Angels & Demons: South Korea


Mi Rae realized Min Ah was looking at something but what? She turned and her breath caught in her throat. 'Idol!!' Her brain was screaming, but he was with a another boy. She was trying to figure out who he was, she had seen him before, somewhere but she just knew he was an idol. There was also something different about those two boys too. The idol that she couldn't remember his name was part angel and the other was a demon hybrid, she just knew it, she could feel it. Mi Rae diverted her eyes from the table feeling embarrassed for some reason, she was not supposed to stare but it seemed like Min Ah had no problem doing that. Min Ah's mouth was open and Mi Rae couldn't help but laugh a little, she was sure she would do the same if she kept looking. "It's okay." Mi Mi brushed off Min Ah's apology. It wasn't a big deal, in fact Mi Rae was just surprised that she, herself, wasn't having the same reaction as Min Ah.


The other boy walked past them and Mi Rae could confirm that he really was a Demon Hybrid but he looked flustered. He was walking fast but she had to say, she really liked his hair color. 'Wonder what's up with him' She gave him a curious look then turned back to Min Ah.

"Same here." Mi Rae also giggled. Min Ah seemed so happy and kinda love-struck too. She knew the feeling. "It really is hard not to stare." Mi Rae nodded in agreement and glanced back to the idol. By the time she turned back to Min Ah, she was on the floor again. "Don't embarrass yourself, don't let the idol laugh at you." Mi Rae held out her hand for Min Ah. At least the idol didn't see. Sudenly, Mi Rae remebered his name. It was Kim Jae-woo. "Oh yeah!" Mi Rae covered her mouth at the sudden outburst and looked down blushing. Gosh, what was wrong with her? She didn't blush.


@Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum
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Kim Jae-woo

Andrew looked apologetic when Minhyuk's face turned all red. Was he angry at him? Andrew's thought was confirmed when Minhyuk suddenly went to the bathroom. Minhyuk wasn't angry, he was really angry. Andrew quickly stood up to follow Minhyuk to the bathroom, but just as he stood up Andrew noticed that he was getting looks from the woman sitting in the back of Minhyuk. Oh no. Did she notice that he was unconsciously trying to steal her lamp? But before he could look at her expression whether he was right or not, the woman sitting beside her kept leaning out of the chair, as if she was trying to confirm if there was really a ghost in front of her eyes. She kept leaning and leaning, until eventually she fell. Boom. All the customers looked at her, confused. Some were even angry, shouting 'Hey, keep it down there!' But Andrew stood up and offered her a hand, it was reflex for him to help someone as he quickly moved from his table. "Are you okay. .?" Andrew got the feeling he was saying 'Are you okay?' too much these days-- "HEY!"

Andrew shouted even louder than the sound Min Ah made when she fell. He was shocked since Mi Rae shouted 'Oh!' so suddenly and just mentally punched himself. Now Andrew was getting even meaner comments from the customers. "
Hey! Can you stand, I mean. ." Andrew tried to lie but failed miserably. This day wasn't as smooth as he wanted it to be. .

Whilst Andrew was busy being embarrassed trying to help a woman get on her feet, he looked the other side and found Minhyuk taking a seat back, and his face didn't look okay at all. He looked really down and disappointed, though covered up in a facade of a smile. He was going to leave the fallen woman for Minhyuk but the thought that it would be rude crossed his mind, thus Andrew decided to just ignore him for the time being.

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Go Min Ah ❥


Min Ah’s mind took a minute to process the multitude of thing happening at once, first, cute guy’s date, ran off, Mi Rae reaching out to help her, the cute guy got up, and then she hit the floor, and Mi Rae, “Oh Yeah!”. The feeling of the hard cold ground helped Min Ah wake a little from her stupor, or maybe it was the fact that the really cute one was standing now standing over her.

As if she were still in a hazy, she looked up at the handsome one standing over her. "Are you okay. .?"his heavenly voice rang out to her. She laid on the ground looking up at him, and sighed with the most ridiculous smile. Then the pain of the fall sunk in and she winced as she automatically accepted his hand, she looked up his face as he helped pull her up, his hands soft, cold and warm all at once. She felt a zing, she knew he was there with someone else, but she was smitten. Maybe her drunken state allowed her to be so forward. But, she didn’t let go of his hand, not that she did it on purpose per say. He looked at her expecting an answer, and as smooth as a drunk girl could manage. Still beaming at him,“You’re Beautif-“she began “Wait- What?- Yeassss.” She said the last part slowly nodding her head with the same speed as spoke the word. “Yeah, yeah,” she continued. She winced a little, but she went on trying to look cool. “I’m okay.” She made a face that was supposed to look embarrassed but came out a goofy smile when she realized she didn’t let go of his hand, in fact she was squeezing it. She suppressed a girlish giggle as she finally released his hand. “JoeSongHeayo” she gave him a 90 degree bow. Finally looking away and seeing and hearing the place bickering at her. She gave a 90 degree bow to everyone apologizing loudly.

