To be honest I think that if Drew and Thomas's rivalry continue, and Thomas goes too far, Thomas will get killed. Same goes for Russel/Ferro.
In that case... Maybe I'll have Thomas stay out of trouble for a while.
Since I just got out of school I am so confused so Like I am going to time skip to lunch because nothing is making sense to me at all and I feel like everyone is going to fast so like can we slow it down because I have testing to do and stuff like that for the next 2 weeks until June 1st
No one will be RP-ing with you. The next RP Session is scheduled for when everyone else is on or all people involved in the fight are on. You'll be RP-ing alone.
Sorry. That was rude.

You need to have specific times to roleplay to keep it alive. What we could do is schedule a certain RP time. But we can't RP at random times, or the thing will eventually fall apart because people will be discouraged by being left behind, like you were. To prevent this, we need certain times to RP. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but it's smart, I just want the best for Southside.

Group RP requires special care and treatment, such as what I am suggesting.

We could make a rule where you need to like...Roleplay between 8-9 PM at the least, and if you miss this three times in a row, your character suffers some kind of penalty, like, it is controlled by another player until the player that was absent returns.
But just like a Civilization needs rules to not go to Chaos, a Roleplay needs the same thing. The Roleplayers all need to be on simultaneously, or at least all Role players who are needed for a planned Scene, such as the Russell-Drew fight, which @EmilyPower, @KurtH6355, and @Zelorm need to be there for.

Okay. When you put the rule up, make sure every one confirms seeing it before it is put into effect.
I can't do the 6-8 due to School, or the 10:30 to 12:45. The Afternoon one should be the only one in my opinion, since that is when most people I believe will be around.
Alright. Put in the Rules the 2:10-Whenever rule as a official time of RP, and then make it so everyone should report absences here so we know if someone will be gone during the RP time.

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