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  1. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Sure, I haven't all day! Think there any good places?" Flygon said. @DollarBill
  2. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Man you're pretty fast!" Flygon said with a smile. "Sure lets look around this place does look very exciting". @DollarBill
  3. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Oh I'll show you!" The Flygon said slowly catching up to the Luxray @DollarBill
  4. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Your on!" Flygon chases after him running as fast as she could. @DollarBill
  5. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "I'm really hyped!" Flygon looks were he points towards "Ooo I do see it!" @DollarBill
  6. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Yah...How much farther? I'm excited to show you my skills!" She smiled towards the Luxray. @DollarBill
  7. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    Flygon starts to follow next to him "Well, I mostly came to better improve in battling and stuff. How about you?" @DollarBill
  8. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "So were is the battle stadium? Like I said I still don't know what things are around here" She said to the Luxray. @DollarBill
  9. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "A race?" The Flygon smirked "Your on!" She replied. @DollarBill
  10. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Eheh, I was hoping you would know. I haven't been here long enough to know what is here" she responded towards the Luxray.  @DollarBill
  11. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    Flygon lets go of the Luxray's and says "Are you doing anything right now? It's a little boring in here". @DollarBill
  12. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    "Well, it doesn't bother me, I'm just trying to make some friends, " she extends her hand for a handshake "Nice to meet you! I'm Flygon". @DollarBill
  13. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    As the Luxray spoke she was confused. "Why so nervous? I won't bite you" she asked.  (Sorry I'm a late sleeper) @DollarBill
  14. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    As Flygon was walking she notice's the Luxray down the hall. Seeing as she hasn't made any friends here she thought it would be proper for her to introduce herself. Flygon walks over to the Luxray and joyfully said "Hello!" @DollarBill
  15. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    Flygon left her dorm shortly after she had woken up, she walked down the hallway, "shouldn't of stayed up late training" she said to herself drowsily. "Well it's just the first day, I probably didn't miss much."
  16. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    (I would join, but I haven't been accepted)
  17. Lovespokemon500

    Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

    CS Name: Snorunt Age: 15 Type: Ice Likes: Cold treats, quiet places, being by himself Dislikes: Loud people, Hot places Sex: Male Crush: None of know Personality: Snorunt doesn't say much to others, but if some one is to loud he get rather annoyed easily Appearance:  ...
  18. Lovespokemon500

    Lovespokemon500's Characters

    Name: Sandstorm   Legendary?: No   Rank: Scout   Gender: Male   Sexuality: Heterosexual   Crush: None as of now   Gijinka Form:   Pokemon Form:     Personality: He is usually a nice guy to others, but he acts rudely to...
  19. Lovespokemon500

    Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

    He sighed at her response "No, I can not think of any other ideas" he continued to follow behind her hoping this plan to follow music will eventually lead to the the singing Pokemon Meloetta. @TaraSobiki
  20. Lovespokemon500

    Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

    "Yah Yah, I'm coming" He followed close behind her not wanting to be too far behind. "I don't know what music she is in, I just assumed she liked all kinds of music since she's like the music Pokemon" he responded looking at her. "Do you think just listening to random music out here well, even...