's super cute but reputation or not I don't like to hang out with jocks who think they are superior than others and like to beat people up and we only have ten minutes left. Why don't we just call it truce and stay away from each other?" Ella said hoping Bianca would let her go away.
Bianca Zelli

"Either we talk or we fight, but we can't seperate, or we could get in trouble, and I don't like trouble" Bianca said.

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