“Uh..” She said nervously, but still grinning, “Please, let me buy you and your…” She made a confused expression and continued “daatteee”, pronouncing the word slowly, “a round of drinks. For ruining you dddaattee and as a thank you.” She looked at the guy at the table, the expression on his face is definitely one she could relate to, and she suddenly realized they both were very good looking men. She didn’t care if this gorgeous idol -no she didn’t recognize him yet- was gay or if he wasn’t and preferred a beauty like Mi Rae. She was just happy and giddy to be in his presence and the presence of the other guy too… so cute, and Mi Rae… she suddenly realized she was surrounded my really good looking people. A mix of joy and depression came over her. “Please,” now in a more normal person tone “as an I’m sorry and a thank you?” that part was a lie, she’s sure the group around them could tell… she just wanted to spend more time with these beautiful people and continue to recover from what started out as a bad day.

Min Ah looked at Mi Rae, and silently mouthed an I'm sorry and motion that was suppose to mean come on, lets have drinks with these guys. Like Mi Rae would understand such looks from Min Ah.

@Starry Night @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum
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Everything was a disaster now and Mi Rae was beyond confused. First off the idol was at their table, he had seen Min Ah fall, Andrew's date with the nice hair?...His friend with the nice hair? Well whoever he was, he went back to their table with an obviously forced smile, all the customers were complaining and Andrew also had an outburst. Min Ah was now making an even bigger fool of herself while talking to Kim Jae-woo and all Mi Rae could do was sit there and suppress her laughter. "Oh my..this girl." Mi Rae covered her mouth to hide her laughter. They were just so awkward although she would probably be the same.


Mi Rae turned to look at the pretty Demon boy with the nice hair to see if he was okay. Of course she couldn't really tell from where she was but it seemed like he wasn't. Mi Mi wanted to go over to him but she wasn't one to approach a stranger and she would definitely have to carry her sun lamp with her too. Aw well, he would cheer up by himself.


Mi Mi redirected her attention to Min Ah and Andrew. Min Ah was now offering to buy drinks for Andrew and his friend. Or date. Whichever. Min Ah mouthed to her and she didn't understand but after a bit of staring she sent a thumbs up, meaning that it was fine. The other motions did take her a bit longer to understand but she did and shrugged. "Sure." She mouthed back to Min Ah, no harm in one more drink. But just one more.


@Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum
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Location: diner

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night

Action: getting involved

Mood: exasperrated

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah


When Yu Yu saw Andrew hovering over the girls, he felt his chest constrict just that much more, but made himself sit back down at his table anyway. All he had to do was get through this hour and he could go back to work and try to forget that this little non-date had ever happened, returning to his life as nothing but the guy who had the "blessing" of cleaning up after all the attractive idols.

He was so busy stewing in his own misery that he nearly didn't catch what the babbling fangirl was saying, not until she repeated it a second time.

Date? Oh, no.

He stared in abject horror for a moment before his brain seemed to kick back online.

"It's not a date!" he yelped, jumping to his feet, his face flushing again as the people around them stared. He laughed nervously, busting out as much charm as he could possibly muster, ruffing his hand through his hair in his known habit that everyone seemed to think was cute. "Not a date. Andrew idol-nim is just being kind, taking the janitor out to eat." He turned and bowed formerly to the idol. "Kamsahamnida for your kindness and generosity." He turned and bowed a few times to the other patrons of the diner, then to the servers as well, offering up his most disarming smile. "He's the best, isn't he? Helping people in need all the time. Who else would take their janitor out to eat and help a stranger off the floor?" He moved around the room as he made his compliments, knowing his general nearness to the other patrons would lighten their fowl moods. "Andrew hyung is the best idol, isn't he?"

People smiled and nodded and turned back to their meals, murmuring among themselves about how lucky they were to be in the presence of such a kind young man; how most celebrities wouldn't give the time of day to such common folk. Seeing the situation relatively defused, Minhyuk whipped back around and stormed over to the girls' table, never one to be rude, but angry on Andrew's behalf.

"Are you crazy?" he practically hissed into the clearly drunken woman's ear. "You can't be saying out loud that an idol is on a date, let alone with a boy! You could ruin his whole career!"
Kim Jae-woo

Andrew wasn't sure how to react when Min-ah squeezed his hand. It hurt, but Andrew dealt with fans like this everyday. It was, in essence, a pre-requisite in becoming an idol; after all, Andrew became one so that he could get love, and love is exactly what he got from his fans, even though the amount was sometimes too excessive for him to handle. When Min-ah finally released his hand and bowed 90 degrees, Andrew couldn't help but bow as well. The whole diner was already looking at Andrew by now, slowly recognizing him, but a statement about Minhyuk being his date quickly averted his attention.

I'd rather not, but I'm okay with it as long as my guest is, too," Andrew pointed to Minhyuk. He felt bad for the male as Andrew was the one who asked him out on dinner, and he didn't want to make Minhyuk uncomfortable by agreeing to drink with both Min-ah and Mi Rae on his own. It was enough that Andrew'd made Minhyuk angry with him by accidentally touching his ear. He didn't want Minhyuk to be any more angry than that. And just when Andrew went ahead to go back to where Minhyuk was, he suddenly blurted out that it wasn't a date loudly.

Andrew seriously didn't mind even if he was seen with Minhyuk eating dinner, and he didn't think for once that people would see Minhyuk as his date. After all, in South Korea, it wasn't common for guys to like their own gender. It would be more likely for people to suspect either Min-ah or Mi Rae as his date. Though Andrew felt the bestest of intentions coming from Minhyuk who declined that it was a date with his sharp, razor-like words and kept complimenting him by saying how great of a idol he was, inviting even a janitor for dinner, Andrew felt kind of disappointed. In his mind it kept circulating that even his purest intentions came off as fake, to only seem like a nice idol and bring about a nice image, and that fact alone annoyed him and terribly ruined his mood to eat.

