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  1. Teggetto

    Heroes Rise

    Yup, still in
  2. Teggetto

    Heroes Rise

    I'm good to go
  3. Teggetto

    Heroes Rise

    Maverick Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good Class: Fighter Level: 4 Hit Points: 52 Str: 18 +4 Dex: 14 +2 Con: 16 +3 Int: 11 Wis: 10 Cha: 10 Proficiency Bonus: +2 Saving Throws *Str: 6 Dex: 2 *Con: 5 Int: 0 Wis: 0 Cha: 0 Armor Class: 18 - Chain mail +...
  4. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] The Lion's Den

    Yuumaru Mori Returning the salute to the Alchemical Exalted, doing his best to remain polite to keep peace as the primary goal for this meeting. "It is good to meet you as well, Saber, thank you for allowing us to try for peaceful negotiations before things got too out of hand," he offered...
  5. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] The Lion's Den

    Yuumaru Mori "Agreed, we don't know these people or if they have hidden intentions," he strapped his own sword to his back, with armor and cloak around his body, the cloak offering something of a formal look to his attire. He heads towards the exit hatch to go meet with Asyk and the other...
  6. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] The Lion's Den

    Yuumaru Mori Listening to what Xandra says, he smiles and approaches placing a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you for having faith. I will not disappoint, especially not when there's someone like you to keep me on the proper path." He was a Solar, yes, but he did not for one minute believe that...
  7. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] The Lion's Den

    Yuumaru Mori "Can I ask you a serious question, Mera? To all of you actually, Xandra and Iylanna as well. Is Creation truly so much better now than it was with us in power?" he looked to all of the Dragon-blooded, he wanted a serious answer from each one, though he supposed they might not...
  8. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori "So, rather than just trying to setup some form of trade, you decide to kidnap mortals and try to wage war? Bravo for not being the first to not try diplomacy, must make you feel good inside," an edge of sarcasm to his voice. Leaning in close to the one man that spoke about their...
  9. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori Listening to their explanation, the Dawn snorted somewhat at the mention of their victory, as if it was a certainty regardless of who heard their plans. Apparently these metal Exalted didn't realize what kind of opposition they would be facing, granted as they were right now the...
  10. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Grabbing onto whatever he could to steady himself, Yuumaru waits for the teleportation to happen, keeping his eyes locked on their enemy. They were likely going to have to come back and face this thing at some point, given the fact it was threatening mortals.
  11. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori With the airship taken down, it was one less threat for them to deal with, and he made his way back to the Orca. Sword back on his back, he boarded the ship with the others, they would need to find out what was going on here. Which meant that they needed information from the two...
  12. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori Flying towards the ship that didn't run, Yuumaru aims right for the engines on the vehicle, and attempting to ram the gran daiklave right into them.
  13. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori "Misuro, you and our new friend here get to the airship, bring this thing with you," he tapped the vehicle's inside with the tip of his sword as he looked outside. He couldn't see what Misuro had seen yet, but if there was a fight then he could at least buy time for the others to...
  14. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori "Maybe you didn't hear. Stop this thing now," pointing his Grand Daiklave at the controls to enforce the point that it should be their orders that should be followed at this point. As it could be stopped and kept functioning, or despite that he would have wanted it in one piece...
  15. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori Examining the number of beds, he makes a mental note that there are two more people up ahead. Pulling at the door, he feels the weight of it and raises an eyebrow. With an extra effort of strength, he pulls hard at the door to open it up.
  16. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

    Yuumaru Mori "You take care of the prisoners, I'm going to see who's driving this thing," he said, starting to head into the direction of the front section. With his sword already drawn, he headed in the direction of the front car, wanting to see if there were more like their friend on the...
  17. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] Aftermath

    Dex 5 and Athletics 5 = 1d10=10, 1d10=6, 1d10=8, 1d10=1, 1d10=3, 1d10=6, 1d10=4, 1d10=1, 1d10=8, 1d10=2 4 successes
  18. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] Aftermath

    Yuumaru Mori "Thanks, Xandra," he flashed a quick grin to the woman that had been with them since they first joined up. It was good to have her around, given that she seemed to get what he was thinking and adjusted the airships course. Following after Misuro to the deck, he didn't even stop to...
  19. Teggetto

    [Dude, Where's My Daiklave] Aftermath

    Yuumaru Mori "Well, that helped a bit, try to hit another one of those wheels," he figured another shot couldn't hurt to try stopping it. As long as the wheels were the only thing hit it should be alright, but he supposed that there was always another option as well. A similar tactic to the...