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Realistic or Modern Southside College

The First Day of School

Victoria wakes up and throws her pillow on the floor and says "Oh what the Fuck man". Since she got drunk last night even when she wasn't supposed to be her head was hurting. Victoria went to her bathroom and went to wash up and wash her hair. When she got out she wraps her towel around her and walks in her room. She then puts on a nice Purple Crop top that says "My Name is..." On the front and "Victoria Bitch" on the back. She puts her hair in a high ponytail and wear her black shorts and purple and black shoes. She grabs her bag for school and her phone as well. She waved bye to her parents and she hopped inside her car and threw her bag on the other side. She then started to drive to Starbucks and went to get a Iced Latte and then drove her way to the school parking lot of school and got out wearing her 1- inch heels out and walks out her car and seats on to her car in her phone on Instagram until school starts for the day.
Drew Torres

Drew's alarm didn't wake him, but his dog, Bella, who heard the alarm, certainly finding it annoying. He woke up to the smell of dog breath. "Oh, Bella, what a good girl. What a good girl you are" he said to his dog, and she gave him a big face lick, which he returned. He loved his dog to pieces

After waking up, Drew went to the bathroom, stripping naked, and he took a 10 minute shower. He next went to his bathroom mirror, washing his face clean, and he then collected his gel, putting a small amount in his hair and getting it into his usual hair-do. He then grabbed his tooth brush and put some paste on that bitch, scrubbing his pearly whites thoroughly. He then went back to his bedroom and he opened his dresser and put on a white collar shirt, popping the collar and putting on a designer pair of jeans. He looked in the mirror and determined he liked his look. He went out to the kitchen and made himself some waffles, putting peanut butter on those bitches and eating them. After, he brushed his teeth again, obviously not yet used to his Morning Routine, and after that, he waited for the time when he'd have to leave for his new school. At 6:30 he walked out of the house and got in his Lincoln Continental. He continued to go pick up Mark Armstrong, Dallas, and a few other Football Buddies.

Michael Dallas

Michael woke up reluctantly when he heard his alarm. He cut the sound and then got up, putting on his Letterman's Jacket and some Jeans, and he then went to the bathroom, took a piss, quickly made his hair decent, and he then messaged with a friend on kik until Drew came and picked him up. He got in the car and they exchanged greetings, and then the ride was relatively silent.
MJ woke up to her twin toddlers bouncing on her bed,"Shhh boys. Let Mommy sleep." She whispered and cradled them into her arms. "Rise and shine Princess." Her dad smiled walking into the room. "First day of school." MJ groaned and rolled out of bed putting her robe on. "Don't remind me." She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower as soon as she stepped in there was a banging on the door,"Ms. Downey! Hurry you'll be late for school." Maris, the housekeeper and the boys nanny yelled. MJ took a fast shower and then got ready, she was used to having mornings like this. She put together an outfit of a crop top and a high waisted skirt. "How does mommy look?" MJ asked the boys. "Pwetty." Ronan grinned. She kissed them each, said goodbye to everyone and was on her way out. She arrived in the parking lot and stayed there for a minute. Then she got out of her car.
The first thing Ella heard when she woke up were her younger siblings crying and her dog barking. That was the "first day of school routine" in her house and it was always the same. Her siblings would cry because they thought school was boring, she would get ready and go downstairs for breakfast then escape before her parents could have the opportunity to ask her to take her brother and sister to school while trying to calm them down. Ella took a quick shower then dressed up in a blue tank top, black jeans, black hoodie and blue sneakers. Pleased on how she looked, she walked downstairs and had breakfast with her family while her siblings calmed down, she ran to her car before her parents could ask her to take her brother and sister to school and drove to her first day. When she arrived, she parked her car and walked inside to wait for her friends.
Drew Torres

Some of the people in Drew's car hadn't gotten breakfast, so Drew did them a favor and bought them all coffee and bagels and other food items at a Dunkin's that was on the way to the school. Drew got a iced black coffee, and he and the crew ate and drank as they drove. They eventually got to the school. They walked toward the school as a pack. As they walked in, they saw Ella. Drew knew her from the Country's Club in NYC that he went to a few years back, and to be frank, he hated her. He and his thugs walked up in front of her. "What's up, Ella?" Drew said in a easily saw through lie of friendship. Ella knew he hated her.

