[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] Aftermath

Yuumaru Mori

"Well, that helped a bit, try to hit another one of those wheels," he figured another shot couldn't hurt to try stopping it. As long as the wheels were the only thing hit it should be alright, but he supposed that there was always another option as well. A similar tactic to the one that they had used before and it proved to be a rather effective one, for the most part at least.

"Take me down once they hit another tire, either inside or on top," he figured as long as they were actually touching the vehicle it would be alright. If the fire lance didn't stop it then they would have to take control of it themselves to see what was inside. Yuumaru was more than up for the challenge, especially if it helped them figure out what was going on.
The Orca fires off another salvo from its forward mounted weapons, causing the wagon to rock under the force of the blast. Under the skillful control of Xandra, the ship slows and drops down to a slow flight just over the forward section of the vehicle to allow any of the Exalts on board to leap down.

Who all is making the raid on the wagon?
Misuro drew his blade and stepped on to the railing of the skyship's deck. After a few seconds of judging the distance, he jumped overboard and on to the train.
Yuumaru Mori

"Thanks, Xandra," he flashed a quick grin to the woman that had been with them since they first joined up. It was good to have her around, given that she seemed to get what he was thinking and adjusted the airships course. Following after Misuro to the deck, he didn't even stop to check the height, as he pulled his blade from its sheath and fell to the train below.
Both of you, please make a Dex + Athletics roll to make the jump and land on your feet.
The two Solars both land and keep their footing on the sloping surface of the vehicle. As you start to look around for a easy way in, you hear a faint voice calling out, "Oy! Prisoners in here! Help!" You also spot a hatch in the roof of the wagon.

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