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D&D 3.5 Campaign

The 7th Bard

Landon, Lored of Bards
I would like to run a d&d 3.5 campaign, I would like 4-5 players.

It takes place in a land called Evora, where there are the gods, and there are the prophets, the prophets are what happens, when a god sheds it's immortality and goes on to live human lives. But because they are deities, they go on to be reincarnated. Retaining approximately half of their memories, therefore attaining the title of prophet.

The pantheon is the same as the typical d&d pantheon.

I would prefer it if everyone started non-evil.

All things in the core rulebooks are allowed, anything from the expansions please ask.

If you have any questions about the world I will be happy to answer.

There is a homebrew Race that exists in this world and I will allow players to use it if they wish.

I will start the Roleplay when we have enough players, I would like to be able to convene at least once a week, or every two weeks on saturdays for a couple of hours, but I understand if that isn't possible.
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[QUOTE="The 7th Bard]
I have a house rule about multiclassing and feats, you should be able to give me an ingame reason they took the class or feat. It doesn't make sense for a barbarian who is typically illiterate to just pick up wizard levels. (Just an example :) [if it's from a core rulebook, well I did say it would be allowed]

What if the only explanation for a class/feat decision is the out of game reason 'it is necessary to model the fighting style I want this character to have'?

Do you have any idea how many feats, classes, and alt class features it takes to create a character that can fight like River Tam?
vinom said:
What if the only explanation for a class/feat decision is the out of game reason 'it is necessary to model the fighting style I want this character to have'?
Do you have any idea how many feats, classes, and alt class features it takes to create a character that can fight like River Tam?
Ah lolz. I do understand that. when it comes down to modeling a character, that is enough in game reason, that rule is only to ad realism. ... I also have no who River Tam is. But honestly thats in-game enough for me.
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River Tam is the pint-size psychic warrior chica from Firefly...

What I mean is that classes and feats, especially the martial ones, aren't really things characters know about more then they are mechanical frame works for showing competence in select actions. It's very much a Miko the Samurai issue.
Good... With out that rule I can make a function ninja... What ECL were you thinking for Char gen?
Lolz I like to start around 4 as it gives plenty of room for a developed character and 1st level fights are the worst.
Oh ya, it games of rocket tag.

Hmm let's see, I could go with obah-blessed Wild Elf. Use racial weapon familiarity and dabble around a bunch of melee to get the build synced to the fighting style.
I'm very interested in a 3.5 Game.

Would you allow spells from the book "Relics and Rituals"? Most of my 3.5 Books are Hardback, so I'd have to either find a way to link you to PDF's, or explain spells case by case, but maybe your familiar with the book? I'd like to play either a Wizard or a Sorceror, if that's just fine... *Well, some kind of caster for sure.*
[QUOTE="The 7th Bard]obah-blessed wild elf?

Oh indeed. It's a great combination of a cultist whose convinced Lolth is a CG goddess oppressed and ostracized by her LE ex boyfriend Corellon Larethian
I have some familiarity with the book. Slim but something. I'll review the book but I don't expect to rule anything out. So tentative but strongly leaning toward yes. ... Scratch that I just got a look at it. It will be fine xD VINOM I LOVE THAT!!!
Coolio. I may bring up other books in the future- happy to be here, though. :D


And- whats the Homebrew race you where talkin about? For that matter- if I find crazy shit on the homebrew site can I propose it?
Sure I need a feat to be a CG cleric/paladin/other of Lolth or Gromish, but the regular bread an butter cult member doesn't need that.
Yes Feel free to propose it. I Love the idea vinom.


The homebrew race is the Tiroan [Tee-row-an]

They are a subrace of humans. That have waged a centuries long war with the wizards of the Sinulla Straits(An island nation of wizards, the isles can only be seen from any distance exceeding a mile on a blue moon {Two full moons in a month} although nobody knows why.) The Tiroan's have earned their place as a sub race mostly for their odd ability to resist magic. they hail from the peninsular kingdom for which they are named after, Tiroa [Tee-row-uh]. Tiroan's have banned magic within their borders. Arcane casting is Illegal in all instances, and Divine casting is Illegal in all instances except healing spells.

Tiroan Racial Trait's

Tiroan's receive all human racial traits in addition to the following.

Spell resistance: 10+(1/2 Ecl rounded down minimum 1) in place of their usual bonus feat.

