Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


She almost frowned, when Kare said their "get together" was coming to a close. Still, they both probably had things to do. Once she saw that he'd finished his food, Cresselia waved over the Hypno waiter to take their finished dishes, saying to Kare"Almost seems unfortunate, that it comes to an end. You're still interested in meeting up again though, right?" He had said yes earlier, but she was asking just in case he for some reason decided to change his mind.

Cresselia really wanted to spend more time with Kare, even though their little sit down just now was short. Just the small amount of time was enjoyed greatly by the female gijinka. Getting up out of her seat, she stretched a little, looking at Kare still as she righted herself. Yeah, she liked guys like Alistair, but that wasn't her only preference.

"I'm not sure when we'll meet up next..." she continued thoughtfully "But I'm usually free during most of the daytime. Come see me any time in the future?" As much as Cresselia wanted to meet with Kare again tomorrow, she decided that Kare would think she was weird for wanting that, and she didn't want him looking at her funny.

"Meloetta? I guess that can work. She won't hurt ustoo much," he started to follow behind her. Even if Meloetta isn't strong I should still be careful, who knows what Jinx has planned, he thought to himself. "I just hope whatever we still won't get them to upset" he mumbled to himself. "Where do you think she is?" He asked her, hoping they wouldn't be walking around all day looking for her.


Kare never had much of anything to do and even if he did....if it wasn't anything important he could probably put it to the side to make room for Cresselia. He nodded "Of course....I mean...yes...it would be nice to meet up again." he wondered if it would of been appropriate to ask her to meet up for a date instead of a meeting between friends....That might of been odd or make him look desperate. That might make her feel awkward. She might want to avoid me if I did something like that....he could barely hint that he liked her so a date was out of the question, especially with all the terrible and possible outcomes added. Not to mention it would seem like it was out of the blue.

She had said in the future but...when exactly was 'in the future'. A few minutes was technically 'in the future' but he doubted that's what it meant. He might of just been overthinking it though. She probably meant a few days from then or something which he could stand for. It's not like they had to meet everyday, they both had things to do but her schedule was probably more stable than his could could be at the time.
"So...when is 'in the future'.I mean....a few days from now or something like that." he assumed that it would be best to set up something beforehand. Again, it might of been him 'overthinking'.



"She likes musical stuff, right? So let's look for somewhere with good music!"
she started listening for something 'musical'. She could move pretty fast when she wanted to and started bolting around the place "Come on Sandy! Assuming you have some taste in music listen up!" of course she didn't know Meloetta's exact preference in music but that wouldn't of kept her from searching for some kind of music. "Hey! Sandy...What kind of music do you think Mello would be into!" she asked him, turning to where he was again.

--Cresselia-- (@TaraSobiki I'm watching The Walking Dead and am distracted, so this post is purposefully short x3 I sowwy ;_ ;)

She looked almost excited when Kare confirmed they'd be meeting again. Cresselia wanted to call it a date, as she decided before, but held her tongue. Actually, a few times earlier, she'd been tempted to just flat out all what Kare thought of her so far.

"In a few days sounds good," she decided, even though she wanted to say tomorrow "Whenever you have time in the day. I'm not sure what we'll do when we meet next, but I'll find something if you don't have any ideas by then!" As she began making her way to the entrance of the restaurant, she looked back to make sure Kare was coming. Standing by the doors, she said"Tell me how it turns out with Sheri."

Cresselia almost didn't want to leave the restaurant. That meant her time with Kare would end. Still, they'd be coming together again in a few days, right? She liked the idea. Maybe they'd work up to going on an actual date after another one or two of these casual meets. The female Gijinka smiled at the thought. How easily she was being attracted to Kare, after she'd become so attached to Alistair after years.

When Kare reached her, and they both went outside, she said"Well... um... bye? I'm not the best with departure..." She looked almost awkward, looking up at Kare. Honestly, it was kind of obvious that she didn't want to leave him just yet. One could tell in her facial expression. Eventually, Cresselia herself noticed, and righted herself, feeling embarrassed as she finished"I... erm... look forward to seeing you again..." It was shy, but she meant it.


Clyde nodded, watching as she left and came back with the flour. With that, Clyde went to go pay for the stuff. This was nothing to him..it was like buying pieces of bubblegum. After he bought the stuff, Clyde turned to face altaria." Ok, you can take the lead from here and I'll follow you to your home. " Clyde smiled. He couldn't waiting to start, feeling the excitement boil over inside him.


"My name is Emolga, but I would like it if you call me emma please. Also, it's fine..im surprised im actually talking to someone besides. .urr..nevermind. " Emma rubbed the back of her head and sorta looked away from him for a second. She was such a clumsy girl."u-um..follow me." Emma motioned Him to follow her to her home

"Yah Yah, I'm coming" He followed close behind her not wanting to be too far behind. "I don't know what music she is in, I just assumed she liked all kinds of music since she's like the music Pokemon" he responded looking at her. "Do you think just listening to random music out here well, even lead us to Meloetta? It seems like a far-fetched idea".

