[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] The Lion's Den

The foreign Exalt lets out a slight frown. "You must understand, there are some details that I will have to defer to my superiors if they want to tell you. I can say this; Autochthon is . . . sick. Something is wrong with Him, and we hope to find answers here in Creation on how to restore Him back to full health." He looks over at Aeos, "I can tell you some about the Champions of the Maker. Unlike the Exalted of Creation that are selected by their deeds for their Gift, our Champions are created by special engineers, and once the proper soul is chosen for the new Champion, the body is energized with the Divine power of the Maker. The biggest drawback to this is the extreme cost of materials used in the construction of the Chosen, and, of course, the secrets of Exaltation are closely held by the engineers. In all, there are several thousand Exalts of all five castes in Autochthon, some of which have evolved into the highest form of one of the great cities of the Eight Nations. You will be honored to see one of these Champions, the Paratopolis that is now known as Gateway to Creation. Gateway is our bridge between our two worlds, and is home to many thousands of our people and several other Champions. The sooner we leave here, the sooner you will be able to see for yourselves."
"This is... a lot to absorb all at once. How long will it take to travel to this... Gateway to Creation? I would need some time to think on this."
"We are approximately fifty miles from Gateway. Depending on how fast this ship can fly will determine how long it takes to get there."
"A human soul in an artifical body... Most intriguing." Aeos mused to himself, "Can you describe what you do know about the illness that plagues the Maker?"
At that, Saber seems to be at a loss. "I don't know just how to answer that. It seems to be some sort of cancer, a disease that is spreading through the Maker's body, infecting other systems and spirits inside His body. Even the Chosen of Autochthon can be affected by what we call Gremlin Syndrome, causing them to turn to the worst of the Voidbringer cults. We had hoped that the Deliberative would be able and willing to lend their knowledge to this, and hopefully save the life of our great home and keep Autochthon from falling into the Underworld with his defeated brethren."
Mera's eyes widen as she contemplates the thought of a new Neverborn suddenly showing up in the Underworld. "By the Dragons! That would be a disaster! The Deathlords are enough of a threat without giving them access to the advanced technology that we have seen used by your people." She looks at the others of the Circle. "We cannot let this Primordial die. Somehow, we must stop it from happening."
"Would it be possible to... redirect the corrupt essence into a container and cast it out into Elsewhere? If the sickness is Essence-Based then I might have a few proposals..."
The Alchemichal shrugs. "I do not know if that solution is possible. Perhaps it would be best for you to see what it is we are dealing with. Shall we travel to Gateway, and from there, we can enter into the Maker and you can see the nature of His illness."
Alexander nods. "This plan, it seems good. See illness first, then think of treatments. Seek Peace, instead of war. I agree."
Everyone piles into the Orca and Xandra takes her usual spot at the helm. The foreign Exalt wanders up behind her and looks over the controls and nods to himself. "The operation of this airship seems to be fairly consistent with the designs that I know from home. It would seem that, at least this is the same from both our worlds." It is a short flight over the fifty miles to the new city of Gateway.


It is a beautiful city, seemingly made of starmetal - so much starmetal. There is a plume of black smoke coming up from the city, the result of some heavy factory hard at work. As the Orca slows, Saber directs you to a landing pad. Flying over the city, you do note that there are several layers of defenses built into the city, including several Essence weapons mounted on the walls, some of which are tracking your approach. At the center of the city is a massive citadel with a huge human face on it, with eyes that blink slowly as you watch. As you land, Saber opens the hatch and steps out and says, "Welcome to Gateway to Creation. Let this be the beginning to a long and fruitful friendship."
Aeos steps out in wonder at the surroundings while Myrh too rematerializes and join him, "It's beautiful." Aeos remarks in awe.
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"Fantastic. I hadn't thought that your exalts could grow this large or elaborate." He said, looking around.
Saber nods. "The transformation into a Metropolis is one of the many gifts that the Maker has given us as his Champions to help protect and guide his people as he slumbers. The Exalt that has become Gateway is interested in meeting the Exalts of Creation, and she should be sending a avatar body to communicate with you, along with the members of the Tripartite Assembly and some of the other Champions that are currently in the city. Come. Let me introduce you." Once the Orca lands, you are met by a welcoming committee of a large ground crew and guards, and soon after, you are met by two members of the Tripartite Assembly of the rapidly growing city and two more Exalts. With Asyk and Saber acting as intermediaries, the Solars and Dragon Blooded on the Orca are introduced to the others. The two Exalts are a Starmetal Caste called Most Assureant of Three Assemblies and there is a Jade Caste called Exquisite Jade Artisan. The two members of the ruling council are Autocrat Garret and Celebrant Mera, both, surprisingly, are mortals, not Exalts of any kind.
"Well met." He said to the two Exalts and mortals.""I am Misuro Atodi, I hope these coming few days will see a prosperous relationship take hold between your people and mine."
"I am known as Aeos, the Heritor. This is my companion, Myrh. We thank you for inviting us to your city." the Twilight stated as he bowed politely. Myrh followed suit, a gracious smile upon her lips.
The woman that is called Mera offers you a polite bow. "Well met, Champions. Or do you use that term for your Exalted? There are many things that we don't know about you that I hope to learn. Please forgive us of any inappropriate social behavior. It is most likely that we will both make many mistakes as we try to learn the details of what each culture expects. Shall we give you a quick tour of Gateway?" The two mortals take up positions on either side of your Circle, with the three Champions trailing behind. It is clear from their body language that the two mortals are in charge, not the Exalts. As you walk into the city, Asyk brings up that strange fact. Autocrat Garret answers, "In Autochthon, mortals hold the keys to Exaltation and all positions of power in the Eight Nations. Not that the Champions do not have an important role to play; far from it, in fact. Our friends act as advisers and leaders for the people, leading through example. Even our great Paratopolis of Gateway is approachable by even the lowest member of the Populat, but her voice does not rule the city, but her input is a valuable asset for the Tripartite Assembly."
Aeos blinks, "That is a very interesting way of ruling. To include public opinions into all people present in order to make the best decision... It's very different from what we have. But it's a solid idea, in my opinion."
"It is a system that has worked for us for nearly five thousand years. Perhaps we have some things that we can teach you, in addition to learning from you ourselves."

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