It's because she's drunk." Andrew spoke in a mildly annoyed tone. Andrew tried to keep his voice low as to not garner anymore attention to both himself and the group of three in front of him. He's had enough unpleasant attention this day. "Excuse me, but food is served," a voice came from behind Andrew. It was the Ahjumma who owned the diner. Though annoyed, Andrew took a seat back to where he was sitting before, since the Ahjumma came serving the pig skin and intestines that Andrew had ordered before. A bottle of soju was also quickly served afterwards, and Andrew quickly poured some for himself, drinking it almost immediately. "Thank you, Ahjumma." Now Andrew just wants to eat quickly and wrap up the whole day with visible annoyance plastered across his face.

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Location: diner

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night

Action: rejoining Andrew

Mood: upset

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah


"It's because she's drunk."

Minhyuk whipped his head around, hearing the obvious annoyance written in Andrew's tone and seeing it all over his face as he went to sit back down at his table, slamming back a cup of soju.

This was a mess. This entire date--not a date!--was a complete disaster right from the very start, and Minhyuk didn't know what he could possibly do to rectify it. He turned and shot a heated glare at the drunk woman before slowly making his way back over to the table, sinking down into his seat as if uncertain whether he was still welcome there.

Not knowing what else to do, he bowed his head (subtly this time, not wanting to draw further attention to them) and spoke in a hushed tone. "I'm sorry, Jae-woo idol-nim. I'm very sorry. If...if I've embarrassed you, I can--" As he was looking down at the table, he was mortified to see a small drop land down on the wood. Not now, Yu Yu, you've already done enough to ruin this evening. Get ahold of yourself. Furiously, he scrubbed at his tear-filled eyes with the back of his hand and managed to choke out. "I can leave if you'd like."
Go Min Ah ❥


Embarrassment struck Min Ah hard. It was hard to escape the feeling too. Her mouth dropped open at Minhyuk’s explanation. She only thought they were on a date, because she caught Andrew touching Minhyuk’s ear. “Not A date. Andrew idol-nim.” Min Ah felt her head spinning. She just made an ass of herself in front of an idol. “Are you crazy.” The hiss in her ears, the sound of his angered voice and feeling of happiness caused a strange warm chill to run down her spine. “…you could ruin his whole career.” Then standing still frozen in her place, from the sudden happy feeling she got standing next to Minhyuk, and due to the realization of what she did. Coupled with the cold angered response from Andrew. She felt his glare more than saw it. She picked up her chair, quietly “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” she said. She didn’t have the guts to look at Mi Rae.

When Minhyuk walked away from her is was like she felt a bucket of cold ice water covered her. Like standing next him made what she did not feel so terrible. She fell into her seat with an “Ahh.” She cried as she stuck her hands in her hair with her head down. She sat there for a second. With her face in her hands. She could feel Mi Rae’s eyes. After the other girl asked her to be cool too. She sat back in her seat, poured herself a shot too. After downing it, before anyone could say anything. She got up from her seat and she went to the back of the shop. – “Ajumma, Yay?” She tried more sweetly “Ajumma?” She said in as much of a honey voice as she could muster. “Wha? Min Ah?” She said exasperated. “You’re going to cost me money. Those poor boys. You’re bad luck.” Min Ah sighed. “I know, I just came back her to pay for what I’ve eaten so far, and pay for their table please. And can I have one bottle a soju, please.” They lady knowing Min Ah, gave her the bottle and took her money for the two tables. She also asked for a glass of water, which she downed fast. She gave the women a deep bow with a thank you.

She walked to the table with the two boys she kept bothering. With her head and body in a bow. “Maeu joesonghanida” in a clam and serious voice, and slightly slurred words. “Please accept this gift and I only ask do not have ill feelings towards my guest, we just meet.” Without waiting for them to answer she sat it on the table and went to her own table. “I’m Sorry Mi Rae, I’m not the best company tonight, but I’m not going to let embarrassing myself in front of an idol make already shitty day worse.” Even in her state, she still caught herself peeking at the two boys… she really wished that went differently, because she found herself desperate to sit with them. Even with the angry response from the blonde one, the warm chill felt weirdly joyful, and because she was clear fully infatuated with Andrew. She also felt guilty for making Mi Rae guilty by association.

@Starry Night @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum


Mi Rae watched quietly as the demon boy came over, hissing at Min Ah. She bit her tongue from interrupting since she should've known better also. Mi Rae knew the boy was right. Mi Mi looked from demon boy to angel idol to Min Ah.The next thing Adrew said, Mi Mi could hear the annoyance in his tone and she arched an eyebrow. Well then, from nice to annoyed real quick but Mi Rae couldnt help but feel she contributed to the problem. Ahjumma came to notify the two boys about their food and Andrew walked back to his original seat. She could now clearly see the annoyance written all over his face. The other boy shot Min Ah a glare and went back to the idol. This was a disaster.


