Angels & Demons: South Korea

Amber was happily soaking up light , cold body warming up before some motherfuxker as Amber called them picked him up. Even with his drooping eyes , his hand instantly grabbed the handle of the sunlight and clutched it for dear life. Right now his only thought was keeping his hands on the sunlight and not letting go until morning. So slowly he curled up slightly in man's hands , the sun lamp hanging from his arm.

Soon he was layed down on a couch , still clutching the sun lamp tightly but his grip as relaxed a little. ' Thank you mister motherfuxker. ' He thought , curling up on the couch. When he heard some one talk to him he opened his eyes slightly and looked up.
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<strong>    Location: </strong>FTE Lounge
<strong>    Action: </strong>introductions (so late!)
<strong>    Mood: </strong>content
<strong>    Interacting With: </strong>Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah, Amber
    <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/37680-sparkly-bubblegum/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="37680" href="<___base_url___>/profile/37680-sparkly-bubblegum/" rel="">@Sparkly Bubblegum</a><a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/23808-djinnamon/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="23808" href="<___base_url___>/profile/23808-djinnamon/" rel="">@djinnamon</a><a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/30470-starry-night/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="30470" href="<___base_url___>/profile/30470-starry-night/" rel="">@Starry Night</a>
    <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/37426-waitingforanending/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="37426" href="<___base_url___>/profile/37426-waitingforanending/" rel="">@Waitingforanending</a>
Yu Yu pouted slightly when Andrew pulled away from him--his shoulder had been so comfortable--but knew he couldn't stay there forever anyway. They really needed to get home. The Angels needed to be able to go into their sleep stasis somewhere safe, somewhere away from people who would mistake them for needing medical attention. Andrew was clearly tired too after his long day, and the poor human girl needed to be somewhere to sober up all the way. Minhyuk wondered what she would remember in the morning. He hoped not much; this would all be very hard to explain.

When Andrew called out to the 'trainee,' Minhyuk's head snapped up, pulling him away from his thoughts.

<span style="color:#0080ff;">"Oh. Amber!,"</span> he pointed out. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"His name is Amber. He's a recent transfer. We've talked a few times."</span>

Only then did he realize he still hadn't actually introduced himself to the girls or knew their names either. He'd been calling them 'Angel' and 'drunk girl' in his head this whole time. How very rude of him. Sheepishly, he turned to both of them and gave them a small bow. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"Sorry about all this,"</span> he said sincerely. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"I hope you don't think poorly of us because of everything. My name is Yu Minhyuk, by the way, but everyone calls me Yu Yu because I cry easily...which you already saw...I'm sorry for that. But it's okay now; everything's okay, and it would be even better if you'd allow us--Andrew, I mean--if you'd allow Andrew hyung to take you home."</span>
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At hearing someone say his name , his eyes fluttered open at the searched the room. Once his eyes landed on Yu Yu a small smile appeared on his face. " Hi Yu Yu. " He muttered tiredly , his hair falling into his face to cover his left eye when he turned his head completely towards Yu Yu. " Mind explaining to me what happened? " He asked , reaching up and place a hand over the left side of his face. Truthfully Amber was ready to go to sleep and not wake up until late afternoon next day but he had the golden opportunity to get a ride home so he had to be nice. Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night @Kade

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<span style="font-family:Tahoma;"></span>
Go Min Ah ❥ <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="b89dd781-5604-49d3-be40-2e7d15c4b731_zps" /> Min Ah was feeling really guilty about her behavior tonight, but was extremely grateful for Mi Rae companionship and her understanding. She was looking just fine, maybe it was something going around that made the two sleep. "So, who's that over there?" Mi Rae asked, but Min ah just shrugged her shoulders. She was shocked when Mi Rae apologized, “You don’t have to be sorry.” Min Ah pulled her thick wallet out, her badge inside she pulled a card from it and handed it to Mi Rae, “if goes to my desk and on the back I have my handphone. Meeting up tomorrow sounds fantastic!” When Andrew offered them all a ride she looked up at him, a part of her was desperate to take it, but she needed to walk off the alcohol. Her station wasn’t far, her apartment was, but she might as well go sleep it off in a cell. “Oh. Amber!” Minhyuk said, referring to the new cute boy. And she finally got his name. “Yu Minhyuk. Nice to finally get to know you name.” Min Ah smiled responding. “Hi Yu Yu” Min Ah looked at the sleepy Amber. "Mind explaining to me what happened?" Min Ah Laughed out loud not meaning too. “Sorry,” She said making a face. “A lot happened.” She said smiling.
@Starry Night @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum @<strong><a href="<___base_url___>/members/djinnamon.39548/" rel="">djinnamon</a></strong>

