[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

"Sun's balls." Swore Misuro, watching one of the ships retreat. "I'll handle the runner, you and the others take care the other ship, join me as soon as you can!" he shouted to Yuumaru, before turning to their two captives. "Don't go anywhere, we'll be back with questions for you." He said, before teleporting to the ship that was leaving to get reinforcements.
Misuro vanishes from the spot he was standing, and reappears on top of the small airship as it races back towards its base. The wind buffets you as you struggle to keep your footing on top of the speeding ship. Looking down at the canopy, you can see that it is heavily tinted windows, but there is what appears to be four people inside, making for a snug fit.

Make a Dex + Athletics roll to keep your footing as you cut into either the hull or the wing.
Landing on the ship, Misuro made a quick scan of the structure of the hull. Bracing himself against the winds, he slowly moved towards the nearest engine with a purpose. Once he arrived, he stood up straight, careful to lean in to the gale to avoid losing his balance. Drawing his daiklave, he raised it above his head and let it hang there for a split second.

Before plunging the unbreakable blade in to the turbine of the engine.

Wavecleaver Daiklave: Speed 4, Accuracy 16, Damage 9/2L, Defense 9, Rate 3

+4 accuracy from the 1st excellency (4m)

Double damage from One Weapon, Two Blows (3m)

Total Motes spent: 7

Total dice rolled: 20 for 12 successes

Personal Motes: 16/16

Peripheral Motes: 26/33
A loud sound of tearing metal drowns out the screams of terror from the four men inside the skiff, and the force of the spinning blades nearly pulls the sword from Misuro's hand. The engine races with a roar, then dies down as the vehicle begins to waver in the sky as flames begin to shoot out the back. There is a second engine, but the skiff is wavering about the sky too much for you to keep your footing to get to it. But, you don't suspect that the small airship will get far; it is burning badly and the flames are spreading. It sounds like the pilot of the ship is trying to land, but with as erratic as the flight path is, it is quite likely that the ship will crash and burn.

Back at the Orca, Mera is standing in the doorway of the boarding ramp, screaming for you to hurry the hell up and get inside. The other rescued prisoners strong-arm the two prisoners and frog march them to the manta at sword point, and the other small ship is circling overhead.
Yuumaru also manages to plunge his weapon into the delicate working parts of the turbine, causing a loud tearing sound as blades are ripped from their housing. The ship immediately begins to head for the ground.

Onboard the Orca, Alexander is met by three women and one old man. The ladies are all armed with Jade armor and weapons, making them to be Dragon Blooded. The old man is not armed at all that you can see, but something about him tells you that he is more than a mere mortal. The Dragon Blooded help to get the rescued people on the ship and safely into seats, and the Water Aspect Dragon Blood pulls the two prisoners aside and locks them into a room. They look over at Alex with curiosity, but with the threat in the sky, there is little time to chat.
*He turns, and shephards in his fellow former prisoners, aiding in getting them inside, then looks to the Dragonblooded* ...Hello?
The Water Aspect flashes you a grin. "Welcome aboard. If you cause us any trouble, we'll sic our old man on you, and you don't want to see what he'd do to you. Have a seat. Oh, I'm Tepet Mera, that is Cynis Iylanna, and our pilot is Cathak Xandra. The old man is Asyk Vaysel, and he's a testy old goat." The old man raises an eyebrow at that, but says nothing.
*He bows his head* Alexander, Son of Anders, known as Leonus, among my homeland's people. *He raises his head, smiling in an almost Fatherlike fashion* And I assure you- I wish no qualm or quarel with oyu.
After the enemy flier began it's descent towards the ground, Misuro leapt off of it and entered freefall. There he remained for a few seconds as he reoriented himself. Once he managed to get the Orca in to view, he vanished in a flash of light, only to reappear on the deck of the Orca. Yuumaru would make his own way over under his own power, so there wasn't any need to worry about the Dawn.