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-Espurr and Gengar-


Espurr kept on singing with a smile, and he thought in his head 'Man! This pretty fun!' Espurr looked at Gengar, and Espurr gave him an extra mic and the two began to sing together amazingly. The band was able to be heard on the outside of Espurr's so people began to hear this amazing band outside of Espurr's house. The two singers were smiling brightly, and they took turns singing but they sang together whenever the long parts of singing would happen.


(Sorry I get no notifications)
Acethekidd said:


Clyde nodded, watching as she left and came back with the flour. With that, Clyde went to go pay for the stuff. This was nothing to him..it was like buying pieces of bubblegum. After he bought the stuff, Clyde turned to face altaria." Ok, you can take the lead from here and I'll follow you to your home. " Clyde smiled. He couldn't waiting to start, feeling the excitement boil over inside him.


"My name is Emolga, but I would like it if you call me emma please. Also, it's fine..im surprised im actually talking to someone besides. .urr..nevermind. " Emma rubbed the back of her head and sorta looked away from him for a second. She was such a clumsy girl."u-um..follow me." Emma motioned Him to follow her to her home


Altaria waited patiently as Mewtwo bought the supplies. When he was ready, he asked of her to lead the way. With a nod and a happy smile, Ria made her way out of the store onto the path toward her house. She turned around to look at Mewtwo and began walkong backwards like she was before. "So Mewtwo, are you just as excited as I am to make these cookies?!" The fluffy bird ask with a small squeal of excitement.


"Nice to meet you Emma." Zebstrika replied to the small Emolga's introduction. He was confused on why she stopped mid sentence about talking to someone, but he decided not to pry since she was about to feed him. The zebra Pokémon followed behind Emma when she began walking to her house. Zeb put on his headphones once more and played his music only this time lowering the volume to spare Emma's ears.


Proxy crouched as well looking at the candy. It had looked tasty as well. That's too bad. As Hide stood up so did Proxy. Proxy smiled when his smile returned happy to see that he wasn't upset at all. That was good. Proxy didn't like upsetting others. That's not what Proxy wanted at all. All it wanted was to have fun not hurt anyone.

Proxy smiled. "Glad you liked my prank Hide. Oooo! Bubblegum!" the ditto said happily taking the gum from Hide and popping it in it's mouth. . "You know...I feel bad. Let me at least buy you some more candies." Proxy told him. It was really feeling bad for what happened and wanted to make it up.


(I just wanted to appologize for taking so long to respond. Was really busy. And also sorry for how terrible that post is
-_- )
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"Me neither....Know that I enjoyed this...Also I hope Alistair's nightmares don't give you that much trouble."
he wasn't sure which one of them should of left first. He didn't really know if it would of been rude to leave first or if it didn't really matter. It wasn't like he had anywhere to go other than meeting his father and giving a gift to Sheri while, at the same time apologizing for his rudeness which might of proved somewhat challenging since he didn't apologize all that often.

"Oh yeah I'll make sure to tell you about how it goes since you basically helped me with figuring her out. I would of looked idiotic if I was to have still been thinking the way I was thinking before I talked to you about her." would this mean he would have to get something to thank her or the advice? What would Cresselia want? She really didn't seem like the type to 'want'....if he offered would she refuse?

He couldn't help but think how modest people were hardest to give stuff to since they hardly thought they needed or deserved it. It wasn't annoying it was....it's hard to explain! Anyway, nobody needs a whole explanation on why he had difficulties with modest people.
"So...thanks..if I didn't say it or it wasn't clear.... he was drawing a blank on what else to say and kind of just stood awkwardly. He didn't want to look rude so he wasn't planning to walk off until she did. Hopefully she wasn't thinking the same thing or they might of been stuck standing there for awhile



She laughed at his doubt about her idea and shrugged "Maybe~. Honestly I'm just tossing random darts until I hit the target...You got any better ideas? I'm all ears if you do." she continued her own plan even with him talking about how it was a little bit of a shot in the dark.



Am I the only one who can't sing or what? he almost felt left out but it would be embarrassing for him to admit that so he wasn't going to complain. Singing wasn't his thing anyway....he didn't think it was at least. People could disagree with him even though he doubted anybody would. His brother was having fun and the little demon he was friends with was too so it was alright because of that.


(I was offline for awhile. I'm sorry for my lateness!)
--Cresselia-- (@TaraSobiki Super tiny post because there's literally nothing else for them to do xD )

Cresselia couldn't help but smile again as Kare talked. When he finished, she said"Goodbye, Kare. I look forward to seeing you again soon." And with that, she turned to leave, briefly turning back a little to wave before turning back around and walking off toward home.

