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Location: Home -->Jessi’s House with Nobody --> @iiCupcakeCraver

Once Travis had finished his conversation with the Athletes, he led his fellow badasses on a school wide attack against teachers and students alike. Stink bombs were placed in the teachers’ lounge, the air vents were filled with rotting fish, and lockers were tied together with string and locks, forcing several periods to be canceled while maintenance dealt with the mess. To some, the badasses were heroes, others jackasses, but almost everyone appreciated the free period, especially after a night of heavy drinking. It was all thanks to the janitor, a doddering old European man Travis had taken a liking to. They’d smoke after school and exchange childhood stories of days spent climbing trees and rolling down hills. There was no pressure in their conversations, just words exchanged freely and genuinely, but there wasn’t time for that today. Travis had spent the entire day toying with the bag in his pocket, waffling between committing to his sobriety and forgiving himself, and allowing himself a brief respite in the comforting embrace of vice. He had succeeded in conquering his desire, up until the moment he wrapped the tourniquet around his arm and stuck the needle in his flesh.

The following hours passed in a blur of color and sensation, where Travis sat alone in the dark, wrapped in the feeling of his own thoughts. Everything was bliss, more peaceful, more powerful than cocaine. There were no consequences, no guilt, not anger, just pure fire coursing through his veins, undulating across his nervous system. And it was joy, until the high began to fade and his eyes opened. It was gradual, a slow dissolve of the beauty and emotion, until he was left empty and alone, in the darkness of his room. The bag was still in his pocket, but he didn’t think of it as he dressed, only stared at his fingers as they moved. One button, then another. Then came his shirt and his pants, gliding across languid limbs, until he was dressed with no recollection. Travis called his father’s driver and had her drop him off a few blocks away from the party. He pulled out his phone and sent Adam a quick text.

[/FONT] [FONT='Imprint MT Shadow'] Not sure if I missed ya, but I headed over to the party. I can send my old man’s car service over if you still need a ride.

He headed inside and went straight for the bar, where he took two shots and made himself a drink—Jack on the rocks. He was comfortable, like he was floating high above the noise of the crowd, above the gyrating people and the messy make outs. He took a sip of his drink until he spotted Gwen over the rim of his glass looking uncomfortable. He glided towards her and inclined his head. He had talked to her a few times and noticed her a handful more. He loved the way she looked, porcelain skin and deep soulful eyes. She was mysterious, gliding through school untouched by Kingdom Chrest’s pollution. Travis prided himself on reading people, but Gwen alluded him.

”You look good, Gwen. I like that color on you. Brings out your eyes.” He smiled and took another swig of his drink. ”But you don’t look like you’re having much fun. He gestured to a couple enthusiastically making out along the wall and grinned. This not your scene?”
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Location: Party

Mood: Humored

Tags ~ W/: @Effervescence

Dress, Buckle, Shoes, Necklace, Earrings, Beanie.

Gwen shifted her gaze over to a man taking shots at the bar. Travis. She was pretty cool with the Badasses, but Travis...They did talk, but not all that much. She did, however, exchange glances with him down the halls. Otherwise, that was all. Unless he noticed her more that she did...Ach, that was confusing. Gwen noticed him stride over to her spot against the wall, probably to steal it or something along those lines. Instead, she was surprised that he was actually talking to her.

Gwen raised an eyebrow at the first words he had put out there.
Oh really... Gwen snickered at his last part and took another drink. "Eh...More or less." She shrugged and finished off the strong brew. "Don't you have your posse that you should be with right now?" Her tone were not harsh or insulting. Rather...Curious. He really should be leading the Badasses, parading around the house and being the cool kids they were.

Speaking of how 'cool' the Badasses were...She recalled earlier when they had practically destroyed the school. Leaving the halls and classrooms a mess and her locker with a stench of rotten sardines.
Well played... Gwen pranked, but to certain people she didn't like. Mostly the infamous Beloveds. Echh...

Gwen caught the eyes of Travis, trying to read his expression. The grin gave it all away, but her mother always told her to read expressions with eyes. Sure enough, it matched. Travis looked...nice, actually. She hadn't taken the time to really look over him. Or talk to him, you know, without the whole Badass Squad behind him.

Gwen broke the eye contact. That may or may not have come across as creepy...
God dammit, Gwen. She had a habit of getting lost in...Well, everything. Eyes, her own mind, space. She shook her head and returned his grin with a small smirk.
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Wearing :


Location : Kingdom Heights Lounge

With :

Orpheus looked like a mess. He just wore whatever it is that he saw inside his wardrobe (which has a
lot of clothes) and put it together somehow. He'd put on some jungle-scented cologne too, just to match his jacket. Though not invited to Jessi's huge party, Orpheus knew better than to let some musician best him. He'd finish dolling himself up, heading to the lounge for a quick peek. Usually Elaine hung out there, and she'd make a perfect companion for the party. Orpheus and Elaine got along just fine.

It wasn't until the age of five that Orpheus understood the beauty of music, when his mother used to play the piano for him. Even the most simplest songs, if played with the right emotions could bring about the most beautiful of melodies. He'd try to take music courses here and there, but ultimately failed. Chords were mushed together again and again, creating an angelic melody. Nathaniel Eve's playing of the piano was simply enchanting. Orpheus leaned on the walls and listened to Nathan's serene playing of the piano, completely mesmerized by it right before the melody stopped.

Yeah, I've been ready for about a while now. Felt like checking out the lounge, glad I did. Why'd you stop?" Orpheus has never been too keen on fussing about a fellow Beloved doing what they want. There's things that pique his interests too, and he sure wouldn't want someone limiting what he wants to do. "Y'know, once, I learned the piano and this teacher said he couldn't take it anymore since I was note deaf, and quit. You should teach me sometime," Orpheus smiled widely. He'd then make a gesture with his hands, motioning for Nathan to follow him outside. "About the party. .wanna carpool the party together or something? I wasn't invited, but hey, could always crash her house. Are you going or not?"


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