Michael Dallas

Dallas got some donuts at Dunkin's and devoured them. By the time they got to the school, he had already finished his baker's dozen. When they came across Ella Dallas thought "Wow, she's pretty" but he immediately pushed away the thought as soon as he realised who or what she was.
Hayley Armstrong had been awake since 3 am, unable to sleep because of the excitement of going back to school. Of course, she didn't care about the classes but she had a long list of pranks for the other students she wanted to make during the year that had taken the entire summer vacation to finish. She showered and dressed up in a purple dress and black boots while she waited for her alarm clock to go off and ran to her brother's room and began shaking him one minute before it did.

Mark Armstrong hated school. The only good thing about it were the hot girls, parties, friends and sports but the other part was hell. He wanted to start his day as slowly as possible but his sister couldn't give him that one wish. He was woken up by his sister who was ready for school and his alarm went off five seconds later, great start. Mark pushed his sister away and walked to his bathroom to shower and dress in a green t - shirt, jeans and sneakers and drove to school with his sister, trying to ignore her as much as possible and parked his car. Hayley ran off to meet her friends and plan their pranks and Mark walked inside to join his little crew and stood besides Drew. "Did I miss anything?"
MJ walked into the school, bag slung over one shoulder. She didn't want summer to end. Plus this year was the first year she had been single. Liam and her had broken up over the summer so she had moved back in with her dad and the boys. She yawned and went to her locker to put her books up.
Drew Torres

"Nah, bruh, just talking to the emo here" Drew said with a mocking laugh, gesturing to Ella's blacked out clothes. His crew laughed along with him. "Talk to me, Ella, baby, come on. Don't give me the silent treatment. What I ever do to you?" Drew asked in feigned innocence.
Victoria saw some students coming going inside the school going inside the school, so she walked in and she saw that they where just hanging so she went up to them and said "Hey what's going on, I am broed"
A pack of students suddenly stopped in front of Ella while she roamed the halls searching for her friends or something interesting and she recognised the guy who seemed to be the leader. She couldn't hate him more than she already did and that little "friendly talk" was pure crap but Ella didn't like fighting with others. Especially when they had an entire gang of jocks following him like dogs so she was ready to be friendly but all the friendly thoughts were erased form her memory when he mocked her. "Drew, baby" she said mocking him when he called her baby. "I rather be an emo than be with you and your girlfriends" she said pointing at his friends with a smile.
Drew Torres

"Hey, if you're gonna hurt yourself for no reason, fine by me. Don't cut too deep. On second thought, go

'head" Drew said coldly, and this provoked a "Oooooh" by his Crew. Drew then turned to see the Beautiful Victoria, completely wiping Ella out of his mind. "Hey, I'm Drew. This are my pals. Introduce yourselves, guys" Drew said to her and his Crew.

Michael Dallas

Dallas was very impressed by Drew's awesome insult. It's what made Drew such a badass. Dallas said "Hey, I'm Dallas." When he was asked to introduce himself to Victoria. He immediately found Victoria being her #1 love interest.
Thomas Depp was in the school earlier than usual as always roaming the building and spending a good amount of time in the computer room and the library looking for something to help him study. He walked out of the library with a few books and noticed his best friend, and secret crush, Ella talking to a pack of students that reminded him of a pack of dogs and quickly walked towards her. He knew they weren't friendly and Ella was friends with "the nerdiest idiot in school" so he knew the conversation was probably not very friendly. "Hey Ella, how was your summer?" he asked before the pack of dogs turned their attention to a popular girl after insulting his friend and rolled his eyes. "Those guys are idiots, don't waste your time with them."
Russel woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. "I slept in!" He shouts, looking at the time. Freaking out, and almost puting on his shirt inside out, he gets dressed. He wears a white button down, which he does not tuck in, jeans, grey tenis shoes. He also grabs his phone and digital camera.

