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  1. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    HI EVERYONE! So I've been away since I couldn't find the charger for my laptop, but now I come back and find nothing, which is very surprising for me. It's good that it's not me holding down the rp, but I'll be really sad if this dies out :( Looking forward to your posts, guys!
  2. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

    it's really fine! I screwed up too, and posted later than I wanted to xP
  3. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    sorry for holding up the rp for like soo longg >_<
  4. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    Kim Jae-woo"Okay. I'll get you a ride home. Everyone else, too, if they want to," Andrew replied to Minhyuk, taking his phone back. He was tired but he thought he could at least drop them off since their little dinner was ruined mainly because of his fault. Plus, all of them probably thought of...
  5. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    XDDD That would be soo funnyyy (and rude but still so funny)
  6. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    this rp is jjang :3 posting soon, idk im not sure, should i wait for amber or. .?
  7. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

  8. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    Kim Jae-wooIn the first place, Andrew was asking for Minhyuk's phone. Feeling like he has offended Min Ah enough this day, Andrew decided to just dial his number on her phone, too. "Just, if you need anything. ." Andrew grinned, scratching the back at his head while handing Min Ah's phone back...
  9. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    XDDDD I know right!
  10. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    Kim Jae-wooAndrew had obviously no idea what was happening, but it was clear that something needed to be done in Mi Rae's case. Her body was freezing cold, as if she was dying without the sunlamp. Even now, putting the AA batteries into the sunlamp, Andrew had no idea what he was doing. It...
  11. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

    Wearing : This Location : Kingdom Heights Lounge With : @Opalescence Orpheus looked like a mess. He just wore whatever it is that he saw inside his wardrobe (which has a lot of clothes) and put it together somehow. He'd put on some jungle-scented cologne too, just to match his jacket...
  12. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    Kim Jae-wooIt didn't take long for Minhyuk to step out of the diner, and Andrew was just about ready to go back to the studio to take his car, then probably drop Minhyuk home. However, it wasn't until Andrew noticed the panicked look on Minhyuk's face when he suddenly blurted out something about...
  13. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    Kim Jae-woo Andrew was a big mess. He clearly felt annoyed just a second ago, but when Minhyuk came closer to him, he quickly gained his happy mood back. He just didn't know what to feel anymore. Eating was a big no in this position, Andrew didn't even have any appetite at all as soon as...
  14. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    I'm really sorry for not posting in a while, been busy but I'll post soon. . writing as we speak.
  15. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    posted! i'm a bit iffy on my post since Andrew's supposed to smile 24/7 as an idol but it can't be helped since he twists words to his own understanding XP Idols can be angry too. :3
  16. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    Kim Jae-woo Andrew wasn't sure how to react when Min-ah squeezed his hand. It hurt, but Andrew dealt with fans like this everyday. It was, in essence, a pre-requisite in becoming an idol; after all, Andrew became one so that he could get love, and love is exactly what he got from his fans...
  17. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    i actually forgot my password and couldn't access my email anymore so replies may be slow since i'm not always on my laptop. i'm sorry! >_<
  18. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    I know he's so awkward! XDD and i agree how together they're such a disasterrr. I also love how I'm always looking forward to every post in the rp <3
  19. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    mmkay, edited! I was actually confused on how to time the post nicely since i wanted to tie the bow up nicely XP so okayy it'll work in the order of our posts ten
  20. Sparkly Bubblegum

    Angels & Demons: South Korea

    i was just about to say about the timing here, actually XP i'll edit it in a bit