Mi Rae watched them a little longer, the white haired boy bowing his head and saying something to the idol. She looked down to her lap before looking at Min Ah again. She was back in her seat, downing another shot, maybe to forget about the previous events? It wouldn't be that easy but Mi Rae kinda felt sorry for Min Ah. Min Ah got up to do something in the back of the shop and Mi Mi pulled her sunlamp a little closer. She wrapped her fingers around it for a sense of comfort, feeling down that she missed her chance to hang out with an idol. Who knew one word could cause such a disaster. Even though you couldn't tell Mi Mi was feeling that way, her stare at the table most likely gave it away.


Min Ah returned and Mi Rae let go of the sun lamp and tapped her fingers against the table. She listened to Min Ah and shrugged. It wasn't totally Min Ah's fault. "You're drunk. And you were just saying what you thought so as you said, don't let it make your day worse." Mi Mi looked out the window, just admiring how pretty the stars looked in the sky since that was pretty much all she could see. Mi Rae then looked at Min Ah, then to the two boys. It really was a shame that the situation didn't turn out differently. It would've been pretty cool to hang out with an idol who was also an Angel hybrid and a boy who was a Demon hybrid.


@Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum
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Kim Jae-woo

Andrew was a big mess. He clearly felt annoyed just a second ago, but when Minhyuk came closer to him, he quickly gained his happy mood back. He just didn't know what to feel anymore. Eating was a big no in this position, Andrew didn't even have any appetite at all as soon as Minhyuk started crying. Now the idol felt guilty yet again. He'd made a person excited, angry and sad in the span of a mere one hour. Way to go, 'Jae-woo idol-nim', Andrew quietly thought in his head.

"It's fine, I don't feel like eating anymore," Andrew stood up. "I'll take you home. Gaja(( let's go ))." Andrew wrapped his hand around Minhyuk and pat his shoulder. "Don't cry." He would then come over to Min Ah and Mi Rae's table only to bow 90 degrees. "Joesonghamnida, I acted really rude and rashly. Please have a great day, I'm sorry if I've ruined your chance to do so." Andrew smiled at them one last time, then went out of the diner after paying the Ahjumma. Andrew kept insisting to pay for both his and Min Ah's table and to return Min Ah's money, so in the end the Ahjumma accepted his money. He would then wait outside for Minhyuk whilst looking at the night sky.

"I've messed up."

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Location: diner

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night

Action: impulse action time!

Mood: upset, concerned, hurting

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah


Stop crying, stop crying, stop crying, he repeated on a loop through his brain, ignoring the drunk girl as she came over and made her apology. This was so embarrassing. Why was he like this?

It made things so much worse when Andrew declared he wasn't hungry and got up to leave. Yu Yu stifled a little sob as the idol touched his shoulder, and pulled his hat down lower over his face as Andrew walked out. This was a mess, he was a mess, and now he was supposed to go back to work and--god, he'd promised Geonwoo he would tell him all the details. He couldn't tell him about this. What was he supposed to say? "I freaked out because Andrew was attracted to the Angel girl and not me. Why would he be attracted to me? I'm Demon blood. And a boy. And then some drunk girl told the whole diner we were on a date and I freaked out even more and embarrassed him in front of everyone." Yeah. That would go over well.

And sitting there alone, crying in a diner when his friend had walked out on him, was so much better. Now he was just embarrassing himself.

Tugging his cap down even lower to hide his face, he shamefully slipped away from the table, sparing a glance at the girls who had played a hand in this whole trainwreck of an outing. He wanted to be angry, but honestly, they looked just as miserable as he felt, and he was never one to delight in other people's misery.

"Sorry I snapped at you," he murmured, keeping his head down so they couldn't see his tear-stained cheeks. Out of the corner of his eye though he caught just a glimmer in the Angel's little lamp, a small shift in brightness as it dimmed for only the briefest of seconds before shining at full power again. His eyes went wide as he looked right at the girl, forgetting about being embarrassed to show his face.

"Batteries!" he spat out, remembering to keep his volume down so he didn't draw attention from the diner patrons again. "You need--do you need some? Do you keep spares? I work down the street from here. We have lots! What kind does it take?"

Unthinkingly, he reached out to tilt the lamp so he could check the battery compartment, but didn't even get close to touching it before he pulled his hand back out of range of the light, hissing loudly. The skin on his fingers was turning red as if he'd just stuck them into a hot flame--stupid!--and he curled them in against his chest. Great. How was he supposed to explain this to Andrew?


Mi Rae was still looking at the twinkling stars brightening the sky when she heard the idol's voice. She looked around to see him apologizing and honestly all she felt like doing right now was going home and sleeping. So many apologies in one night, to say the least, it was becoming quite overbearing for Mi Mi. She heaved a sigh, not bothering to reply because she really wasn't in the mood.


Another apology but this time it came from the Demon and was directed at Min Ah. His head was low so she couldn't see his face but for some unknown reason, she didn't feel the negative emotions anymore. This time she felt like smiling and singing songs while giving out candy to any and everyone. That was strange. It was as if every negative emotion she was feeling vanished and was replaced by positivity and happiness.