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Mi Rae listened to what the Demon had to say before saying what she had too. She shook her and said, "This isn't your fault, really and I'm Song Mi Rae but Mi Mi is my nickname." She thought about letting Andrew take her home and decided to go along with. Mi Rae didn't exactly have the energy to walk home so it would be easier on her part. "Okay sure." She said before diverting her attention to Min Ah.


Mi Rae smiled when Min Ah told her she didn't have to be sorry, though it was a weak one, and took the card. "Okay, I'll call you." She ended her words with an inaudible sigh. She was going to have to think of an excuse for this and that was the last thing she wanted. Mi Rae stood with her bag and lamp in hand. She could hear the trainee talking to Yu Yu but decided against saying anything. She let Min Ah talk.

Mi Rae's emotions were all mixed up, she didn't know how to feel and that happy feeling from before had finally worn off. Right now, talking was one of the last things on her mind and sleep was the first. "Um... are we leaving soon?" She honestly didn't want to sound rude but her bed, oh her comfy and soft and welcoming bed, was where she was needed. Mi Mi could swear she could hear her bed calling her name. "Mi Mi, Mi Mi, come to me." The bed was welcoming her with open arms and she couldn't turn down that opportunity. @Waitingforanending @Kade @Sparkly Bubblegum @djinnamon
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Location: FTE lounge Tags: @Sparkly Bubblegum, @Waitingforanending, @Starry Night @djinnamon Action: chattering Mood: calm Interacting With: Andrew, Mi Mi, Min Ah, Amber <img alt="tumblr_nuxvm991Jf1u7sbn4o1_400.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" /></p>




Yu Yu smiled back at Amber and went to kneel down beside the couch as the girls finally introduced themselves, mindful not to let himself get too close to the lamp. He grinned at the girls politely before turning his attention back to Amber, chuckling a little at Min Ah's statement that a lot had happened. No shit.





<span style="color:#0080ff;">"Aish, so much,"</span> he huffed. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"You passed out in the practice room and Geonwoo hyung brought you here. I brought the others from the diner down the street where Mi Mi-ssi also passed out. She's--"</span> he glanced around and leaned further to whisper directly into Amber's ear. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"--like you. Andrew Seonbae doesn't know. Min Ah-ssi is human. We made a little bit of a mess of things."</span>





He sat back on his heels again to address everyone. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"I think we should get going if everyone's ready. It's been a long day and everyone seems tired." </span>





Almost unconsciously he stroked his good hand through Amber's hair. The poor little angel just looked so out of it. <span style="color:#0080ff;">"Ambie, do you need help getting to the car? Seonbae can maybe help you if Min Ah-ssi wants to help Mi Mi? I'm not being lazy, I just..."</span> He held up his bandaged hand and pointed to it as an excuse for not helping. In truth, it was less about his hand and more about the lamps. He didn't want to risk getting bumped by one again. Being the only demon in a room full of angel hybrids was hard. At the moment he could probably relate more to the poor human girl than any of the others. Aiya, how were they going to explain all this to her? How was he going to explain to Andrew? Maybe he wouldn't have to. Maybe, as much as it hurt to think it, Andrew would think this was all too weird and not actually call him. It would be the easiest way out. Minhyuk could go back to having only his fellow night janitors as his only sometimes friends and life would be simple again. Simple and lonely. Somehow, looking at the people around him in the room, he didn't think that was going to happen anytime soon. This was a night he didn't think any of them would forget.

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"Ethan Scott N. Vincent"

Ethan was running through crowds of people as the sun started to set. Apologizing to the individuals he bumped into as he ran, he quickened his pace as he could feel the cold atmosphere setting in. Turning the corner he made it to his apartment, opening the door and closing it behind him he walked up the stairs as he could sense the presence of others like him. Ignoring them he continued to the 5th floor where he was staying, upon finding his door he held out his keys unlocking said door entering he let out a sigh of relief as he turned on the heater. Sitting down on his bed he went through his phone, checking for any updates on his job application.

(I apologize if my first entry is short, but this was all I could come up with)

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