Hello, everyone. I am proud to announce that I have been appointed by the amazing @Amanda Cromwell Co-GM of this Beautifully put together Roleplay. I wish to thank Amanda for the promotion, and I wish to thank all of you for allowing me to Roleplay with you. I know, we haven't been with each other for long, but I know that we can make this Roleplay a long-term thing. We all just need to cooperate, and we can achieve this goal. Thank you!

Your Co-GM

Sweet. Also, can you do the fight scene right now? Me, you, and I believe @Zelorm are on, so we can do it if you're ready. Not sure if Zelorm is ready, though, so just note that down. I think he is, but not sure.
The time skip will take place when you, me, and @Zelorm are around, since that's all that is really required. If you wish, you can take Thomas over for the fight if @Leela isn't around at that point, or we could say he just didn't want to go.
I read the new rule and I'm ready for the time skip

Who's posting the time skip?/
We're time skipping to Hartfield's Liquor for a fight between Russell and Drew after school at 9:00. We need to wait for @Zelorm

Mind if I write the time skip, Amanda?
Me and @Zelorm have the entire thing planned so...

Yes, but the last time he saw seen was a hour ago. He is not active and is not reading these messages. Let's wait until he says he's ready so this doesn't get awkward when he doesn't respond, okay?
That way we can do the entire scene real quickly and then we can even keep going from there, having @awesome's character controlled by me and Mystical's by someone else.

Guys, I think it may be time. Zelorm just read the thread a moment ago....crossed fingers....
Sorry! I was earing dinner and getting ready for a school thing. I'm fine with the new rule.
Zelorm, do you have time to do the fight scene? Everyone is waiting on you. Just say the word, I'll make a time skip, and the fight begins.
Grrr. Zelorm gotta go to a Chorus Concert in 13 minutes, we won't get the fight done within that time. Hb this. 7:30. Everyone okay with that time for the fight scene?

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