Angels & Demons: South Korea

[QUOTE="Sparkly Bubblegum]also i always look forward to this rp XPP i think i've gotten attached. though sometimes i get realllyyy confused on what to post hope you understand if there's like a 6 hour gap on posting xD

Oh, good, I'm glad you're enjoying it, lol. :)

And, yeah, totally understand. This is supposed to be fun. There's no rush on anything. I probably won't be around too much today. Gotta head to work in a little bit and it's meeting day, so I won't have much free time to post.

If you have any questions or get stuck, you can always ask. I don't generally have a plan atm though, lol. I'm just going off what you guys do and trying to nudge things in a forward direction; you're doing totally fine with keeping it going. Andrew always says or does something that inevitably will give me reason for Yu Yu to react. :)

Lol, I wasn't sure if Andrew was confused by the "two tens" thing because he's an idol and doesn't know about regular work hours, or if you genuinely didn't know what that was. Either way, it worked out logically, lol. In case you didn't know, he's talking about his other breaks. Usually you get one long break on which you clock out, and a few shorter paid breaks around that, so basically his schedule should've been that he gets a ten minute break early in his shift, an hour in the middle of his shift, and another ten minute break later. Since he's taking his hour so early, that'll leave a rather long work shift when he gets back with only short breaks to give him time to rest, but if he doubles on his tens later (combining them into one twenty minute break), it won't be so bad. A lot of places won't let you double up like that, but I figured it doesn't matter so much if it's at night and nobody's there. It's not like he's dealing with customers or anything super important. As long as the building's clean when the important people come back in the morning, it's fine.
Starry Night] [URL=" said:
@Waitingforanending[/URL] I'm gonna reply now but your character gave me a good laugh. Lol. Your post was really funny.
I amazed you guys were able to read it. I fixed up my grammar errors. Hopefully it's more readable now.

@Kade LOL, I'm doing this from work now. >.<

@Sparkly Bubblegum Yep if you ever need help I love to plot and plan. Sometimes it takes me a minute, but when I know what I want to do, I get posts out faster.
Starry Night] [URL=" said:
@Waitingforanending[/URL] I'm gonna reply now but your character gave me a good laugh. Lol. Your post was really funny.
Oh, you're here! A thought occurred to me this morning, lol. When Mi Mi leaves the diner, she's gonna have to like hug that sunlamp, lol. It's definitely dark now; she won't get very far if she tries to get back home without keeping that on her.
Kade said:
Oh, good, I'm glad you're enjoying it, lol. :)
And, yeah, totally understand. This is supposed to be fun. There's no rush on anything. I probably won't be around too much today. Gotta head to work in a little bit and it's meeting day, so I won't have much free time to post.

If you have any questions or get stuck, you can always ask. I don't generally have a plan atm though, lol. I'm just going off what you guys do and trying to nudge things in a forward direction; you're doing totally fine with keeping it going. Andrew always says or does something that inevitably will give me reason for Yu Yu to react. :)

Lol, I wasn't sure if Andrew was confused by the "two tens" thing because he's an idol and doesn't know about regular work hours, or if you genuinely didn't know what that was. Either way, it worked out logically, lol. In case you didn't know, he's talking about his other breaks. Usually you get one long break on which you clock out, and a few shorter paid breaks around that, so basically his schedule should've been that he gets a ten minute break early in his shift, an hour in the middle of his shift, and another ten minute break later. Since he's taking his hour so early, that'll leave a rather long work shift when he gets back with only short breaks to give him time to rest, but if he doubles on his tens later (combining them into one twenty minute break), it won't be so bad. A lot of places won't let you double up like that, but I figured it doesn't matter so much if it's at night and nobody's there. It's not like he's dealing with customers or anything super important. As long as the building's clean when the important people come back in the morning, it's fine.
i actually genuinely didn't know, it's not really a common phrase here where i'm living so i decided to just make andrew oblivious about it. i'm glad it worked logically though XP

