hey just got on. Confused with time zones. I have school until 5 everyday central time. Can someone help?

figured out time zone difference. but do we have to be on by 2 eastern or 8 eastern?
Hey Mads. Most of us go by EST, so if you see a time, just subtract a hour. For example, the fight that is taking place at 8:15 will take place at 7:15
The new rule is that the Official RP Time is 2:10 Est. to whenever, and if you don't reply by 3:00 Est. your character will be possessed by another Player until you're available. This rule won't go into effect until everyone confirms having read and understood the rule.

Okay, Drew and his crew, including Mark and Dallas, went to mess with Ella, and Thomas came to her protection. Drew beat the crap out of Thomas. Russel and Drew have a fight scheduled tonight. Everyone went to Math. Everyone then went to Gym, which Drew co-ran, and Drew fixed sparring so that Thomas and Ella both got their asses beat.
Ok! got it. Sadly i'm still in school at that time but ill try to figure something out

Also are we gonna start to Rp when the fight starts?
I get home from School at 2:30 some I'm gone for 20 minutes of but as long as you get going by 3:00 and stay active after that, it'll be all gucci.

Yes. I will make a Time Skip and Russell and Drew will fight, everyone else sill be spectators.
So @KurtH6355 and I was coming up with the classes and how everyone will meet each other up so we came up with this. There are 8 periods all together so just to keep that in mind...

  1. Math
  2. Gym
  3. ((Character's Choice))
  4. ((Character's Choice))
  5. Study
  6. Lunch
  7. ((Character's Choice))
  8. ((Character's Choice))

This is what we both came up with for the pass hour

I will have MJ have late arrival to school or something because I will not be able to get on till 4 every day to due school.
[QUOTE="Mystical Mads]
I will have MJ have late arrival to school or something because I will not be able to get on till 4 every day to due school.

I love they way you put it nice a bold so everyone can see it

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