Mi Mi thought she saw her lamp flicker and brushed it off as her imagination until the Demon said something about it. She saw his cheeks were stained with tear marks but at that point she wasn't bothered by that, it was her lamp that had her worried. "I--Some should be in my bag." Mi Rae said, reaching to dig through her bag. She searched her bag but couldn't find her extra set of batteries that's usually in her bag. Before she had time to continue her now frantic search, a hiss came from the white haired Demon. She realized that he was about to touch the lamp but stopped himself before he could acquire any severe burns. Immediately, she dropped her bags and got up to help the boy. "Oh my god, let me see." Her happiness intensified as she got closer to him but she still couldn't help but think it was her fault. Mi Rae tried to get a better look but her lamp wasn't close enough so she couldn't see a thing. She turned around to reach across the table for her lamp but since she couldn't see, she stepped and her foot slipped on something that had fallen, sending her falling to the floor. One word could describe the situation and events to follow, disaster. How was she supposed to explain this?


@Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum
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Location: diner

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night

Action: rescue mission!

Mood: slightly panicked about all the things

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah


Oh god, this was bad, this was very bad. Now the little Angel was away from her lamp and it wouldn't take much time before she'd pass out completely if someone didn't give it to her. He'd already just proven that he couldn't do it, and it wasn't exactly like he could just ask for help from anyone. Maybe her friend, the drunk one, wouldn't think the lamp thing was so odd. He didn't know what they'd talked about; maybe the Angel had made up some logical excuse for the lamp that would make sense to her human companion.

"Ya, get that!" he said (rather rudely, he knew, but he was panicking) as he gestured at the lamp. "Give it to--"

Aaaaand the stupid thing dimmed even further. It would be out if they didn't get batteries into it quick, and then the Angel would really be in trouble.

"Give her the lamp," he stressed again, hoping it would hold out long enough for them to get back to the studio building. Thinking quickly, he kept his hand tucked up against his chest as he dashed outside, looking around for Andrew and spotting him a few feet away.

"Andrew hyung! I need your help! We need to, uh, the girl--you need to carry her to the studio! Quick!"

He didn't have time to explain. He didn't know how to explain. He just knew they needed to get the Angel out of the diner and away from so many human eyes as fast as possible before someone called an ambulance and made everything worse. If that lamp went out, she'd go fully into her hybernative state for the night and the hospital would mistake it for a coma. They'd check her over for everything. They'd find her wings.

No, that absolutely could not happen. He needed Andrew to trust him right now; he could try to come up with a lie about everything later, but for now, they had to get that girl to the studio where they could get some batteries into that lamp!
Kim Jae-wooIt didn't take long for Minhyuk to step out of the diner, and Andrew was just about ready to go back to the studio to take his car, then probably drop Minhyuk home. However, it wasn't until Andrew noticed the panicked look on Minhyuk's face when he suddenly blurted out something about carrying Mi Rae to the studio. Crazy. Even this alone could make the headlines, could cause a scandal between him and Mi Rae, so Andrew decided to just run to the studio and get his car as soon as possible. However, Andrew stopped mid-way and just ran back to the diner.

Ahh, this is driving me nuts. Hop on." Andrew squat on the ground, getting ready to carry the girl on his back. A few seconds later he was carrying Mi Rae back to the studio. She wasn't too heavy, but the sunlamp that she carried occasionally hit Andrew's head, pissing him off when it does hit him. "So what's the problem now? Why am I carrying a half-concious girl to the studio?" Andrew asked Minhyuk politely, though thoughts were already circulating in his head that Mi Rae could just be drunk. How did it have anything to do with him?

Location: diner/studio

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night

Action: covering for everyone

Mood: still slightly panicked about all the things

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah


Minhyuk about screamed when Andrew took off. They were in trouble. They were all in trouble if they didn't get the Angel out of there before someone called an ambulance. What sort of Angel risked wandering around like that at night anyway? Didn't she know it was dangerous? If they got discovered...

Oh! He was coming back! Andrew was coming back! More than a little relieved, Minhyuk herded him a little back towards the girl on the ground, his good hand reaching out and pulling back and reaching out again as he warred with himself over wanting to help, but knowing he couldn't if he didn't want to get burned again.

"Go with them," he rattled off at the human girl as Andrew headed towards the door.

Minhyuk took an extra moment to glance around at the room, seeing people with their cell phones out. "The poor girl had a little too much," he laughed, the sound of it light and appealing, bringing smiles to everyone's faces. "Andrew idol-nim is so nice to help her, isn't he? Taking her out to her cab like that?" That sounded reasonable. He didn't have time to explain anything else, hoping that's what people would post in their Tweets. He made sure to pass especially close to the people with the phones out as he headed towards the exit, praying his happy aura was on full blast today. It wasn't always; sometimes it was a little dim and people hardly reacted to it, but when he needed people to smile instead of potentially suspecting a famous idol of foul play, it would be handy if it was functioning on full blast. The fact that his face was puffy from crying wouldn't matter really as long as people were feeling happy.

He darted after Andrew, then jumped ahead to open the door to the studio just as the question finally came out:

"So what's the problem now? Why am I carrying a half-conscious girl to the studio?"

Caught off guard by the words, he accidentally used both hands to press on the door, then yelped and jumped back as it aggravated his burn. Annoyed with himself, he turned around and backed into the door instead and used his body to hold it open, waiting for the others to pass through. He kept his face turned well away from the lamp as it moved by a little too close for comfort, even with as dim as it currently was.

"She's...uh...she fell, and...aiya! I don't have time. I'll explain later. Put her on the sofa in the first lounge room. I'll be right back."

He didn't wait around for Andrew's reply as he sprinted towards the supply closet to get every type of battery they had that might fit in the lamp. Cradling them against his torso (since he only had one hand to work with, after all), he rushed them back into the lounge and spilled them all over the floor.

