[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] Aftermath

Asyk looks at Aeos. "I know several spells of different kinds. Some utilitarian, some martial in nature. What are you looking for?" OOC: Seriously, Asyk has a wide selection of spells of both Terrestrial and Celestial levels. Any spell you are interested in?

Xandra happily takes the bracers from you with thanks. Then, she directs the Orca onwards towards the point on the map that the hearthstone compass indicates. At its current speed, it will not take long for you to get to the point indicated, but you'll have about an hour of transit time to relax or make some plans.
Aeos, the Heritor

"If it is possible I would like two Spells. Whirlwind of Fate and Magma Kraken of the Sapphire Circle. I am not strong enough to be able to wield the Sapphire Circle yet, but I will in time." Aeos nods. "I already have Emerald Circle Countermagic in the third slot of the Cord."
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Asyk nods. "I can cast both those spells for you. Any time that you are ready."
Aeos, the Heritor

"Now would be good so we can both recover." Aeos said as he readied the Sorcery Capturing Cord. "I'm ready when you are."
Heading down into the hold, the two of you manage to load the spells onto the Cord without causing the destruction of the airship.

Approaching the area where your triangulation has indicated the origin of the power cores, you can spot a large dark cloud on the horizon that looks like smoke. Do you continue to fly in, or do you wish to land and approach on foot?
Seeing the cloud of smoke, Musuro eyed it warily before turning to the crew. "Anyone have any remote scrying capabilities? I'd rather not walk in to that situation blind."
"Then let's leave the ship here for now and approach on foot. If we get in to a bind, I want you to send a messenger to the ship for air support."
June keeps himself busy, pointing his newfound toys at the air on the lowest levels of the airship, until the hull´s vibrations suggest the ship is reaching destination. Looking at the cloud, he wonders if this is one of those places cursed by ancient sorcery.

"So, think we should keep someone at guard, in case they have more airships down there?"
Yuumaru Mori

"If someone else wants to guard that's fine, I plan to go myself," he planned on making sure that bastard from before answered for what he did. If this was the source of the beings that was worrying Asyk that was all the better, if not it wouldn't change much for him.
"The former plan worked before, I see no reason not to do it again." Misuro said, referencing how the Dragon-Blooded had stayed behind while the rest of the crew went forward.
Xandra gives a sad expression, but finally nods. "Fine. I'll babysit the ship, and with any luck, you'll get into trouble and I'll have to come to your rescue! Imagine that, a mere Dragon Blooded saving the lives of a group of Solars." She smiles at the thought. As she talks, those on the lookout can spot a small plume of dust on the ground up ahead, coming from something moving along in the dirt. It is going towards the cloud of black smoke, but with the speed of the Orca, you will catch up to it long before it gets there. Closing in, you can spot some details. It is some kind of wagon, but instead of any kind of horses or yeddim pulling it along, it is rolling along on its own on six big balloon tires. It is a long, segmented metal body, faintly reminiscent of a centipede about fifty feet long and maybe ten feet wide, and its rolling at about twenty miles an hour.


You wake up on a hard metal surface, feeling like you have just had one hell of a night drinking, but you know that you haven't touched a drop. It takes you a moment to remember what happened: you were ambushed by a group of men in strange armor wielding Essence weapons. They took you by surprise and were able to quickly knock you out. As you pull yourself to your feet and look around, you find yourself in a metal tube with about a dozen other people that look like native Southerners by their dress and skin tone. Four men, five women, and a child of age ten or so, all huddling together, many of them in tears. At one end of the tube, you see a heavy metal door with a small hole cut into it, and from the other side of the door, you can hear the sound of voices talking in what sounds like Old Realm. Checking your pockets, you find that both your daiklaves and sky cutters are missing, along with your armor, but you still have your lockpicks tucked away in their hidden pocket. A faint hum can be heard and felt from below your feet, and by the feel of it, you are in motion across a uneven ground.

Your health levels are all full, and you have a full supply of Essence. What do you do?
*Alexander frowns, looking around the tube.. looking to the door- then to the others inside.* "It's alright, Little one... My friends- we may be imprisoned, for now... but I swear- I will not let that last. I will free us- then, I will teach you, how to free yourselves." *He smiles, like a calm, relaxing, cheerful old man. Then, he looks to the door, and walks to it- going to look for, and then pick, the lock on the door*


With the words of confidence, the other prisoners seem to firm up their resolve to make it through this, even the young boy stiffens his upper lip and wipes away his tears.

Examining the lock, you are almost insulted that someone would use such a piece of garbage to try and keep you secured. It is an honest man's lock, not one that is made to keep out the worst of society. It takes you mere moments to have the lock undone, and if you take a moment to peek out the small window in the door, you see on the other side of the door there are two men in strange armor sitting at a table, playing some sort of card game.

Give me a Perception + Awareness roll, please.
*He scans outside the cage, through the hole- not willing to let himself be known as having unlocked the door yet, he looks*

Taking a closer look, you can spot that there is a bin at one end of the room that has the hilt of one of your daiklaves sticking out of it. Probably has the rest of your gear in it, too. The two men are both armed with cudgels, and there is a pair of crystaline lances propped up against the wall that look like the Essence weapons that was used to knock you out in the ambush. They are both wearing some kind of buff jacket and they have goggles up on their foreheads, since it is dark enough in the next room that they don't need them right now. The two men are at ease, and obviously do not expect any trouble.
"Is that wagon heading towards our lead? Or is the wagon where we're being lead?" He asked.
On the Orca;

Mera looks at her hearthstone compass and double checks the map. "No, it looks like it is going in the same direction we are, towards the source of the power." She looks out the window at the strange wagon. "I've never seen anything like that before. At a guess, it is from the same people that were in the crashed airship. If we move with caution, we may be able to capture some alive and interrogate them."

On the prisoner wagon;

As you slowly open the door, it lets out a loud 'creak' as the hinges move, causing both men to look up in surprise. You have a brief moment to act. If you make a dive for the crate with your daiklaves, you can make it in a single move.
Your leap across the room spurs the two men into action, and they both reach for their cudgels on their belts.

Give me a Dex + Athletics roll for the leap, and a Join Battle roll, please
Misuro looked at the others. "Shall we conduct a raid, then? If we can get some answers, I'm all for it."
Yuumaru Mori

Looking at the thing they were approaching, he wondered what would be the best way for them to handle the situation. Tapping his fingers against the Orca, there weren't a whole lot of ways that he could think of to deal with the situation at hand.

"Well, if we want them captured, how about we stop that vehicle and go question the drivers? Whoever can use the turrets the best, shoot the tires to stop it," he figured that would be the best way to stop them without doing too much damage. Plus, maybe this would lead to more clues by leaving the vehicle intact...collecting a ground transport wouldn't hurt either.
Xandra flashes a grin. "You got it. One strafing run, coming up!" She nods over at Mera as the other Dragon Blooded takes the controls for one of the Fire Lances, and angles the Orca in to a dive. Essence pours out of the weapon, flashing down to strike the front left wheel of the wagon. It is damaged, but it is still rolling along, albeit at a slightly slower pace.

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