"Meet the new guy." He said by way of introduction. "So, what's next on the agenda?" He asked, having become somewhat disoriented from the frequent teleportations and falling through the sky.
Yuumaru Mori

With the airship taken down, it was one less threat for them to deal with, and he made his way back to the Orca. Sword back on his back, he boarded the ship with the others, they would need to find out what was going on here. Which meant that they needed information from the two prisoners, the issue was how to go about it as well.
With everyone back on the Orca, Xandra once more puts power to the engines and lifts off the ground. Just in time to spot a third flying vehicle heading your direction. This time, however, instead of a lightly armed skiff, it is a shining warstrider that looks to be made of pure starmetal. It is racing forward much faster than the top speed of the Orca. Xandra calls out, "We need to rabbit out of here before that 'strider takes us out. I'm charging the teleporter to make a run. Everyone, hold on!"
Misuro clings to the railing of the deck for dear life, deciding he's had quite enough teleportation for one day. "Oh man, just get it over with!" He shouts unsteadily.
Grabbing onto whatever he could to steady himself, Yuumaru waits for the teleportation to happen, keeping his eyes locked on their enemy. They were likely going to have to come back and face this thing at some point, given the fact it was threatening mortals.
As the warstrider flies up, it raises up a Essence weapon of some kind and aims it at the Orca. Just as a dazzling beam of energy lances out, there is a sudden lurch as the teleportation device kicks in and hurls the airship a hundred miles back the way you came.

Xandra looks over her shoulder and asks, "Is everyone in one piece? It looks like we got out of there just in time. As tough as the Orca is, I doubt that it can hold its own against a war machine like that. Now what do we do? There is obviously people out there with Awakened Essence; possibly Exalted of some kind." Asyk nods in agreement. "First, we should question the two prisoners and get as much information from them as possible. Then we can make our plans. Where are these two?" Mera nods towards the aft section of the ship. "They are locked up back there." "Then produce them and we shall find out what they know."

Under escort, the two captured men are brought to the forward observation lounge. They are both scared, and one asks in Old Realm, "What are you going to do to us?"
"Ask you questions." Stated Misuro. "Depending on what we hear and how truthful you are, things could turn out very well for you. On the other hand, lying to us will only bring you trouble. Are we clear?"
The two men trade a glance. One finally says, "Yes. We are clear. What do you wish to know?"
"Let's start with the basics, then." Said Misuro, holding up a hand and ticking off his fingers as he asked his questions. "Who are you? Where did you come from? Where were you going? Why do you have access to so much magitech? Who are the metal men who seem to be working with you?"
One of the men let out a sigh. "I am Calvin, and this is my friend, Dennis. We are members of the militant from Estasia, from inside Autochthonia. The metal men you are talking about are our Champions, Exalted made by the Tripartite Assembly to lead our army in glorious battle against the people of Creation. We are - were heading to our newest Paratopolis, Gateway. Our armies have been preparing for this mission for years, and our victory is going to be glorious."
Yuumaru Mori

Listening to their explanation, the Dawn snorted somewhat at the mention of their victory, as if it was a certainty regardless of who heard their plans. Apparently these metal Exalted didn't realize what kind of opposition they would be facing, granted as they were right now the small group wouldn't be able to do much. However, there was a much larger force ready to fight anyone that challenged their 'right' to rule Creation.

"So, tell us more about your army and why you are going into battle against the people of Creation," he requested, wanting to know their motives behind this...movement. He wouldn't call it anything more than that until he knew more, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to know their enemies.
"Manufactured Exalts? Impossible." Misuro muttered under his breath. Tell me about these... champions of yours. How many are there? What can they do?"

Edited by the ST for the correct Exalt name.
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The man looks at Yuumaru accusingly, almost as if it is your fault that this invasion is taking place. "You have so many resources that they are going to waste. Those of us from inside the Great Maker have dealt with an endless list of shortages for so long, your goods are what we need to bring Autochthon back from the brink. We have the best army of the Eight Nations, and with it and our force of Champions, we will crush you! The sight of just one of our hero's was enough to make the lot of you run in fear, and we have hundreds in Estasia alone!"

Asyk murmurs to Misuro, "We know that it is possible to contain the Shard of an Exalt; you should not dismiss their claims so quickly. Besides the Incarne themselves, who knows what is possible? We may be faced with a Exalted host as numerous as the Dragon Blooded, and we know very little about what they can do. Besides, they make a fantastic claim that at one level rings true. The Sidereals have known that this threat is from outside the Loom of Fate, and Autochthon vanished nearly five thousand years ago with a sizable population of mortals. Since He created the Exalted to begin with, their claims of hundreds of foreign Exalts may be true, too." Xandra looks interested. "Why not openly approach these Exalts and see what they have to say? We may be able to open up a line of negotiation with these people, and save the lives of thousands, perhaps millions."

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