"Here. Someone--" Ugh, there was no way to explain this to make any sense! "Someone put new batteries in her lamp. She needs it and I can't. Please! Please trust me."



This was bad. Mi Mi was far away from her lamp and she could feel her self begining to pass out.What was I thinking? This is going to be hard to explain. Mi Rae's eyelids were beginning to close, she need her lamp ASAP! She wasn't sure what was going on but she heard the idol's voice and did as he said and got onto his back. She had her lamp and bag now but the stupid thing kept dimming and she couldn't even find the damn batteries to put in it. Andrew was carrying Mi Mi to someplace unknown to her but she couldn't focus on that. All her energy was put into not falling unconscious, she didn't even have time to think up a logical excuse for this mess.


Eventually she was put on a sofa somewhere but the sunlamp being so dim meant that she couldn't see a thing. She heard the voice of the Demon saying something about batteries for the lamp and she struggled to say what kind to put in to save them the stress and time of trying every battery there was. "Double A--The lamp batteries are double A." Her voice was low, she would be surprised if they even heard her. The weird feeling of happiness and joy was still flowing through Mi Rae causing her to smile and this was so not the time to smile. "Get double A batteries." This time her voice was louder so it was more likely for the others to hear her. This situation was very very bad.


@Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum
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Music bounced off the walls of the room , loud noises emitted from the floor as Amber danced. His hair set free and flying around , sweating flying as he spun. After a few minutes ,Amber dropped on the floor panting heavily. " I can't get the ending move right , damn it. " He cursed , hitting his fist on the ground as the light bared down on him. Slowly he stood up and looked at the time. "Shit , its night already. "He said to himself , the cold gripping at him as he walked towards his bag which was across before people bursted into the studio. The noise traveling through the building

" What ? " He asked weakly , stumbling before falling to his knees as his vision darken. " Sunlamp. " He muttered as he crawled towards his bag slowly, the cold air licking at his warm skin. He didn't care anymore about the people in the building. Slowly he grabbed his bag and pulled out the lamp before trying to turn it on while lingering between consciousness and unconsciousness.

@Starry Night @Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-6_19-23-27.png.21df21211ea1d3205ecb2be3e5d01102.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-6_19-23-27.png.21df21211ea1d3205ecb2be3e5d01102.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kim Jae-wooAndrew had obviously no idea what was happening, but it was clear that something needed to be done in Mi Rae's case. Her body was freezing cold, as if she was dying without the sunlamp. Even now, putting the AA batteries into the sunlamp, Andrew had no idea what he was doing. It didn't help that Minhyuk's little 'explanation' confused him even more. Still, Andrew couldn't help but feel comfortable warmth exuding from the sunlamp. Now, Andrew demanded a real explanation from either Minhyuk or Mi Rae.

I'm going to have to need an explanation for this." Andrew sighed, looking at Minhyuk then going over to him to pat his head. ". .or not. I think I'm going home for the day. ." Andrew's schedule was kind of tight the following day, and he needed every second of rest at the moment. "Got a phone?" Andrew waited in front of Minhyuk for an answer.

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Go Min Ah ❥


Min Ah was just too drunk for all this tonight. Everything happened faster than her brain could register, the blond boy burning his hand, the light at their table going out, and Mi Rae getting excessively sleepy. Something about it all felt familiar, and she was experiencing major déjà vu. Minhyuk yelled for Min Ah to grab the lamp, but she was scared to touch the lamp after seeing Minhyuk get burned. As the blond ran off, Min Ah touched the lamp quickly, expecting it to burn her at the instant touch, but it didn’t. “Mi Rae, are you okay?” Min Ah asked with some serious concern. Bringing the dimming lamp closer to her friend. Before she know it Andrew and the blond were back and Andrew had Mi Rae on his back. "Go with them,"Minhyuk said to Min Ah. “Already going.” she said with serious concern, grabbing Mi Rae’s bag. "So what's the problemnow? Why am I carrying a half-conscious girl to the studio?" Andrew said as Minhyuk followed. Min Ah ignored it. Minhyuk went to push the doors open and she saw his wince.

Min Ah, remembered his burned hand. Right now, Mi Rae’s seemed to be their number one concern. Holding Mi Rae’s lamp and her bag, followed behind. Andrew took Mi Rae’s lamp and filled it with double A’s. Min Ah was starting to think the Idol wasn’t really nice, but she still couldn’t help but crush on him. It was a very weird feeling for Min Ah. “Here Andrew,” Dropping honorifics-She tossed her fancy police phone at him.

Min Ah, though drunk, her mind was going off like a whistle like she was missing something, everyone was either annoyed, or concerned, and what was with the lamp that burned the blond boy. Bringing it back to mind, Min Ah turned to Minhyuk. “Let me see.” She said in all seriousness. He looked at her, she couldn’t register his expression. ”Your hand,” she held hers. While she was concerned about Mi Rae, she didn’t have any understanding of the real danger the other girl was in. So for Min Ah, Minhyuk’s injury was more serious.

@Starry Night @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum @djinnamon
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Location: FTE building

Tags: @djinnamon

Action: working, helping out

Mood: concerned

Interacting With: Amber


Geonwoo whistled to himself casually as he left one practice room, dust mop in hand, and pushed the door open to enter another.

