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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Russ remained silent. On one hand, he could go. He might be able to teach that guy a lesson. On the other hand, they looked pretty tough, and without his Ferro body armor, could be injured pretty bad. He couldn't go as Ferro, and risk being exposed. He sighed and headed to class
Ella gasped when Drew punched Thomas and tried to make her way through the circle surrounding him but she was pushed back by the though looking girl and couldn't help but think of Drew's head blowing up and blood flying everywhere. She shook her head and kneeled beside Thomas once the fight had ended and helped him get up. "I fucking love what you did for me and I am so grateful but next time let's NOT play Mario and Princess Peach and we walk away from idiots like Drew. We're going to the nurse's office right now and I'm going to kill Drew after we leave."
MJ walked to class and sat at the back. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. She wasn't going to take shit from anyone today especially not the teachers. She checked her instagram and twitter waiting for class to start.
Thomas closed his eyes while Drew beat him up and waited for him to stop and almost laughed when the teachers arrived and made them go to class. He opened his eyes and saw Elizabeth in front of him and smiled as she helped him get up, he opened his eyes widely when she said "I fucking love..." but rolled them when she said "What you did for me" and sighed as they walked to the nurse's office. "Hopefully he had enough and there wont be another time."
While pondering the issue in class, Russel fell asleep. He was shaken awake, and saw the entire class staring at him.

"I'm sorry." He said, quickly thinking up a lie, "I have narclopsy."

He was scolded by the teacher, but did not get detention, being told that if he had that condition, he should have let his teachers know. He also decided that the fight was the only way to deal with Drew.
Mark laughed when he heard this and shook his head. "Dude, why wait until tomorrow? You can beat him up today before the match begins and then watch how he goes home running to his little emo girlfriend. Maybe she'll finish killing herself before he gets there." He said and a few of the other football players laughed with him. "Too bad though, the emo girl is not bad. What do you think Drew?"

(totally hinting for their relationship starts because I'm really excited for that)
"Not the prettiest, but definitely not bad looking. Either way, I ain't going out with that bitch in a million years" Drew said with a laugh. "Speaking of the match, I want us packing. Guns, knives, whatever. Just in case this kid decides to be stupid" Torres said in a low voice. (By the way, the match is with Russell, not Thomas.)
Russel begins to think to the fight. He recognized that guy from somewhere, but didn't know where. He knew half the kids in this school where some kinda TV star, and he knew from the way that guy had fought that he wasn't an amatuer. Ferro's body armor was out of the question. He refused to use a gun, not wanting to kill this guy, as much as he thought he deserved it. He sighed again, supposing he'd have to hope it would be a fair fight.
Ella chuckled as they entered the infirmary and she quickly sat Thomas down on the bed as he nurse inspected his wounds. "What happened to you? You look like you were ran over by a bus and you're lucky your ribs aren't broken!" The nurse exclaimed as she gave him some pills. "He got into a fight with the Hulk" Ella said hoping she would cheer him up, the nurse simply shook her head. "The wounds will only need time to heal, don't worry 'bout it. Now go back to class!" The nurse said as she turned around again and Ella left with him and headed to class. "If he ever tries to hurt you again I will personally cut his balls off!"
(I'll die happily once Ella says "I'm dating the guy who beat you up the first day of school)

Thomas laughed when Ella said he had been fighting the Hulk and slowly got up after the nurse asked them to go to class. "Then I guess I must be the strongest human alive if I survived a fight against the Hulk! Maybe I'll get a reward!" He said trying not to die of laughter as they entered the classroom. "We were in the infirmary" He told the teacher as he sat down next to her in the front and rolled his eyes when he heard Drew and his dogs talking. "Cutting off his balls? You really hate him don't you? I haven't seen you like this since the dog in that movie was shot."
Ella covered her mouth when she heard Thomas' comment about her anger towards Drew, not wanting to get caught laughing and smiled. " I've never wanted to hurt someone as much as I want to hurt him and whisper! You don't want him to hear us talking about hurting him do you?"
(Sorry for short replies, I'm finishing an essay while doing this so It's a bit hard for me right now. Also, I'm keeping Hayley as a secondary character for now)