as a sidenote, it's fine if you leave for a meeting, after all i'll be sleeping when you're attending the meeting since our timezones are probably heavens apart xD
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Starry Night] [URL=" said:
@Waitingforanending[/URL] xD it's readable
@Kade True, true. I'm so happy you're here to remind me of the things that slip my mind.
I have a good memory generally for stupid little details, lol. I like to foreshadow things in my personal writing so I have to remember all my tiny little breadcrumbs I drop for myself. Comes in handy with role playing. I'm on two other games right now and I'm the one in the OOC who's always like, "Um, guys, what about that thing that happened like two pages ago that was kind of important and now no one is mentioning?" Or reminding people where their characters got injured, or something that someone said that turns relevant, that sort of thing. It all keeps the story flowing more naturally.
Kade said:
I have a good memory generally for stupid little details, lol. I like to foreshadow things in my personal writing so I have to remember all my tiny little breadcrumbs I drop for myself. Comes in handy with role playing. I'm on two other games right now and I'm the one in the OOC who's always like, "Um, guys, what about that thing that happened like two pages ago that was kind of important and now no one is mentioning?" Or reminding people where their characters got injured, or something that someone said that turns relevant, that sort of thing. It all keeps the story flowing more naturally.
xD Your memory is great and you're definitely someone I'd want to roleplay with since it's always good to have that person who reminds you of the important little details you missed.
@Waitingforanending Hey, just a note, regular humans don't generally "sense" anything from the Angels or Demons. Otherwise everyone would already know there was something different. Your character isn't a hybrid, so she shouldn't be able to pick up on Mi Mi's non-human vibes so easily. Now, Mi Mi reminding her of her hybrid friend from school is a logical path, but tone it down a notch on the psychic stuff. The trade-off for being human and therefore not having any limitations on the time of day you can be active in is that you don't get superpowers.
@Kade, Yeah I was worried it would come off like that. I can re-word so it sounds like that she just reminded her of an old friend.
If you could, that'd be awesome. Now when Yu Yu and Andrew come in it'll be a different story. Mi Mi doesn't put off any sort of vibes. Yu Yu has happy vibes like crazy and Andrew's a walking love potion. With her being super empathic and drunk on top of that, she's gonna be probs stupidly giddy and stupid crushing on Andrew, lol. When she's sober again and thinking straight, because of her intuition she'll probably be like, "Wuuuuut happened last night and why was I a total idiot around those guys???" She might think they spiked her drink or something, but she's definitely going to know something wasn't right there. The only thing abnormal about Mi right now is that sunlamp though, which is probably noticeable.
Kade said:
If you could, that'd be awesome. Now when Yu Yu and Andrew come in it'll be a different story. Mi Mi doesn't put off any sort of vibes. Yu Yu has happy vibes like crazy and Andrew's a walking love potion. With her being super empathic and drunk on top of that, she's gonna be probs stupidly giddy and stupid crushing on Andrew, lol. When she's sober again and thinking straight, because of her intuition she'll probably be like, "Wuuuuut happened last night and why was I a total idiot around those guys???" She might think they spiked her drink or something, but she's definitely going to know something wasn't right there. The only thing abnormal about Mi right now is that sunlamp though, which is probably noticeable.
LOL... I love the way that sounds. I can't wait for them to get all together. I edited my post to make a little more sense. I was thinking about Min Ah crushing on Andrew, which is why I threw that Idols line in her rant.

Edit: @Kade & @Sparkly Bubblegum, Should I slow the posting to give you guys a chance to come in. I was trying to set up my post so I had something to progress the convo with Mi Rae.
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Nah, you're fine. @Sparkly Bubblegum and I did a whole bunch of stuff before you guys even got into the game. Our kids just literally have to make it out the door and down the street at this point. You're basically just filling in the other side from what we were doing before (and giving me time to actually adult today at my real job instead of role playing, lol).

Another thought (when I'm tossing just general ideas at you guys, you don't have to follow them, btw, unless I'm clearly making a GM reminder or fix-it statement; they're just suggestions in case you get stuck, but feel free to plan your own things): Andrew might subconsciously gravitate towards Mi's sunlamp. Poor guy got the Angel chills, lol. That sucks for him, and is thoroughly amusing to me. ;)
!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! @Sparkly Bubblegum !!!!!!! ANDREW GRABBED MINYUK'S EAR!!!!! You should know that I have a MAJOR thing for ear kink, lol. Omg, I've written so much Taekook smut where they're playing with each other's ears. LOL! Poor Yu Yu's gonna have a heart attack, lmao!!!!!
Kade said:
!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! @Sparkly Bubblegum !!!!!!! ANDREW GRABBED MINYUK'S EAR!!!!! You should know that I have a MAJOR thing for ear kink, lol. Omg, I've written so much Taekook smut where they're playing with each other's ears. LOL! Poor Yu Yu's gonna have a heart attack, lmao!!!!!
XDDD im looking forward to his reaction~
[QUOTE="Sparkly Bubblegum]GO MIN AH IS THE NEW BOMB xD Shinhwa jjang!

(<3) I was worried my post was 'too much'. I also needed a band that wasn't too new, but still not too old. I though Shinhwa would be a stretch, but they would have been popular as she grew up.
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...I'm not allowed to have nice things, lol. I'm so mean to my characters. Always. Why am I like this? (because I inhale angst like oxygen...)
@Kade, we don't know which way Andy will sway.

Right now, I can see all four of them at on table and 3 of them drooling over Jae-Woo. LOL. Min Ah, with stars in her eyes because both boys and Mi Rae are all so good looking, she's like the token human friend.
Waitingforanending said:
@Kade, we don't know which way Andy will sway.
Right now, I can see all four of them at on table and 3 of them drooling over Jae-Woo. LOL. Min Ah, with stars in her eyes because both boys and Mi Rae are all so good looking, she's like the token human friend.
Exactly. We know that as players, but Minhyuk doesn't know that as a character, and being gay isn't nearly as acceptable in Korea as it is here in the States, so it's reasonable for him to doubt that he'll wind up being top choice. The guys tend to do a lot of fan service and tend to be generally more okay with touching than straight guys are over here, but they pretty much aren't allowed to admit if they're gay. Actually, for celebrities over here it's still only just now becoming okay even though (for the most part) our country has been shifting towards being very LGBT friendly. The point for male celebrities is that they have to look "available" for the fangirls, since we obviously make up the majority of their business, and that's why they aren't allowed to date/have girlfriends either (at least not that we know about).

Also, Yu Yu shifts into depression very easily, so this is just all in character for him to assume he's going to get tossed aside.
@Sparkly Bubblegum As cute as this Andrew post is, can you adjust the timeline? Yu Yu doesn't come out of the bathroom until Min is on the floor, so he'll basically be stepping out into all this commotion...and seeing Andrew hovering over the girls, lol. Poor kid.
Cool. Thanks! Yeah, our characters are all in the same place now so the timeline should pretty much be running in the order of our posts for the most part.
mmkay, edited! I was actually confused on how to time the post nicely since i wanted to tie the bow up nicely XP so okayy it'll work in the order of our posts ten

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