"Oh, not again," he muttered as he caught sight of one of the poor trainees sprawled out on the floor. It was one of the newer ones, but not one of the young kids. A transfer from some smaller dance studio, he thought? He shook his head as he made his way over to the boy, feeling bad for him. The ones who were a little older had to work so much harder to get noticed than all the baby-faced teens running around. They were running out of time to debut, and pushed themselves past their limits so often trying to perfect everything about themselves. Every janitor in the building had needed to cart some poor kid off to a lounge sofa at some point in their careers when they'd exhausted their bodies too far or hadn't had enough to drink. Geonwoo had been doing it for years.

"Okay, kid, up you go," he mumbled as he easily scooped the boy up into a practiced fireman hold. At least there was a lounge just down the hall from this particular room. God bless the little miracles. He wasn't old by his standards, but too old be carting people halfway around the building anymore.

Location: FTE lounge

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night @djinnamon

Action: throwing in the towel

Mood: over it

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah, Geonwoo


Minhyuk could've kissed Andrew right there on the spot when he shoved the batteries into the lamp, leaving it so it could shine its bright light on the Angel girl. She would be up and around in no time once her body started absorbing its heat, then maybe she could help him clear up this mess. He just didn't have the energy to deal with it all anymore, his emotions having been on enough of a roller coaster for one night. One hour. Not even an hour. How did things get blown so out of sorts in such a short amount of time?

As much as he really didn't want Andrew to leave, it was somewhat of a relief when the idol patted him on the head without demanding any further explanation of the night's chaos. If it could wait until tomorrow, Minhyuk could think of something that might sound logical to tell him.

He was about to reach into his pocket for his phone at Andrew's request when the drunk girl, who had sobered up somewhat in all the excitement as people tended to do when there was adrenaline pumping through their veins, tossed him hers instead. Minhyuk hadn't been prepared for her to address him next, and he blanked as she asked to see something. See what? He didn't have anything to--oh, his hand. He'd been keeping it folded protectively against his body this whole time, sans the incident with the door handle. It hurt, the skin feeling particularly tight and raw around his fingertips. It'd been a long time since he'd been stupid enough to burn himself like that, not since he was a child. His mother had taken care of him then.

Maybe it was thinking about her, or maybe it was just because he was so drained from everything that had happened, or maybe because he just craved affection that badly, but whatever the reason, Yu Yu sighed and offered his injured hand up for the girl to look at it. That, of course, was about the time that Geonwoo decided to clamber through the door with an unconscious trainee in tow. Minhyuk caught one sight of who it was and groaned loudly. That kid, the new guy--Amber, he thought the name was--an Angel who was trying to debut even though he could never possibly make it. Concerts were held mostly at night. How the hell was he supposed to perform if he was going to be passing out on stage half the time? How he even made it this far as a trainee was beyond Minhyuk. Still, kudos to him for chasing his dreams, he supposed.

"Hi, Geonwoo hyung," he said tiredly.

"Yu Yu? You seems?" the elder stated, staring at the odd collection of people around the room.

Minhyuk sighed. "I'll tell you about it later. Prop him up against the couch over there by the lamp. I'll look after him."

Geonwoo hesitated, but nodded and did as told, settling Amber into place and taking a glance at Minhyuk's hand that was now cradled gingerly in Min's. "What'd you do? Accidentally lean on the grill?"

"Something like that," Yu Yu muttered.

Ever kind, Geonwoo nodded again as he pushed himself stiffly to his feet and headed over to cabinet below the sink. After a little digging around, he pulled out a first aid kit and set it on the counter. "Should be some burn ointment in there. Let me know if it's too bad to finish your shift. I can call in Jihoonie to cover if I need to."

"Thanks hyung," Minhyuk smiled. "I might need you to. It's been's been a night."

"I can see that. Ya know what? I'll just ring him up. Take your time. You kids stay as long as you need." Geonwoo nodded his head at everyone that was conscious before heading out the door. He really was a good person. Minhyuk would need to buy him something super nice for this one.
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Kim Jae-wooIn the first place, Andrew was asking for Minhyuk's phone. Feeling like he has offended Min Ah enough this day, Andrew decided to just dial his number on her phone, too. "Just, if you need anything. ." Andrew grinned, scratching the back at his head while handing Min Ah's phone back to her. "Sorry I kind of ruined your day."

Andrew felt comfortable in the room as there was a sunlight near Mi Rae, which helped warm his body. It was better than having to freeze to death outside. He would then come up to Minhyuk and bring out his phone and hand it to him. "
Number-juseyo, Minhyuk-ssi." Andrew felt sorry for Minhyuk. The blonde male looked like he was just tired of all the happenings around him, and Andrew couldn't help but feel like it was him who caused all of this in the first place. Andrew felt obligated to bring the janitor out to another date-not-date, and really make him have a good time. As Minhyuk accepted his phone, dialing his number in, Andrew would be busy searching inside the first aid kid for some burn ointment to apply on Minhyuk's burnt hand.

There." Andrew found a petroleum jelly ointment to apply on Minhyuk's burn. He would then gently hold Minhyuk's burnt hand, rinsing it with water as to clean the burn, but slowly to not break the blisters as they could cause major infection if broke. Applying the petroleum jelly shortly afterwards, he finished treating Minhyuk's hand by taping over the burnt area with a sterile gauze.

