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  1. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Kenneth remained silent as the others talked. At length, the party left the city limits, and for the first time since he was a very young child, Kenneth was in the countryside again. Ahead loomed Titan Forest. The monolithic trees seemed to swallow up the path entirely, and from here the...
  2. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Where is everybody? It'd be a damn shame to lose the story before we've even set off. Also, did you guys notice there are 7 people watching the IC? That's kind of interesting, considering there are only 5 of us...
  3. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    "Interesting stuff. About this quest - when do you plan to leave? Is now too soon?" He quickly looked around the room, to make sure nobody had taken an unhealthy amount of interest in the staff. He was beginning to worry that he already had. "I'm afraid I've already packed," he added.
  4. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    "Kenneth. Where did you get that staff?" He wasn't sure how to react to the wizard's casual usage of mass invisibility, selective invisibility at that, but suspected it had something to do with the staff, and wanted to know more. Clearly this man had been around- and yet, as Kenneth looked...
  5. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    noot noot Also, @Semblance, for the sake of clarity, can you put the dialogue in bold? It's not that big a deal, but everyone else is doing it, and it helps make it easier to scan for individual lines.
  6. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    As they made their way to the tavern he had recommended (it was a short walk, just down the street a bit), Kenneth began to warm to the idea of going on a quest. I haven't got much else going for me, and if the King's after me and my family, I might not be able to make it back to the Academy...
  7. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Scene 2: The Tavern In which Kenneth, Frór, Avalon, and Merek get to know each other and the quest they must perform, and Venek hopefully stops seeming strange. Also, maybe a barfight. @TheWolffe, do you mind if I just go ahead and take us there with the next post?
  8. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Kenneth didn't know much about downing goblins in the first place, but then again supposed they died just like everyone else when you hit them hard enough. This dwarf, admittedly one of the first he had ever met, was beginning to grow on him. He smiled, and began to lead them to a tavern he...
  9. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    The mention of a quest and the arrival of the fourth stranger confirmed his suspicions. I knew it! Adventurers! I'm in too deep! He began: "I'm not sure I-" He glanced over at the man who had just recently assumed the stance of a guard. He can't be on to me, mused Kenneth, but just in...
  10. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Curious. The robed man had now been approached by, of all things, a dwarf! In Kurat! Combined with the glowing gem atop the robed man's staff (the man who Kenneth had by now assumed was clearly both a wizard and an adventurer), Kenneth's curiosity was by now more than piqued. Perhaps these...
  11. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    I don't mind not having a posting order. I'd hate to have to wait for someone else to write something if I've got something really good to say, and I'd hate to feel obliged to write something so everybody else can. I hadn't planned on knowing Merek ahead of time, I just kind of thought he...
  12. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Slipping through alleys, Kenneth made his way to the city gates. He was being hunted, but occasional trips and stumbles betrayed the fact that he was beginning to tire. If he stopped, however, he feared that the King's men would be upon him in an instant, so he wrapped his cloak around himself...
  13. Phil Andering

    D&D 3.5 Campaign

    If you've still got room, I'd be down to play a character. Are you allowing psionic classes? I know some DM's don't.
  14. Phil Andering

    Note to self: Mood selector tweaks out on mobile. Do not attempt again.

    Note to self: Mood selector tweaks out on mobile. Do not attempt again.
  15. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    So how do you guys want to kick this thing off? I was thinking about starting with my house getting broken into by some of the King's goons due to my father's political beliefs, fighting off the home invaders (or failing to) and then vanishing into the night, and later on meeting up with you guys.
  16. Phil Andering

    Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

    Name: Kenneth Azwire Age: 22 Race: Human Specialty: Illusionist Perks: Near-prodigal skill in illusion magic. Downsides: Naive and physically subpar Continent of Birth: Aya Personality: Competent, proud, optimistic, and a bit manipulative. History: Kenneth showed magical talent...
  17. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Fantasy World Saving Rp Idea

    Are the villains going to show up one at a time, or will there be a whole League of Evil thing going on?
  18. Phil Andering

    Realistic or Modern "Castaways" - A Survivor-esque Reality TV Show RP

    Oh, alright. I thought you meant it would be testing their immunity to something. Other than that, it looks pretty cool! I like the idea of the monitor lizards on the island. Do you plan on getting 24 people to join in the RP, or do you want people to play multiple characters?
  19. Phil Andering

    Realistic or Modern "Castaways" - A Survivor-esque Reality TV Show RP

    What do you mean by a "challenge of immunity?"
  20. Phil Andering

    Fantasy Fantasy World Saving Rp Idea

    I'd be up for it! I'm fine with playing either a main character or one of the villains- actually, a villain would be a whole lot of fun. Whichever you've got room for's fine.