(Want to rp Regigigas and Sophia (Diance) now? X3)

"Me too."
he said and walked off himself when she was out of sight. He decided that he would talk to his father later. He was sort of second priority. Kare chose to go gift searching today even if the likeliness he would find a good and appropriate gift was pretty low.

@Krampus (Yep! Switch to them now!)
--Regigigas-- (@TaraSobiki)

He was still spending time in the town. The lean, 8'2 male was simply taking a walk again. Not for no reason though. Honestly, he hoped to run into a certain someone. Sophia Moon. Regigigas was on one of his rare trips into the town, and favored the idea of seeing her after a week of being away.

"I wonder if she'll be pleased to see me," he muttered to himself behind his mask, adjusting the gold armour. It was absolutely no secret that the colossus was attracted to Sophia. It was almost cute to watch how he acted around her and treated her. He was most at ease and at his nicest when around her. Liked her intelligence mixed with constant optimism. Wished he had more time to spend with her. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. He was constantly having to tend to his library, and council with Arceus when the leader requested. Maybe he would ask Sophia to visit him a little bit more.

After she sat in her fantasy world for a few minutes she noticed the time and decided that it was a good time to go. Sophia drank the rest of her dr ini and left the place in high spirts, nothing unusual. She didn't want to go home just yet and decided to walk around for a bit since it was nice out.

She greeted people and looked at anything that caught her attention. She hummed as she did all this and she got even happier when she spotted somebody that looked extremely familiar
"Regigigas! Hey! I'm so glad to see you here~!" she had a big smile on her face as she went over to where he was excitedly. Of course when she got close she had to start looking up because of his size which differed from her's by a whole lot. She wasn't that short but she wasn't all that tall either. " Are you doing okay? I'm fine if you wanted to know." She suddenly remembered how long he had been away. She didn't have a gift of any kind to give him...Oh yeah! She had a idea and quickly hid her hands behind her back to conceal what she was doing. Using one of her abilities she compressed the carbon in the air in her palms and created a small, pink diamond quietly. "Also...um...here! It's sort of a last minute thing...I hope it is sufficient!" She held out her gift to him and waited for him to talk.

TaraSobiki said:
She didn't have a gift of any kind to give him...Oh yeah!
(A portion of our roleplays seem to revolve around gift giving xD )
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Krampus said:
(A portion of our roleplays seem to revolve around gift giving xD )
( Yeah xD ! What can you do about it? Anyway this gifted is more of a 'Welcome Back Present')
--Regigigas-- (@TaraSobiki)

Looking down, he allowed a smile to come to his face, even though no one else was graced by the sight. When Sophia greeted him, he spoke in turn "Hello, Sophia. Always a pleasure to see you as well." When she asked if he was doing okay, he answered "I'm well enough. As unlikely as it seems, tending my library can be quite stressing sometimes, which is why I'm here."

"And very good to hear that you're well too," Regigigas continued "I missed you, even though not a wild amount of time has passed." Blinking behind his mask, he looked as she hid her hands, genuinely curious. Then, she presented a pink diamond to him, giving a short explanation. Simply taking the small, pink gemstone with his three, well muscled fingers, he said as he held it closer to him for a better look "Thank you, and of course it is. More than sufficient, because it was made by you." Sophia was probably the first Pokemon who gave him something that wasn't a book, so of course it was of more meaning to him.

In return, the Gijinka allowed the bush plant on his shoulder to form. If he really concentrated, like right now, flowers could grow. Lucky him, it was a pink rose this time. Using his free hand to pick it, he held it out to Sophia, as the bush on his shoulder retracted and disappeared. Yup. Every legendary had their own little tricks.

Again, a smile was on his face, but it was hidden by his mask. Those who looked at him that moment just saw the expressionless armor looking back at them. Not that he cared, really. He didn't need people commenting on his looks, be they good or bad.

"I'll admit I was looking for you while I walked," the giant spoke, still holding out the rose "But I was also on my way to a favored tea shop I like to visit. Care to join me?"

Sophia 's eyes sparkled at his trick and she took the rose with no hesitation while looking incredibly happy. She was both amazed and grateful about it. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart Regigigas! I'll keep it for as long as I can and take care of it to the best of my ability~." this was pretty romantic in her eyes. She thought about his offer for a few seconds then nodded "Yes. I would be happy to." she said this with as much composure as she could but on the inside she was squealing in excitement. She was so happy that she could of fainted.

She wasn't a hundred percent sure if it was a date but would like to imagine something happening. But she was completely fine if it wasn't cause they would be together and the part about him looking for her made her heartbeat speed up and her cheeks turn slightly pink. She hoped that she wouldn't mess this up somehow but tried to shove any worries behind her imagination about their date.

@Krampus ( I keep getting dragged somewhere.)
He sighed at her response "No, I can not think of any other ideas" he continued to follow behind her hoping this plan to follow music will eventually lead to the the singing Pokemon Meloetta.


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