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Fantasy Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]


I need some bagels


Just talk OOC. Yeah. That's it.
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So how do you guys want to kick this thing off?

I was thinking about starting with my house getting broken into by some of the King's goons due to my father's political beliefs, fighting off the home invaders (or failing to) and then vanishing into the night, and later on meeting up with you guys.




You guys may start with your own intro's. The starting city, where you all are located, is called "Kurat", a agriculture focused city, with lots of commercial places. It's a coastal medium sized city with a castle in the middle. You may get a real reason to go by the city gates, may it be that you are leaving the city, or you are escaping from someone. You can make your own lore. You are all going to meet with my character, Merek, at the gates, them we can start the Journey.

Picture of the city:


BTW, you guys shall start it up. I'm only going to appear when you all reach the gates.

I have two questions !

- Do we know Merek already ? (do we know that we have to met him, this day, at the gates ?)


- Is there any posting order to respect or can we post whenever we want without waitting that everyone has posted ?
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I don't mind not having a posting order. I'd hate to have to wait for someone else to write something if I've got something really good to say, and I'd hate to feel obliged to write something so everybody else can.

I hadn't planned on knowing Merek ahead of time, I just kind of thought he would shout at us to help him with his quest and, having nothing better to do, we would.

On an unrelated note, has anyone ever played Agar.io before?
You guys could just walk to him and just talk to him. Ask him about the freaking magic glowing gem on top of his staff. Things like this. You know. He's a random wizard in a agricultural city, isn't that strange? You can come up with something and just let the RP flow like a wave of sorcery and goblin deaths. Anyway, no. You don't know him.

And for the second question, no, there is no posting order. You post when you want. Double check if someone hasn't posted anything new tho, so your post still make sense.
Nice accent right there! I liked it. Probably will take a whole new step to insults and monster-killing quotes!
Scene 2: The Tavern

In which Kenneth, Frór, Avalon, and Merek get to know each other and the quest they must perform, and Venek hopefully stops seeming strange. Also, maybe a barfight.

@TheWolffe, do you mind if I just go ahead and take us there with the next post?
Semblance said:
...the mustache man looked kind...
Semblance said:
. . . it was in her nature to distrust imposters.
noot noot

Also, @Semblance, for the sake of clarity, can you put the dialogue in bold? It's not that big a deal, but everyone else is doing it, and it helps make it easier to scan for individual lines.
@Semblance[/URL], for the sake of clarity, can you put the dialogue in bold? It's not that big a deal, but everyone else is doing it, and it helps make it easier to scan for individual lines.
hey sorry yea I was going to but I've been on my phone so it's kind of a hassle to bold everything- bc I'm in New York for the weekend and I didn't bring my laptop, I'll be back Sunday night tho!
Semblance said:
hey sorry yea I was going to but I've been on my phone so it's kind of a hassle to bold everything- by I'm in New York for the weekend and I didn't bring my laptop, I'll be back Sunday night tho!
You do what's best for you. The main goal is just to stay in the RP, so if you don't abandon the whole thing while you are away from "home", i'd say, it's all good to me.
TheWolffe said:
You do what's best for you. The main goal is just to stay in the RP, so if you don't abandon the whole thing while you are away from "home", i'd say, it's all good to me.
haha thanks, yea sorry if it's unclear tho! I'll bold everything as soon as I get back

also I'll probably be offline for most of tonight, but I'll def reply tomorrow morning
Where is everybody? It'd be a damn shame to lose the story before we've even set off.

Also, did you guys notice there are 7 people watching the IC? That's kind of interesting, considering there are only 5 of us...
I'm waiting for the transition. You guys do as you wish. Porgongo, you should manifest yourself.

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