Adventurers Of Tharon [Medieval]


I need some bagels




Equipment: (Weapons, Clothes, Magic things, etc...)

Race: (Make up something that it's not Vampire, Werewolf or Furry related)

Specialty: (Warriors, Rogues, Mages, whatever you want that are not Super-powers)



Continent of Birth: (See them at OverView)


History: (Detailed please)

Appearance: (HD Picture or a really good drawing. No Anime Accepted)
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Name : (Ser) Venek Malabile

Age : 44

Race : Human

Specialty : Warrior (Knight)

Perk/Downsides : He is not very good at fighting but he always survives (by throwing dirt in the eyes of his ennemies or just by running away from the danger). When he is not failing at everything, he is a charming man who easily obtains informations by talking with old drunk hobos or by harassing the waitress of the tavern. He can ride a horse, run fast, climb a tree or a wall and talk until his ennemies fall asleep.

Continent of Birth : Thorrak

Personality : Venek is a clumsy man. But he is also extremely lucky and that is probably the only reason why he is not dead yet. Because he is not very good at fighting : he likes to think before acting. He also likes to talk a lot. Most of the time he just tells lies to impress everyone.

Equipment : A coat of mails with a leather armor over it and a linen shirt and pants under. A dirty cloak that used to be white. A long sword and two daggers (one in his right boot and one hooked onto his belt). He also has a bag where he puts many things in it.

: Venek is the son of two peasants from Thorrak. He was raised between the cows, the pigs and the wheat fields. He became a knight when he was a young boy, at the age of fifteen.

Long story short : one day he was hiding in a tree to stalk a young lady who was taking a bath in a river. A bandit came out of the bushes and try to attack her. The bandit pushed the lady against the tree and Venek fell on the bandit : knocking him out. The lady was the daughter of a small local lord and she thought that he jumped on the bandit on purpose. The small lord knighted Venek to thank him for saving her daughter. Today, Venek is an adventurer but he likes to pretend he is a knight (even if he is not serving anymore any lord).

Appearance :

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Name: Kenneth Azwire

Age: 22

Race: Human

Specialty: Illusionist

Perks: Near-prodigal skill in illusion magic.

Downsides: Naive and physically subpar

Continent of Birth: Aya

Personality: Competent, proud, optimistic, and a bit manipulative.

History: Kenneth showed magical talent since early childhood, and thanks to his parents' resources (his mother died long ago, and his father, a local lord, was left wealthy and alone), he was able to develop his skills at a magical academy, where he showed an almost prodigal knack for illusion magic. His clockwork raven, Thatcher, was a graduation gift. Even though he's a bit of a manipulative person by nature (runs in the family), he generally fights for the common good, and has a sturdy moral compass. He is more curious than jaded, more optimistic than pessimistic, and with his inexperience with the outer world comes the usual amount of naivete.

Guys, I forgot to place the "Equipment" requirement at the C.S. I would be glad if you edited your C.Ss with this Requirement, as I'm editing the Main Post too.

Dio said:
I did like the whole concept of the power, but I'm not into that. I think it's too Abnormal to be a thing. Heck, it's Medieval Age. People don't just mutate out of nowhere. I would recommend changing it to something more... Normal. And also, not using the Anime Pic.
TheWolffe said:
I did like the whole concept of the power, but I'm not into that. I think it's too Abnormal to be a thing. Heck, it's Medieval Age. People don't just mutate out of nowhere. I would recommend changing it to something more... Normal. And also, not using the Anime Pic.
Eh, maybe. But as I stated it's origin is from a parasite in this universe. It's basically from a beast/monster that you'd normally see in a middle age based land. But as you said, it was a recommendation, so do I have to change or it not? Because, if so, I'd love to keep it since I'm really fond of the ability.

And technically, it's not from an anime, but from a manga. But I know what you mean so I'll find a replacement.
Name: Frór Silverspear (Son of Melrone of Clan Silverspear)

Age: 120


Specialty: Berserker (A ball of heavy armor, more suited to taking hits than giving them.)

