[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

Moving forward, there is a passenger compartment, complete with several bunks to allow the crew to lie down and get some rest. At a guess, it looks like the compartment is set up to support eight people. With the number of bodies left in the rear of the road-train, there is probably two more people in the front.

The door is not locked, but whoever tries to open it can feel that there is a heavy weight blocking the hatch shut. From the size of the door, the max amount of people working together to open it is two. I'll need Strength + Athletics rolls to open the door.
The door starts to give, and you can tell that there is a person leaning on the other side of the hatch to hold it shut. You are making progress, though. From the other side you can hear two frantic voices in Old Realm, shouting to hold the door a little longer, help is on the way.
Working together, the two of you overpower the man on the other side of the door and force it wide open, revealing a control room with two people inside, both dressed in the same style of clothing as the other guards. The one that was holding the door shut backs away with his hands up and eyes wide in fear, while the second is seated at a steering wheel. Neither one appears to be armed or armored. The one standing manages to stutter out in Old Realm, "D-d-d-don't kill me! I surrender!"

What do you do?
The man nods, hands still up in the air. The driver doesn't do that; he keeps his hands on the wheel as the road-train rolls along on the two damaged wheels.
OOC What languages does Alexander speak? I checked on your sheet but it just shows Linguistics of 1.
You start with one language as your native, then you can add on another one with every dot you choose. So, go ahead and select a second language and mark it on your sheet.
The driver is visibly shaken by the tone of command in your voice, but he keeps driving, looking over his shoulder in obvious fear. He babbles something in Old Realm, but even those that understand it have a hard time making out what he is saying.
Yuumaru Mori

"Maybe you didn't hear. Stop this thing now," pointing his Grand Daiklave at the controls to enforce the point that it should be their orders that should be followed at this point. As it could be stopped and kept functioning, or despite that he would have wanted it in one piece himself, Yuumaru would make sure it stopped by force.
"I'd listen to him. He hasn't had a chance to stab anything in weeks. He gets antsy when he hasn't had a good killing." Said Misuro, glancing at Yuumaru. Hopefully the Dawn would pick up on the Good cop/Bad Cop routine.
Language barrier or not, the driver has no excuse when looking at the massive daiklave leveled at the dashboard of the vehicle. With a sudden lurch, he hits the brakes and raises his hands away from the steering wheel. Outside the front window, you can see the Orca spin about and settle down in the path of the wagon, its Fire Lances aimed at the vehicle.

Give me Per + Awareness rolls, please
Misuro's keen eyes spot some movement in the air, out past the Orca, in the direction of the black smoke. Two small airships flying your way fast, of a design that you have never seen before.
"Looks like we're about to have company." Misuro said in annoyance. "You." He continued, point his blade at one of their new captives. "Tell your friends to back off, and that this was just a misunderstanding. I'm not in the mood for a fight right now."
Yuumaru Mori

"Misuro, you and our new friend here get to the airship, bring this thing with you," he tapped the vehicle's inside with the tip of his sword as he looked outside. He couldn't see what Misuro had seen yet, but if there was a fight then he could at least buy time for the others to get everything prepared.

"I'm gonna go play with these new arrivals," he headed out to the top of the wagon and focusing his Essence into the clasp around his neck. With a burst of Essence two large eagle-like wings form from his cape, allowing him to fly into the air and right towards the now visible airships. Readying his Grand Daiklave to strike at the craft that are approaching his circle. As a side effect of the Essence being spent, his anima flared up around him, making him appear as though he were a miniature sun.

Peripheral Essence


Personal Essence

*Alexander frowns- and accompanies his newfound Solar Companion to the Top of the wagon- but instead of flying off, he draws his sky Cutters- twirling out the blade-boomerang things, grinning*
The two captured men are man-handled by the other freed prisoners to a side hatch at sword point while one says, "The distress call is automated! I can't tell them just to go away after hitting the alarm button!"

Up on the top of the vehicle, you get a better look at the two airships. They are similar to the first ship you saw, but they are much smaller. Probably a crew of only two to four. They buzz quickly over the area, obviously scouting things out, and one of the two ships wheels about and makes a speed run back the way it came. Probably to get some reinforcements.

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