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Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]

Avalon watched in admiration as Merek created an invisible illusion to mask their presence to the guard. She watched the guard leave and the illusion fade away as the robed man tapped his staff again. Her light brown eyes looked into Merek's straight on. "What is this scroll? Why do you need us to retrieve it?" she asked, suspicious of this mysterious scroll that she had never heard of. This was also the first time that she had seen magic and there was something about its power that made her distrust these strangers. She didn't want to go anywhere else with them until she got some answers, especially about who these men were and why the old one wanted this scroll so badly.
-I agree with leaving this city. And by the way, my name is Merek. - said the wizard -

-What is this scroll? Why do you need us to retrieve it? - asked the lady -

Merek turned his head, until his blue and white eyes met the girls eyes, and answered with a deep and calm voice:

-It's an old scroll that is the proof for a lot of bad things that happened but people don't know. - he them made a sarcastic smile on his face - That's all you need to know for now, for our own safety. As I said, i'm planning to tell the whole story on our way to the Forest.

He them proceeded to stand up from his seat and thrown his hood over his head, while saying:

-Now, shall we leave?
Avalon narrowed her eyes suspiciously but sighed and got up to follow them, knowing that they were her best options. She had never heard of this scroll, but if this old man really wanted it and could help her village then she was willing to take the risk. "What are your names?" she asked them, wanting to know who exactly she was going to be traveling with.
Frór was leaned back in his seat, combing his beard with his wrinkled fingers and half-listening to the conversation of his new found "friends." He would try to pay attention, but soon grew tired of hearing of Merek's staff and soon took to ordering pints in a quiet voice that forced the tavern girls to bend in a pleasing way. He watched Merek stand, and leaped from his seat, eager to move to more interesting pastures.

"Fwoh!" The dwarf remarked. "This piss swill tastes of..." Frór thought, unintentionally using his piss card too early. "Whore's... piss." He looked sheepishly at his boots, squeezing his helmet back onto his head. The Dwarf spoke at a normal volume, a first for him in this party. "Let's just... let's just get on with this." The Dwarf pushed through the door, and onto the busy street.
The knight errant finished his pint then followed the dwarf out of the tavern. They walked in the street quickly so they do not get lost in the city. Meanwhile Kenneth was, probably, hopping to not encounter any guards : Venek prayed to not meet his mother on his way. He did not want to be ridiculous in front of the group since he did such a good first impression.

-Kenneth, Merek and Venek... our parents were not very inspired ! say Venek as they were walking in the street. Hey ! Dwarf and girl ! What are your name ? He asked the question but he was not sure that they heard it since they were on a busy street.

Once they were out of the city, Venek looked at Merek and asked :

-So now, could you give us some more informations about this quest ? We are now heading to the Titan Forest, right ?
"My name is Avalon," the brunette archer replied, managing a smile on her face even though the only thing she can think about is her village in danger. They made there way through the busy streets and finally reached the forest. As soon as they escaped the rowdiness of the city, she turned to face the robed man as well. "So why are you so intent in getting this scroll?" she asked, a little suspiciously.
Kenneth remained silent as the others talked. At length, the party left the city limits, and for the first time since he was a very young child, Kenneth was in the countryside again.

Ahead loomed Titan Forest. The monolithic trees seemed to swallow up the path entirely, and from here the forest seemed unnaturally dark. Kenneth thought back on the things he had heard inhabit Titan Forest: bullywug tribes, elfish assassins, man-eating plants, owlbears, giant spiders, and an entirely unpleasant host of other monstrosities.

He kept himself from worrying about the contents of the forest by thinking about Merek's staff. Clearly, with ten years of training compared to Kenneth's six, he was just going to be a more competent spellcaster overall. Kenneth wasn't worried, though. He had plenty of tricks up his sleeves, certainly enough to-

And the world fell silent. The path grew dark. They continued walking, awed by their surroundings. With an unearthly, chilling breeze, Titan Forest greeted them. They had arrived.
As the group started walking on the path towards the Forest, Merek started talking, answering their questions:

_This Scroll was written by the King's daughter some years ago. It contains precious information about all the wrong things the King did, most of them, going against the Continent's Laws. When his daughter, Melissa, wrote it, she was inside a Convoy going to her Father's Castle at Falchion City. She escaped the convoy, entering this Forest and going inside a cave, where she left the Scroll.
- the wizard pointed at the middle of the forest, where the biggest tree of Asmarat showed up - Just under the Spiritual Tree, as they call it. She was also a sorcerer under training, so she enchanted a lot of Goblins and monsters on the area to protect the Cave from anyone with bad intentions. Some people say she even enchanted the Legendary Giant, but It's, probably, only rumors.

The other persons were looking at Merek, trying to assimilate all that information, while he kept talking:

_So, our job is to get inside there, take that old piece of paper, and go straight to Falchion City. We NEED, to take that King down, and it's our only chance.



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