Even knowing he was late for school, Russ couldn't break the speed limit. He shows up pretty late, even for him. He gets out of the car and walks inside. "Alright, Ferro." He thinks to himself, "You can beat robbers, you can definetly explain why you're late."
Drew Torres

Drew heard Thomas's remark, and immediately turned from Victoria to Thomas, and he got up all I'm his face. Thomas noticeably flinched. ""The fuck you say, asswipe? The fuck you say?" He demanded. Drew's Crew surrounded Thomas. Thomas stood, frozen.


Dallas was still mesmerized by Victoria's looks, and was the last one to surround Thomas. Dallas was ready to beat the shit out of the disrespectful maggot, and he already had it planned. Like Drew had told him, he was the muscle.

(Changed "I'm Uncultured" to "Asswipe")
Hearing commotion, Russ hid nearby Torres and the others. He positooned himself in a way he could see but not be seen. He could tell a teacher, but that's not his way of doing things. He slowed his breathing, and prepared to act if there was violence.
Elizabeth prepared a perfect comeback in her head when the "Ooohs" came from his dogs but they stopped paying attention to her and focused on Victoria. Her best friend Thomas luckily came out of nowhere with a few books and a smile on his face that calmed down her anger towards Drew and his little crew and was able to smile back at him. "At least you are not his -" she couldn't finish the sentence because of Drew catching something Thomas said and his entire crowd surrounded him, leaving her out of the circle. "Leave him alone you idiot! You and your girlfriends are the definition of stupid and worthless so you have nothing to be angry about. Why don't you go bother someone else?"
Drew Torres

"Shut the fuck up, emo!" Drew barked at Ella. "Bianca!" Drew yelled, and a tough looking girl came over and stepped between the confrontation between Thomas and Drew's Crew and Ella, looking menace. (Dallas just stayed where he was)
MJ walked over to the arguing,"Its too fucking early for this." She mumbled. "Hey Drew? You gonna let a girl fight your own battles. Pick on someone your own fucking size dick head." She yelled
Suddenly, Russel stood up and moved forward. "Now Now Ladies!" He said, putting his arms around a random person. "Why don't we all agree to settle this in a fair fight." He smirks, "Put forward 2. I'm ready!"
Thomas was completely frozen and trapped inside the little circle that had been formed around him, unsure of what to do. He knew Drew was angry and if he was angry the others were angry, not to mention aggressive and from what he heard from the others who were considered nerds, he could punch hard. He heard Ella trying to help him and smiled. "Now it is the time to learn something from comic books and video games and be brave" He thought as he smiled at Drew. "I said you are an idiot. You can't be mad at me for saying the truth so maybe you should just let me walk away." He said trying to sound as calm as possible and caught a glimpse of Ella and smiled again. "You better fucking love me after this" He thought.
Drew Torres

Drew threw a hard punch into Thomas's ribcage, sending the kid to the floor, but Drew caught him and shoved him into a locker, the kid hitting his head. Drew then threw a hard right hook into Thomas's head that destroyed his glasses and sent him down. Drew and his crew then turned to beat on Russel, but the teachers then came. "Break it up! Get your worthless asses to class!". Drew spat at Russel's feet. "Tonight, Hartfield's Liquor, 1 on 1, 9:00. Be there" Drew said, and he and the rest of his people went to class.

(Lemme edit)

"What a bunch of fucking animals." MJ turned to the girl they had been harassing,"Hey you okay?' She looked at her and leaned against the wall.
Mark grinned as he pictured Thomas a few hours after the fight that was about to break out with a broken leg and black eye. The little nerd was not going to get out of the fight without any kind of damage and he was right. A few seconds later Thomas had been punched, shoved and his glasses were broken. Mark expected more but the teachers arrived and the only thing he could do was wait until that night for the fight. He walked to class with the others and patted Drew on the back. "That was so badass man, you thought that fucking nerd"
(Oh, yeah, Mystical, be concerned for the girl, not the guy that just got his ass beat. :P no hate but kinda funny)

Drew Torres

"That motherfucker got what was coming. I'll do it again tommorow, too" Drew said. They arrived in class - they had the same first period, math. Drew hated this shit. All the football guys sat together, mostly just talking, not paying any attention.

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