[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] The Lion's Den


Luna's Concubine
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Two days pass from the time you drop off Asyk at the spot where you ran into the strange motorized wagon and freed your new friend from his captivity. During this down time, you learn from the other captives that they were a part of a wagon caravan that was attacked by the raiding party, and that the others of their party were all killed while they were lucky enough to just be captured. "We all owe you our lives. If it were not for you, who knows what kind of hell we would be in right now? If there is anything that a bunch of humble merchants can do for you, let us know."

It is in the morning of the third day when a messenger sprite comes zooming into the room where Yuumaru is preparing to eat his breakfast. In Asyk's voice, you hear the following message: "I have made contact with the leaders of these people, and they are interested in talking with the Solars and Dragon Blooded of the Orca. You have been promised safe passage to their new city called Gateway. The members of the leadership caste here are searching for a way to restore their Great Maker to full health, and if we are willing to help them, it could help us out in our struggles to reestablish the Solar rule once more. These people are desperate, and are willing to meet to negotiate a truce. If you are willing to do so, come to the place where you dropped me off and I will be there with one of their Exalted to be your guides to Gateway." With that, the sprite vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Mera lets out a snort. "Well, at least the old man is still alive. He doesn't sound like he's in trouble, so I suppose things are going well enough. The question now is, do we go into the lion's den or not?"
"If we want peace then we will have to go in." Aeos replied, "The question, what image do we want to project? Unfortunately I am not skilled at negotiation and diplomacy. What would you suggest, Mera?"
The Dragon Blood lets out a deep breath. "While I still have my doubts about this glorious plan to reestablish the rule of the Solar Deliberative, I also don't want the blood of so many innocents on my hands if it can be avoided." She leans back in her seat as she thinks. "The old man is right. We have to give it a try, no matter what may happen to us. If it is a trap, then so be it. At least we can go to our grave knowing that we were willing to give all for the safety of others."
Yuumaru Mori

"Can I ask you a serious question, Mera? To all of you actually, Xandra and Iylanna as well. Is Creation truly so much better now than it was with us in power?" he looked to all of the Dragon-blooded, he wanted a serious answer from each one, though he supposed they might not remember the First Age either. He knew things needed to change from the time of the usurpation, otherwise they wouldn't have been killed in the first place, however, Solars were an integral part of the machine. There needed to be a much more workable system where everyone worked together for making Creation better and protecting it from everything that tried to destroy it.

"Anyways, we need to at least try, if we can help Autochthon be restored, maybe he can help us get on the proper track," crossing his arms, he really hoped that this wasn't some sort of trap, but they needed to try for peace. Still, it was a chance that they could possibly get a primordial on their side as well, which was never a bad thing to have considering Autochthon was one of the more reasonable ones. "If anything does go wrong, I'll make sure to the best of my ability that you all can get away," he would make sure no one else in his circle would die if it was within his power to do so.
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"So says you. And may people say the opposite." Quipped Misuro, cutting off a potential argument before it could start. "I for one, don't care either way. We're here now, and the rest of the world has to deal with us. Let's meet with these delegates and get the job done." He sat up in his chair and leaned forward to address the rest of the group. "Ultimately, I doubt it matters how we present our selves too much. They're an alien culture from an alien world with alien viewpoints. I'm a soldier, and a professional one at that. I'm going in my dress blues with a sword at my side an a brestplate under my shirt. Given that they tried to kill us without warning and had plans for invading without negotiating, I'm inclined to think this is a trap, and would suggest that you dress accordingly."
Xandra catches Yuumaru's eye. "I have fought to stop the rise of the Solars for too long before I saw how horrible the Wyld Hunt is and decided to switch sides. There are many atrocities that I have committed that I must atone for, and I will be struggling to cleanse my soul of the darkness that I have brought upon myself. Since that day all those years ago, I have placed my faith in the Unconquered Sun and his Chosen. Don't do anything to disappoint me, ok?" Mera and Ilyanna both laugh at that. With her heart now laid bare, she turns back to the controls that she has come so familiar with and applies power to the engines and lifts the ship.
"Everyone is entitled to their opinion." Aeos replied simply, "But enough with the bickering, I believe that we should prepare for the meeting. Do any of you have any ideas how to... cure Autohcthon?"
Mera lets out a snort. "I would think that you Solars would have a better idea on that that I would, since your fellows have done so well against the Primordials in the past. Let me ask this stupid question: what would happen if Autochthon would be 'killed' like the other Neverborn? Should we even try to work to restore Him, instead, should we work to hasten his destruction?"
Yuumaru Mori

Listening to what Xandra says, he smiles and approaches placing a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you for having faith. I will not disappoint, especially not when there's someone like you to keep me on the proper path." He was a Solar, yes, but he did not for one minute believe that he was beyond mistakes or failure. His mind was set and he would do everything in his power to show Xandra and the other two just what a proper Dawn was capable of, but first he would need to talk to Asyk. There was something that he needed of the Sidereal, it was something that would take too long otherwise, and this was something that was needed as soon as possible.