Automatic languages: Common, Tiroan. Bonus languages any.

Tiroan is no language worthy of the title, but a collection of military lingo and terms often intermixed into common. The language is capable of delivering simple messages, and weakly conveying emotions.


Should I put the bonus feat back in and add a balancing negative trait? to be honest. I misplaced the racial traits I had for it and tried to recreat it.
If they have all human traits, they have the bonus feat and skill points... honestly look at Karsite, a human variant from Tome of Magic, but remember that they are LA +2.
vinom said:
Oh indeed. It's a great combination of a cultist whose convinced Lolth is a CG goddess oppressed and ostracized by her LE ex boyfriend Corellon Larethian
That's stupid. Elven culture is kind of BASED around hating Drow for worshipping a CE spider goddess instead of the LG Corellon Latherian. If gods never intervened in the affairs of mortals, and it wasn't possible to detect a god's alignment by looking at them, your concept might work- but Corellon's a well-known deity who interacts with his priests, worshippers, other gods who attest to his not-evilness, and countless mortals who witness his priests casting spells with the [good] descriptor.

You honestly want to play an edgy cultist with no basis in fact or fluff, go with someone opposing Pelor, The Burning Hate.

[QUOTE="The 7th Bard]

Tiroan Racial Trait's

Tiroan's receive all human racial traits in addition to the following.

Spell resistance: 10+(1/2 Ecl rounded down minimum 1) in place of their usual bonus feat.

Automatic languages: Common, Tiroan. Bonus languages any.

Should I put the bonus feat back in and add a balancing negative trait? to be honest. I misplaced the racial traits I had for it and tried to recreat it.

I'm going to stop you right there. Spell Resistance is not worth a feat. Spell Resistance is worth a feat, several class levels, and three racial HD BEFORE level adjustment. It is worth class levels that require you to forever sake the benefit of magic or magic items. Spell Resistance is NOT something you put on an LA +0 race, ever, especially if it scales based on ECL rather than HD.
spandez said:
Oh indeed. It's a great combination of a cultist whose convinced Lolth is a CG goddess oppressed and ostracized by her LE ex boyfriend Corellon Larethian
That's stupid. Elven culture is kind of BASED around hating Drow for worshipping a CE spider goddess instead of the LG Corellon Latherian. If gods never intervened in the affairs of mortals, and it wasn't possible to detect a god's alignment by looking at them, your concept might work- but Corellon's a well-known deity who interacts with his priests, worshippers, other gods who attest to his not-evilness, and countless mortals who witness his priests casting spells with the [good] descriptor.

You honestly want to play an edgy cultist with no basis in fact or fluff, go with someone opposing Pelor, The Burning Hate.

No basis in fact or fluff...

Hm, Are we not talking about the same Corellon Latherian who would rather kill his most devout paladin then admit she's a better archer them him, in the middle of a holy war (ToM p38.)?

While I agree that his propaganda and slut shaming Lolth for leaving his punk ass for Gruumsh has turned most elves in his favor, some people are not bowed by his evil masquerading as good. You act like it's even remotely hard to fool alignment detection magic.
Look, I'm all for making Drow something other than the typical always-evil sociopaths and adding some level of greyness, but slandering Corellon isn't the way to go about it. In fact, it would probably be to remove Lolth, the chaotic evil demoness who resides in one of the pits of the abyss, summons demons, and encourages the Drow to develop a society based around betrayal and hate.

Also, it's kind of impossible to fool the alignment detection magic of deities, let alone entire pantheons.

On-topic, what's the policy on using stuff from Magic of Incarnum?
spandez said:
Look, I'm all for making Drow something other than the typical always-evil sociopaths and adding some level of greyness, but slandering Corellon isn't the way to go about it. In fact, it would probably be to remove Lolth, the chaotic evil demoness who resides in one of the pits of the abyss, summons demons, and encourages the Drow to develop a society based around betrayal and hate.
Also, it's kind of impossible to fool the alignment detection magic of deities, let alone entire pantheons.
Unless that is one of CL's Divine Salient Abilities, able to manipulate the perceived alignment of the full elven pantheon.
And mask this ability from the Elven, Olympic, Dwarven, Pharonic, Human, Goblin, Orc, Demonic, Halfling, Gnomish, etc. Pantheons, the planar qualities of Arborea...

Ignoring this lapse in logic, Salient divine abilities don't work on anything with a higher Divine Rank.

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