Equipment: Full plate armor, Battleaxe, Bow and Arrow, bag of sand,mug for ale, forge hammer, bag of runes.

Given Frór's many years as a blacksmith, the Dwarf is very capable of crafting materials into weapons and continuing on to hit things with said weapons. He is also quite an intimidating Dwarf when he needs to be, due to his muscular stature and booming voice. Frór is also relativley knowledgeable about runes and enchantments, having the ability to read many of the cryptic letters on ancient weapons. The Dwarf is smart, but in a pragmatic moreso than intellectual way. He can solve riddles and traps with ease, but not well versed in world history simple because those things are usually irrelevant to his interests.

Due to Frór's advancing age and new occupation of adventuring, he is beginning to show signs of memory problems While the problem mostly manifests in endearing ways such as searching for the gauntlets on his hand, it is clear that it's not a good sign. He also is somewhat quick to arms, preferring to knock (for example) a bandit off his footing than negotiate. He is fiercly dedicated to his goal, leading to brash decision making.

Continent of Birth:

A proud old Dwarf, Frór is the quintessential tough old man. He is loyal to his goals and his friends and little else, but is more than willing to dispense some ancient wisdom or ramble to dead ears about his long-past exploits. Despite his age, Frór is still a good warrior and shows no signs of quitting.

Frór was born to Melrone of Clan Silverspear deep underground in the proud Dwarven city of Mogh Doral. His clan was of the Merchant class, a line of proud blacksmiths stretching back over hundreds of years. He happily served this calling for many years, he and his family enjoying a life of relative luxury due to his hard work and skill. It was late in Frór's life that he took up the role of Adventurer. He did not choose to come to the surface (really, he had no interest in it) but was forced to when his Granddaughter was sent to a nearby Human village to trade for food, and never returned.

Once a non-trader Dwarf surfaces he can never return underground. Thus, Frór, being the oldest survivng member of his Clan took it upon himself to venture out into the world and return his Granddaughter to Mogh Doral so she may have children and continue the Silverspear line.

Unaccustomed to the sun, let alone sunburn, Frór is often disturbed by the harder parts of living on the surface and will often wonder why anybody would bother building a house when digging a hole is much easier.


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Dio said:
Eh, maybe. But as I stated it's origin is from a parasite in this universe. It's basically from a beast/monster that you'd normally see in a middle age based land. But as you said, it was a recommendation, so do I have to change or it not? Because, if so, I'd love to keep it since I'm really fond of the ability.
And technically, it's not from an anime, but from a manga. But I know what you mean so I'll find a replacement.
Yes. You should change. Because all the beasts/monsters in Asmarat are mostly killed. A good example are the Dragons. I meant to say anything that is draw like anime or something. It's just not realistic.

Accepted Characters For Now:


@Phil Andering


We only have ONE more slot.
TheWolffe said:
Yes. You should change. Because all the beasts/monsters in Asmarat are mostly killed. A good example are the Dragons. I meant to say anything that is draw like anime or something. It's just not realistic.
Well he himself is a human, not a monster. It's just that he acquired the ability of one through a roundabout way. So it should be okay. But if it's really that important to you then I'll change it.


Avalon Raenys




1. Bow and Arrows- the bow was specially made by her father

2. Knives- hidden in her clothes, including her belt pouch, boots, and arrow pouch

3. Arrow pouch- holds arrows but also contains a large pocket to hold her other supplies






She is extremely skilled in archery, having the ability to pin a fly to a tree from far away. Her long-ranged skill allows her to hide in the trees, making her a master of stealth. She is able to attack undetected, shooting arrows from far away or behind hiding places to the point where her enemies do not even know where the attack is coming from. Because of her long-ranged abilities, not only is she skilled at shooting arrows, but she can also throw knives that she hides in her clothes from afar. Although her first choice of weapon will always be her bow and arrows, she uses her hidden knives as backup weapons.