Turning to Mera, "Well, first of all, killing him would spark a war in Creation that isn't really needed. I doubt these people would be so easily deceived that we had nothing to do with his death, and besides, if we cure him we might obtain a powerful ally." If anything, they could use more of those right now, especially with the forces that they were likely to face in the future. There was no reason to not take the chance at having one of the primordials as an ally.
"I'm with Yuumaru. Killing a primordial is no easy task, even a sickly one. Autochthon has proven he's an ally to Creation and humanity. I see no reason to hasten his demise and agree that we should do everything in our power to rejuvenate him."
After a short flight, the Orca returns to the place where you last saw the old Sidereal. Sitting on the ground is a small airship of a similar design as to the ones you spotted before. Standing next to it are two figures, one you immediately recognize as Asyk. The second is a figure in bulky Orichalcum armor, and they seem to be engaged in a conversation. Asyk pauses to wave at the airship as it slowly circles the area, and as everyone looks about, you do not spot any other people or vehicles.

Xandra lands about fifty feet away from the smaller ship and slips out of the pilots seat and snags her jade sword and straps it on her back before heading for the exit hatch. "They may be willing to talk, but why take chances?"
Yuumaru Mori

"Agreed, we don't know these people or if they have hidden intentions," he strapped his own sword to his back, with armor and cloak around his body, the cloak offering something of a formal look to his attire. He heads towards the exit hatch to go meet with Asyk and the other, wondering just what they were getting themselves into with these people.
Asyk steps forward with a tired smile on his face as the various Exalts approach him and the other man in golden armor. "Ah, my friends. It is good to see you again. Please, allow me to introduce to you the Orichalcum Caste Exalt named Thrice Blessed Saber. He has agreed to come here and meet with you and escort you to the growing city that his people have established here. There is a mortal pilot on the small ship that delivered us here, so Saber is willing to put his trust in us and travel in the Orca as your guide." The old man then introduces you all one by one to the Alchemical, and the Exalt salutes you by placing his fist on his chest and giving a slight bow. "I am honored to be the one chosen to reach out to the Exalted of Creation in an attempt to peacefully resolve our troubles. I have many questions for you, as I am sure that you have many questions for me. Come and let us converse and bridge the distance between our peoples."
Misuro greeted the Alchemical, mirroring his gesture. "Greetings. I am called Misuro. On behalf of my party here, let me welcome you to Creation proper."
Yuumaru Mori

Returning the salute to the Alchemical Exalted, doing his best to remain polite to keep peace as the primary goal for this meeting. "It is good to meet you as well, Saber, thank you for allowing us to try for peaceful negotiations before things got too out of hand," he offered, smiling to show that he was sincere about that part. Things could have quickly escalated to a point of no return if the peace talks hadn't been proposed to ensure the safety of both groups.
Asyk motions for everyone to walk with him over to the Orca. "Shall we begin with some of the many questions, or shall we hold off on those until we meet with the members of your Tripartite Assembly? Or some of both, asking questions of each other as we travel?" Saber nods. "Please, speak slower. Your accent is difficult for me to follow. Some five thousand years of time has passed with our use of what you call Old Realm, so some changes has come to pass. I see that there are many different kinds of Exalts here, except for the Moonsilver caste, no, wait, that would be the Lunars. Are there any of that kind of Exalt on your ship?" Asyk shakes his head. "No, not yet. As of now, this Circle only has Solars, Dragon Blooded and myself representing the Five Maidens of the Sidereal Exalts. Does that make any difference?" The foreign Exalt waves his hand. "Of course not. I was just wondering if I would have the chance to meet one of Luna's Chosen today also. Hmm. What next?" He slowly walks towards the larger airship. "At the time of our departure from Creation, there was a great Solar Deliberative. Does that still stand?"
Aeos frowned, "No, the Solar Deliberative has been gone for thousands of years. Things completely changed since Autocthon's departure." he then does his best to briefly and concisely explain to Saber about the Madness of the First Age, the Usurpation, the Contagion, everything he could remember.
Misuro nods as Aeos finishes his story. "Long story short, things are bad, but the Solars are back and we're going to make things better again. It's what we do."
Even with an abbreviated version of the story, it takes some time for the history lesson to be complete. Saber listens quietly, not interrupting to ask questions until you are finished. He looks troubled, but does his best to brush his concerns away. "I see. Troubling, to say the least. I had hoped for better news, but one cannot place all their faith on empty hope and expect the shift work to be complete."
Alexander has been lurking in the shadow's, watching, much of this time. He's a bit annoyed that he hasn't yet had the chance to properly introduce himself to his new fellows. But, they are other Solar's- there's that much. He can wait....
"It'll take time, but nothing worth doing is easy." Agreed Misuro. "This brings us to the matter at hand, however. What and how are we going to integrate you within Creation without causing a major shitstorm, or worse, a war."
"It would be best if we did it slowly. People tend to scorn the things that are unknown, so a gradual integration would minimize chances of hatred and fear. Those are the things that breed war. The fear of the unknown is especially dangerous." Aeos said, "Out of curiosity, is it possible for you to explain your exaltation to us? I am mildly curious about how it differs from our own."

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