Go Min Ah ❥


Min Ah whispered a thank you to the janitor. She nodded her agreement when Minhyuk said he would need someone to cover the rest of his shift. She took note of the boy the janitor brought in, but kept her attention on Minhyuk. He wouldn’t have to go to hospital, but he will if he doesn’t let it heal. Before she could put on the burn cream Andrew was handing her phone back. "Sorry I kind of ruined your day." Andrew said. Min Ah, who was already ready happy enough to giggle holding Minhyuks hand laughed out loud. She would normally be a straight face in this sort of situation, but she couldn’t help the warm gooey emotions filling up her normally empty emotion-well. “It was ruined long before you happened to stumble upon me. It wasn’t too bad. I got to meet an idol and my new crush.” When Andrew took Minhyuk’s hand from her, the joyful feeling she had a moment ago, left faster than she’d like. But still being so close to Andrew and Minhyuk she still felt elated.

While Andrew took care of Minhyuk, Min Ah went to the other too. And smiled at them, as they seemed to be coming around. She looked at Amber, though clearly his expression was not a happy one, he was still very good looking. Min Ah made a mental note, she would have to stop drinking everywhere else and only go to that resturant. Handsome men abound. She looked from Amber to Mi Rae, she’d hope this girl would want to hang out again after this. She was like a good luck charm. “So,” she said smiling, looking at them both now. “Are you two alright or do I need to call an ambulance?”

@Starry Night @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum @djinnamon
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Location: FTE lounge

Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night @djinnamon

Action: finally relaxing

Mood: feeling better! (you can tell 'cause I finally was able to change his pic!)

Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah, Amber



Andrew Kim wanted Yu Yu's phone number? Even after that catastrophe of an outing? Even after Minhyuk had made him carry a stranger down the street and turned what looked like a regular lamp into an emergency situation with no real explanation as to why?

A tiny smile crept onto his lips as he decided not to question it and plugged his number into Andrew's phone as the idol took him gently by the wrist and led him over to the sink. Oh, he was being so gentle, and the cool water felt good on his burns. He blushed a little at the soft look of concentration on Andrew's face as he applied the ointment and ever-so-carefully wrapped his damaged hand. God, it felt better, so much better; and with all the emergencies handled and no outside prying eyes there to make matters worse, Yu Yu was finally able to take a deep, calming breath.

"Thank you, hyung," he sighed, and leaned forward until his head thunked against Andrew's shoulder. He couldn't remember the last time he actually felt tired at night. It was all the stress. He never really could handle it well. "If it's not too much trouble, can I maybe still get that ride home?" He rocked his head slightly to the side so he could see the others huddled on the sofa. They looked just as beat and frazzled and confused and done as he felt. "Maybe them, too?"


Mi Mi couldn't make sense of what was going on around her so she didn't bother with. She just stared up at the ceiling, letting the light of the now bright sunlamp warm her cold body. She sighed, not really thinking about anything, just staring. After a while she felt herself coming back to her senses from her half conscious state. Mi Rae sat up and examined what was going on in the unfamiliar room. Andrew was dealing with Minhyuk's burn while Min Ah watched and another boy was brought into the room. She sat there for a while just watching and silently scolding herself for being so careless. "So, are you two alright or do I need to call an ambulance?" Mi Mi's head shot up to Min Ah's direction with wide eyes. God no, she couldn't call the ambulance. That would mean that humans would know about the angels and demons roaming among them and that would mean total catastrophe. Mi Mi forced a smile and shook her head. "Nah, that won't be necessary, really I'm fine." She had to make sure no one called the ambulance at all costs, she couldn't risk any of this getting out to the public.


"So, who's that over there?" Mi Rae asked Min Ah, gesturing to the boy over on the other sofa who also seemed to be an Angel, she had to change the subject somehow. As she waited for Min Ah's answer, she took the time to examine the room. Her eyes found the Demon and the idol and she realized she never took the time to introduce herself. She also had to apologize for all the trouble she caused. Mi Rae got up from the sofa but as soon as she did, she fell back down onto it. Her legs were still weak so she was going to have to wait a while before going to him but in the mean time, she decided to apologize to Min Ah too."Min Ah joesonghabnida about all of this. Tonight was crazy, yeah but right now I don't know how to explain anything. Maybe tomorrow I can explain?" Mi Rae knew she owed Min Ah an explanation but she didn't have an excuse just yet, if she told her tomorrow it would definitely give her time to think about something logical. Give me you number, I'll call you so we can meet up tomorrow."


@Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum @djinnamon
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Kim Jae-woo"Okay. I'll get you a ride home. Everyone else, too, if they want to," Andrew replied to Minhyuk, taking his phone back. He was tired but he thought he could at least drop them off since their little dinner was ruined mainly because of his fault. Plus, all of them probably thought of Andrew in a negative light now, so it couldn't hurt for Andrew to restore his image a bit by playing do-goody Fairy Godfather.

Andrew looked around, thinking if everyone could fit into his car, but decided to just drop it since he was too tired to think about anything anymore. He'd go over to Min Ah, Mi Rae and Amber(who Andrew didn't really know), and offer them a ride home. "I'm sorry for today, could I make it up to all of you by dropping all of you home? It'd be great if so." He looked at Amber, who was half conscious and recognized him to be one of the trainees. "Trainee, you too. You don't look too well. ."


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