Not skilled in close-ranged hand-to-hand combat

Continent of Birth:



Avalon is quiet and reserved, often coming off as aloof. It takes a while for her to open up to others because of the walls that she has built between her and those around her. She does not trust others easily and has a cynical outlook on life. However, underneath her rigid exterior, she is very warm and kindhearted. She offers unconditional loyalty and care to those close to her, even willing to protect them with her life.


Avalon's father was a famous archer in the land of Walok. His abilities and skills were spread throughout the continent- everyone had heard of her father in some shape or form. Her mother, however, was killed when a band of monsters raided their village when she was 10. Ever since her mother's death, she has dedicated her life to the skill of archery with her father as her mentor and best friend. She hopes to never have to experience something like her mother's death again nor have anyone else experience it as well. As a result, Avalon has a burning hatred for monsters and uses her skills to help save other people such as those who reside in Aya. She also despises those such as the King who exploit the meek, the poor, and the defenseless for their own personal benefits.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/archer.jpg.e0e0e849f9e2d7f470cce9086dfcdd06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/archer.jpg.e0e0e849f9e2d7f470cce9086dfcdd06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • archer.jpg
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Ok. As I read through both last C.S, I came to a conclusion that @Semblance has a more elaborated and creative C.S. Both C.Ss are great and I would accept both of them, but as we only have 1 slot, I opted out with the one Semblance gave to me. Nothing personal @Dio . I'm choosing the one that pleases the RP most. If I even do another RP like this, I will be sure to tag you along.

I may now present My C.S, and them we can Start the R.P. Not today tho. I still have to sleep. It's 21:06 PM right now, when I'm posting this reply. Tomorrow I have 6 tests, so yeah. I hope we can start this tomorrow.
Don't bother. For some reason notifications are slow for me so if I'm interested I'll ask
Name: Merek Thornevak

Age: 42

Equipment: He only got his large staff as a weapon. He wear some cultural robes, with a small piece of light armor under it.

Race: Human Hybrid with Arkan (An extinct race that used the have animal tails and ears)

Specialty: Wizard

Perks: Merek comes from the Thorn Dynasty. A old enough clan, to be able to met with the Arkan, a now extinct race. Because of this, his now dead parents, shared a lot of knowledge with him, making him one of the most wiser man in the village he used to live. He is a natural leader, and learns fast.

Downsides: His mobility is not one of the greatest, due to his magical training not focusing on physical exercises.

Continent of Birth: Thorrak

Personality: Merek is easy going and very ironical. He have a great sense of humor. He is not the most charming man, but he is very skilled at the art of combat. Even though his mobility is slow, he can use Magic to manipulate the tides of battle. This makes him feel powerful, eventually leading to a little bit of selfishness.

History: Merek is a Hybrid. A mix between the Human race and the Arkan race, a now extinct race, thanks to the humans in the Great War. The Thorn Dynasty kept the Arkan gene, until some mutations occurred in the near past. Merek's mother was an Hybrid. They can control when they want the Arkan signs to appear, and those are: Cat-Like ears and Wolf-Like tail. If the Hybrid can't control the change, he will eventually be taken over by the Arkan instinct, and become a little more aggressive them before, due to the multiple "personalities".

He lived in a small village called Kornam at Thorrak's continent, where the Thorns were the predominant family. He started his magic training after being selected by his Father, when he was only 11 Years old. From there, he started training harder and harder every day. When he was 18, he left home, and started his journey to find 4 pieces of a magical gem, that he now uses at his staff, magnifying his powers.

When he moved to Aya, to start a new life at a big city called Ghoulart, inside the Markat Territory, he heard about the scroll that incriminated the King of Tharon. He didn't resist making justice, after reading everything the King has done, without any fault. Now he's there, getting interested Travelers to the biggest journey of his life.



From now on, the Character Sign-Up is CLOSED.

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