Mark's grin disappeared when Drew mentioned guns and crossed his arms. "Guns? Are you sure about that Drew? If you kill him then what if we get caught? Everybody already pays attention to us because of our parents and it might be hard to get away with murder"
"There will be no killing. A gun is much more than just a tool used for killing. It can be used for bargaining, used for intimidation, and for insurance. Hell, I hope we don't even need to draw the things, let alone shoot them. As the wise Al Capone once said, 'You can get much farther with a gun and a kind word than a kind word alone'. See my point?" Drew said. He may be a athlete, but he was a smart one. He didn't notice Ella and Thomas, due to the discussion.
"I don't give a shit about what Al Capone said I just care about not going to jail or getting in trouble. Let's change the subject, we're so going to beat those losers from the other school! Well... I don't know if you are... the basketball match is in a few days but I don't know when your team is playing."
"Tommorow, I think. The Silverlakers, right? I heard they was a bunch of pussies anyway. Also heard they like to start scraps. But I think we have more muscle than they do, so we should be good on that front. Our team has never been more psyched, never been more ready to kick ass. Our QB peaked at exactly the right moment" Drew said proudly. The Teacher seemed not to care that the class was just chatting away. Weird.
"The Silverlakes! What kind of shitty name is that? We're going to show 'em who's boss" Mark said with a chuckle and some of the others laughed. The class finally came to an end and Mark yawned loudly. "I hate the subject but I love the class, the teacher couldn't care less if we talked or not!"
"You were the one who brought up the subject of hurting him in the first place! Even said that you wanted to cut off his balls, which I find disgusting and if you actually do it I really don't want to be there" Thomas said not really caring if the others heard him or not. He stood up when she bell ran and grabbed his things. "Lets go to science! I love that class!" He said cheerfully.
"You got that right bruh. Wonder if the other teachers will be as awesome. We got gym next, bro, hype" Mark, Drew, and two other Footballers walked to Gym Class. Ella and Thomas also had Gym. When they got there the teacher, Mr. Evans, spoke to the Class as a whole. "Hello, Class, I am Mr. Evans. Today we will be studying Self-Defense. The class will be split up into two groups, one led by me, the other led by proffesional WFA Fighter, Drew Torres. Raise your hand, Torres." Drew did so. Evans spoke quickly with Drew and told him what he wanted to teach. Drew picked his group. "Alright...Mark, Nicholas, Jacob, Danny, Tony, Jack, Alex, Bianca...Ella and Thomas" Drew said, everyone he had picked Football players other than Ella and Thomas, and Bianca, who was just a friend. "Alright. Get to work! Drew, take your guys over to that side of the Gym" Mr. Evans said, pointing west. "Alright guys, let's hustle!" Drew said. "Don't worry, I got a plan" Drew told Mark.

(Sorry, @Leela. Want to go to Gym or Science? You posted first, so your choice)
"Yeah but I'm not the one who was punched, shoved and had my glasses broken by him and I know it's disgusting! Do you really think I would personally cut off his balls?" Ella said as she grabbed her things and walked to her next class with Thomas.

Thomas chuckled and took a closer look at the schedule and groaned. "We have gym, not science! Of course I couldn't see it I'm blind as a bat without my glasses!" Thomas said angrily and walked towards the gym and sat down with the others. He gasped when Drew chose Ella and himself for his group and walked towards the group grabbing Ella's hand and pulling him with her. "I wonder what he wants..."
Mark grinned when Drew chose the nerd and the emo for his group, knowing Drew was on to something. "It better be good man because you're making us spend more time that required with these losers and I can't stand nerds like them."
Russel's second class was history, his personal favorite. He listened very intently, and did not fall asleep once, which confused quite a few of the people who wrre also in his period 1 class. He drew crappy pictures of soldiers, from the American Revoloution all the way to Obama's "War on Terror". He wasn't a soldier nut, but he just liked the class, and had the time.

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